**** ***** **** ******, ******, Florida 32765
Home: 407-***-**** • Cell: 386-***-****
Bold and aggressive construction executive; exceptionally qualified through exposure and experience in meeting operational
challenges of resources and timelines, all the while maintaining a clear final objective of producing high quality projects and
exceeding client expectations. Thirst for knowledge transcending the standard continuous education, acquiring the insight to
recognize the production increase potential associated with personnel development, their enlightenment, and ownership of the
vision, mission, and core values of the organization. Detailed understanding of the quality and value of materials and technology,
their applications and implementation. Recognition of the added value provided by networking with government agencies,
designers, manufactures, contractors, and subcontractors in a transparent partnership. Asserting complete grasping of individual
accountability by all parties involved.
Leadership/communication skills
Total quality management
Business operations organization
Market Analysis
Strategic Planning
Time and Resource Optimization Global Solutions
This past year at Screaming Color Corporation, client satisfaction reached ninety eight percent; the complete line of products
was delivered almost flawlessly. This was achieved by the redesigning of the products manufacturing flow charts,
restructuring of the production line and establishing employee accountability implementing SIX SIGMA principles.
Additionally, the implementation of briefing and debriefing meetings as a procedure to clearly establish the task, its
components, flow of the work, the breakdown of responsibilities, the time line and challenges for production and upon
completion and delivery of the products, ascertain the outcome and the lessons learned to be implemented in the next project.
In 2006 Mora Engineering Contractors, Inc. was presented with six "Excellence in Construction" awards by the
Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) of South Florida for its participation as the Site Contractor in six relevant
projects: The Consolidated Rental Car Facility at the Fort Lauderdale Airport, University Center at Nova Southeastern
University, and Palm Beach Public Schools. We planed, we focused and succeeded; creating a pattern for years to come with
more awards.
Please see the attached list of noteworthy completed projects at Mora Engineering Contractors, Inc.
Miami, Florida
04/2013 to 12/2014
Operations Manger
Hired to updated and expand plant installations, optimizing product manufacturing; implement equipment maintenance
programs; enhanced resource utilization to increase productivity and profitability; established quality control and create pride
and teamwork within the staff. (Temporary job)
Coral Springs, Florida
09/1990 to 03/2013
Created and successfully managed this civil construction company for over twenty years. Setting goals and implementing the
vision, mission, and core values of the company. Hiring highly motivated and skilled management staff, and providing
training and resources to empower our leaders to productively and profitably lead our field personnel.
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1005 Willa Lake Circle, Oviedo, Florida 32765
Home: 407-***-**** • Cell: 386-***-****
Coral Springs, Florida
09/1990 to 03/2013
President continue…
Negotiated contracts, dealt directly or through our project managers with government agencies and public in general. Prepared
Design Built and Value Engineering Proposals, promoted the company to the construction industry in Florida.
Deerfield, Florida
11/1987 to 09/1990
LaCentra Trucking was a site work, site development contractor self performing clearing, demolition, earthwork, underground
utilities and grading, subcontracting concrete work, asphalt pavement and signage work; for small and medium size commercial,
industrial and school sites in the tri-county area of Palm beach, Broward and Dade.
Responsible for estimating and project management. Directing superintendents, and selecting and coordinating subcontractors.
Hallandale, Florida
07/1984 to 11/1987
Project Manager
Responsible for three projects that ran almost simultaneously: Section One of the Sawgrass Expressway starting from I-595 (State
Road 84) to a mile north of Oakland Park Blvd. Approximately a half mile of Oakland Park Blvd. and Sunrise Blvd. at the
intersections with the Sawgrass Expressway. Two bridges one on each of the above intersections, and a tunnel at the toll plaza.
About a year prior FVL Construction, LLC. had been awarded the mining of several million cubic yards of excavation for the
creation of the Markham Park lakes, witch is adjacent to the Section One of the Sawgrass Expressway. This circumstance and the
high quality of the Limerock being excavated allowed us to prepare our own aggregates for pipe bedding, the base material for the
roadways and the aggregates for the production of our own asphalt on the portable plant that we installed for the pavement work at
the Sawgrass.
Towards the end of 1985, FVL Construction, LLC. was hired by Volker Stevin to perform the earthwork on their section of the I-
595 Expressway at the intersection with S. R. 441 and a couple of miles each way; this project depleted the Markham Park surplus
The intensity of these three years, set up the experience, knowledge, and ambition that later would become Mora Engineering
Contractors, Inc.
Universidad Central, Quito, Ecuador
Completed several courses and seminars on Management, Finances, Personal Growth, and Leadership at Florida Atlantic
University and Broward County Community Collage.
Proficient on Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint), Sketchup, Sage Timberline Office, QuickBooks,
HeavyBid, Prolog, Sure Track, and MS Project software.
Speak and write English and Spanish fluently.
State of Florida licensed General Contractor, Plumbing Contractor and Underground and Excavation Contractor, Class V Fire
Protection and Qualified Stormwater Management Inspector.
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MEC mora engineering contractors, inc.
C C 040142
C C 1504101
State Revised Contract Completed on
Description Client name and City Actual Area Location Scope of work
contact information Amount Complete Date
1 Palm Beach County
Lawrence Road Palm Beach FL $ 3,547,990.00 YES August-01 Residential Lawrence Rd. from Gateway Blvd. to
Ellis Ross County Neighborhood Hypoluxo Rd. Drainage and Roadway
561-***-**** Improvements, two lane to four lane
highway, existing neighborhood.
2 Industrial Avenue City of Boynton Paul Boynton Beach FL $ 2,809,942.45 YES May-03 Industrial and Drainage, Water and Roadway Improvements
Corridor Flemming Residential on an existing residential neighborhood and
561-***-**** Neighborhoods industrial area.
3 Huntington Elementary School Board of Miramar FL $ 1,293,331.33 YES April-04 New Complete civil infrastructure for a new
School Broward County Neighborhood school site in a new housing development.
Angel Garcia
4 N.E. 17th Ave Drainage City of Boynton Boynton Beach FL $ 1,711,917.00 YES May-05 Residential Drainage System, Water Main and Roadway
and Water Paul Flemming Neighborhood Improvements on an existing single family
561-***-**** homes neighborhood.
5 A1A Water Main / Force City of Fort Ft. Lauderdale FL $ 4,291,388.41 YES December-06 Commercial and Water and Sanitary Sewer Force Mains and
Main Lauderdale Michael tourist area roadway improvement on A1A and Las Olas
Furdock area. Work included approximately 3,600 lf.
954-***-**** of deep open cut 24" DIP Force Main.
6 Village Academy Suffolk WPB FL $ 1,274,568.95 YES July-07 Existing Complete civil infrastructure work for a
Elementary School Construction Roby Neighborhood building addition. Work included
Dereuil 561. approximately 850 LF of sanitary sewer in
832.1616 the existing school and public right -of way.
7 Miramar Regional Park The Weitz Company Miramar FL $ 4,400,000.00 YES October-07 Residential Complete civil infrastructure work for a new
Jonathan Sharon Neighborhood park. Work included approximately 1,490 LF
954-***-**** of sanitary sewer, lift station, and 900 lf. of
force main on the park site and public right -
of way.
8 Fort Lauderdale Skanska USA Fort Lauderdale FL $ 1,077,709.00 YES December-07 Existing Airport Utilities relocation for the expansion of two
International Airport / Building Arturo terminals. Work included approximately 450
international Terminals Diaz 954-***-**** LF of sanitary sewer, drainage and water
T2 & T3 relocation on the tarmac. Work was
completed while the airport terminals were
active including by pass operations.
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REFERENCE LIST 2011 I:\Carlos Mora\RESUME\Completed Projects Schedule Nov. 201*-******.xls
MEC mora engineering contractors, inc.
C C 040142
C C 1504101
State Revised Contract Completed on
Description Client name and City Actual Area Location Scope of work
contact information Amount Complete Date
9 Arden Park Coscan Home Hollywood FL $ 1,541,705.90 YES January-08 Existing Land reclamation on an existing lake for new
Builders, LLC. Alex Neighborhood housing project.
10 Palm Beach James A. Cummings WPB FL $ 2,273,246.51 YES March-08 Existing Airport Complete civil infrastructure work for a new
international Airport - Geoff Bunnell parking garage building. Work included new
Long Term Parking 954-***-**** 96-inch drainage system, water, and parking
11 Seneca Industrial Park Butters Pembroke Park FL $ 3,166,007.61 YES October-08 Existing Complete civil infrastructure work for new
Construction & Industrial multi building phase in an operation
Develop Mark Complex industrial complex. Work included
Butters approximately 500 lf. of sanitary sewer
954-***-**** mains, extensive storm sewer and widening
of existing roads.
12 Forest Park Moss & Associates Boynton Beach FL $ 2,576,935.25 YES November-08 Existing Complete civil infrastructure work for 70%
Sherry Werner Neighborhood replacement of an existing elementary
954-***-**** school facility in operation. Work included
approximately 200 lf. of sanitary sewer in
the existing campus and public right-of-way,
public roadway restoration and expansion.
13 UU-1 Middle School James A. Cummings Miami FL $ 2,566,878.99 YES December-08 Residential Complete civil infrastructure work for a new
Geoff Bunnell Neighborhood school in a existing neighborhood. Work
954-***-**** included approximately 1,300 LF of sanitary
sewer in the school site and connection to
an active municipal system.
14 PP-1 State School James A. Cummings Miami FL $ 1,747,246.00 YES December-08 Existing Complete civil infrastructure work for a new
Geoff Bunnell Neighborhood school in an existing neighborhood. Work
954-***-**** included site preparation, earthwork, paving
in the school site and right-of-way.
15 W-1 State School Suffolk Miami FL $ 2,994,969.80 YES December-08 Existing Complete civil infrastructure work for new
Construction Mario Neighborhood elementary school facility. Work included
Beauchamp approximately 500 lf. of sanitary sewer in the
561-***-**** proposed campus and public right-of-way,
public roadway restoration and expansion.
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REFERENCE LIST 2011 I:\Carlos Mora\RESUME\Completed Projects Schedule Nov. 201*-******.xls
MEC mora engineering contractors, inc.
C C 040142
C C 1504101
State Revised Contract Completed on
Description Client name and City Actual Area Location Scope of work
contact information Amount Complete Date
16 CIS Office - Oakland Moss & Associates Oakland Park FL $ 1,167,754.55 YES December-08 Commercial area Complete civil infrastructure work for a new
Guy Reesse building complex including 300 lf. of sanitary
954-***-**** sewer main.
17 Pines Middle School James A. Cummings Pembroke Pines FL $ 2,574,127.01 YES May-09 Existing Complete civil infrastructure work for a
Geoff Bunnell Neighborhood school replacement. Work included
954-***-**** approximately 1,079 LF of sanitary sewer in
the existing school and public right -of way.
18 South County Weitz Company Jim Delray Beach FL $ 978,397.06 YES August-09 Government area Complete civil infrastructure work for a
Courthouse Wells 561-***-**** building addition in a existing courthouse.
Work included sanitary sewer connection to
an active municipal system.
19 Promenade at Lyons Sikon Construction Pompano Beach FL $ 7,469,788.00 YES January-11 Commercial Complete civil infrastructure work for new
Corp. Ronald business area shopping center at the Town Center
Vandyke Complex of the City of Coconut Creek
561-***-**** Florida. Work included approximately 3,500
lf. of sanitary sewer in the proposed campus
and public right-of-way, public roadway
restoration and expansion.
20 North Miami Senior H S - Suffolk North Miami FL $ 4,296,130.00 YES August-10 Existing Complete civil infrastructure work for
BBB-1 Construction Max Neighborhood existing high school facility expansion, in
Trojeiro operation. Work included approximately
305-***-**** 1,200 lf. of sanitary sewer in the existing
campus and public right-of-way, public
roadway restoration and expansion.
21 Oakwood Villas Septic JEA Jacksonville FL $ 3,402,552.00 YES May-10 Residential Complete civil infrastructure work to install
Tank Phase Out Ph. II Carlos Marina Neighborhood vacuum sanitary sewer main and services to
Service Area No. 1-904-***-**** residences, with incidental drainage, water
and road work.
22 Lincoln Villas Drainage City of Jacksonville Jacksonville Fl. $ 3,473,345.00 YES September-10 Residential Drainage system including three large
Improvements East Thomas Waters Neighborhood retention ponds, over 12,000 lf. of RCP/ERCP
904-***-**** and +/- 300 structures. Substantial incidental
road reconstruction and rerouting of existing
23 Mitchell Hammock Road City of Oviedo Oviedo Fl. $ 101,672.00 45 Days July-11 Existing Highway Existing turn lane extension with substantial
at S. R. 434 Right Turn Sofia Liatsos, E. I. ahead of drainage improvements, curb and gutter and
Lane Widening 407-***-**** schedule sidewalks.
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REFERENCE LIST 2011 I:\Carlos Mora\RESUME\Completed Projects Schedule Nov. 201*-******.xls
MEC mora engineering contractors, inc.
C C 040142
C C 1504101
State Revised Contract Completed on
Description Client name and City Actual Area Location Scope of work
contact information Amount Complete Date
24 Fox Run and Canal City of Tavares Tavares Fl. $ 265,991.00 25 Days November-11 Existing Installed new drainage system and replace
Court Drainage Brad Hayes / ahead of Neighborhood large existing deteriorated culverts (57"X38"
Improvements Director of Utilities schedule & 49"*33") crossing the roadways in an
352-***-**** existing neighborhood; restore roads,
352-***-**** concrete driveways, curb etc..
25 Southwestern Middle A. M. Weigel DeLand Fl. $ 222,372.00 99% February-12 Existing Facility Complete site package: earthwork, drainage,
School 11 Classroom Construction, Inc. Complete water and sanitary sewer to accommodate
Addition Daytona Beach, the added building, connecting new with
Florida Todd existing. The facility is active during
Donlick construction. Project at it's final stage,
estimated final completion for end of April
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REFERENCE LIST 2011 I:\Carlos Mora\RESUME\Completed Projects Schedule Nov. 201*-******.xls