***, ***** ******, ***#19-504-***-****
My LinkedIn Profile
Denton, TX, 76201
To achieve a higher career growth through continuous learning process and keep myself
enthusiastic, visionary and competitive with the changing world.
University of North Texas Expected graduation: May2015
Masters of Science in Mechanical and Energy Engineering C.GPA-3.85/4.0
Acharya Nagarjuna University May 2013
Bachelors of Engineering in Mechanical engineering C.GPA 3.5/4.0
• A. Challapalli and J. Ju, 2014, Continuum Model for Effective Properties of Orthotropic
Octet-Truss Lattice Materials, In Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2014-38925, Montreal, Canada.
• A. Challapalli and J. Ju, Continuum Model for Effective Properties of Orthotropic Octet-
Truss Lattice Materials – Model, Simulation, and Experiment, International Journal of
Solids and Structures (plan to submit by March 2015)
• Jiwon Mun, A. Challapalli, J. Ju, and J. Thurman, Indirect Additive Manufacturing of a
Copper Alloy Lattice Structures Using Centrifugal Casting, Transactions of ASME: Journal
of Manufacturing Science and Engineering (plan to submit by March 2015)
Simulation software
• Abacus, ANSYS, MATLAB.
Design software
• Pro-E, AutoCAD, CATIA.
• MS office, Minitab, Microsoft VISIO, Adobe photo shop, Adobe Dream weaver.
Course work
• Advanced Solid Mechanics, Continuum Mechanics, Physics and Chemistry of Polymers,
Basic Electrical Engineering, Electrical Technology, Engineering Management.
Master of Science- Thesis Aug 2014-May 2015 (Expected)
• Mathematical formulation of isotropic and orthotropic (3-D Printed) effective properties of
2-Dimentional and 3-Dimentional lattice structures such as square, strengthened square,
diagonal, octet and strengthened octet-truss structure.
Adithya Challapalli
• Failure analysis of the lattice structures- tensile and compression testing of the 3-D printed
samples using MTS Testing Machine and validation using simulations with ABAQUS or
Master’s Research Project’s 8 Months (Oct 2014 -May 2015)
Laser jet 3-D Printer
• Manufacturing a 3-D Printer using a laser and spray coating to print metal structures out of
wet metals.
3-D Printing of Tire
• Manufacturing of tires using molds printed in 3-D printer and working on 3-D printing of
tires using robot arm and a 3-D printer.
Under Gradation-Senior Project 6 Months (Jan-June 2013)
• Analysis of the mechanical properties of ductile and brittle materials, starting with
manufacturing, testing and drawing the stress strain curves using Excel.
In plant training Eluduction Systems 3 Months (April-June 2012)
• Managing strengthening and heat treatment of parts like sockets, gears which are
strengthened and heat treated using an eluduction system.
• Handling coolant composition and temperature adjustment duties for the eluduction
• Machine maintenance and work floor safety duties.
Teaching Assistant University of North Texas 5 Months (June-May 2014)
• Preparing slides for Finite Element Analysis course and ANSYS Software, and presenting the
software in the class room. Assisting students with the software.
• Assisting students with their homework and grading the course work.
Grader University of North Texas 5 Months (Aug-Dec 2013)
• Assisting undergraduates with course work and grading the homework’s for Mechanical Vibrations.
• A. Challapalli, Design of a lightweight structure to resist column buckling, SAMPE
Student Additive Manufacturing Contest, 2nd Place, June 2014, Seattle, Washington online
• Recipient of Mechanical and Energy Engineering TIDA Gold Scholarship.
• Recipient of Toulouse Graduate Student Travel Grant.
• Recipient of Texas Public Education Grant (TPEG).
• Attended the ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and
Exposition. (Nov 14-20, 2014. Montreal, Canada)
• Did a poster presentation on GEAR CUTTING USING DRILLING MACHINE in a
national wide conference held during under graduation-third year.
Adithya Challapalli
• Active student member in American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME)
• Society of Additive Manufacturing and Process Engineering (SAMPE)
• Society of Petroleum Engineering (SPE).
• Member of Indian Society of Mechanical Engineering (ISME).
Adithya Challapalli