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Engineering Food

Thessaloniki, Makedonia Thraki, Greece
February 24, 2015

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Name: Habibollah

Surname: Mirzaei

Date of birth: 1965/3/21

Place of birth: Kordkoy, Iran

Email: *****************@*****.***

Postal address: Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Beheshti Ave.,

P.O.Box. 491**-*****, Gorgan, Iran.

Tel: +98-173-*******

Mobile: +98-911*******

Fax: +98-173-*******


1996- present; Faculty member of Food Science and Technology department, Gorgan University of

Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.

1993-1996; Faculty member of Food Science and Technology department, Tabriz University.

1996- 1999; Adviser of research and development of Calle dairy industry, Amol, Iran.

1999- 2006; Adviser of research and development of Behpak dairy industry, Behshahr, Iran.

2000- 2003; Adviser of research and development of Pegah Company.


Ph.D., Food Process Engineering. Islamic Azad University Branch of Science and

Research,Tehran, Iran, 1996-2000.

M.Sc., Food Process Engineering. Islamic Azad University Branch of Science and

Research.Tehran.iran, 1991-1993.

B.Sc., Chemical Engineering. Sharif University of Technology, 1985-1989.


Teaching (Islamic Azad University Branch of Science and Research): Thermodynamic, Heat

transfer fluid mechanics, Principles of food engineering (1991-2000).

Teaching (Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources): Principles of food

engineering, Heat transfer, Mass transfer, Quality control, Food packaging, Oil technology, Kinetic

and design of bio reactor (1996-present).


Studying of phico chemical properties type and oil absorption of French fries potato during processing and

storage. Ph. D thesis. Tehran, Iran: Islamic Azad University Branch of Science and Research. Under

supervision Dr. Fathollah Boldaji, Dr. Shahram Dokhani.


Labrotary production and fermentation of protease enzyme and application at food industry. M.S thesis.

Tehran, Iran: Islamic Azad University Branch of Science and Research. Under supervision Dr. Manouchehr

Hamedi and Dr. Gholamhosein Riazi.


H. Mirzaei. 2004. Soy protein, Published by Alom keshavarzi (In Persian).

H. Mirzaei. 2008. Principles of food preservation at storage, Published by Alom keshavarzi (In Persian).

M. Deziani, H. Mirzaei. 2009. Principlees of food factory designe, Published by Makhtom gholi (In


H. Mirzaei, A. Daraei. 2010. Food process engineering, Published by Alom keshavarzi (In Persian).

H. Mirzaei, A. Daraei. 2010. Food sterilization at autoclave pouches. Published by Alom keshavarzi (In


H. Mirzaei, K. Ebrahimi. 2011. Pharmacy plants packaging and marketing, Published by Alom keshavarzi

(In Persian).

H. Mirzaei, A. Dehghan, R. Rezaei, S.S. Amiri Aghdaei. 2013. Biological layers in food processing.

Logistics Research Center (In Persian).


A: Journal Papers

H. Mirzaei, F. Boldaji, Dokhani, SH. 2002. Studying of sugar changes of French fries potato during

preparation and storage, Journal of Agriculture Science, Gorgan, Iran.

H. Mirzaei, F. Boldaji, Dokhani, SH. 2005. Studying of texture changes of French fries potatoes during

preparation and storage, Journal of Agriculture Science, Falling, Gorgan, Iran.

H. Mirzaei, F. Boldaji, Dokhani, SH. 2006. (2Studying of fatty acids changes of French fries potato during

preparation and storage, Journal of Agriculture Science, Gorgan, Iran

H. Mirzaei, Hamedi, M, GH, Riazi. 2006. Design and production of protease enzyme, Journal of Science and

Technology packaging.

H. Mirzaei, Hamedi, M, GH, Riazi. 2006. Concentrated soy protein production and application at bakery

technology, March, Journal of Agriculture Minestry.

A. Daraei Garmakhany, H. Mirzaei, M. Kashaninejad, Y. Maghsudlou. 2008. Study of oil uptake and some

quality attributes of potato chips affected by hydrocolloids. European Journal of lipid science and

technology, 11, 1045-1049.

S. Hamzeloee, H. Mirzaei, M. Ghorbani. 2009. Study of replace effect of stevia sweet on sugar at biscuit

production, Journal of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran.

S. Sarhadi, H. Mirzaei. (2009). Degumming of soy oil by use of PVDF membrance, Journal of Food sciences

and technology, Tehran, Iran.

A. Daraei Garmakhany, H. Mirzaei, Y. Maghsoudlou, M. Kashaninejad and S. M. Jafari. 2010. Influence of

partial drying on oil uptake & quality attributes of French fries. Journal of Agricultural Science and

Technology, ISSN1939-125, USA, 4 (2) 41-47.

V. Mortazavi, M. Eikani, H. Mirzaei, S.M. Jafari, F. Golmohammad. 2010. Extraction of essential oils from

Bunium persicum Boiss. Using superheated water. Food and Bioproducts Processing (In press).

M. E. Rezagah, M. Kashaninejad, H. Mirzaei, M. Khomeiri. 2010. Osmotic dehydration of bytton mushroom:

fickian diffusion in slab configuration. Latin American Applied Research (In press).

H. Mirzaei, R. Ezzati and M. Dezyani. 2010. Efficiency and Ropiness of Traditional White and Ultrafilteration

Cheese as Affected by Psycrotroph Bacteria. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 22 (1) PP: 721- 726.

R. Ezzati, M. Dezyani and H. Mirzaei. 2010. Effect of Pscyrotroph Bacteria on Physical and Chemical

Properties of Traditional White and Ultrafilteration Cheese. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 22 (1) PP: 727 –


A. Daraei Garmakhany, H. Mirzaei, N. Aghajani, M. kashiri. 2010. Investigation of natural essential oil

antioxidant activity on peroxidase enzyme in selected vegetable. Journal of Agricultural Science and

Technology, ISSN1939-125, USA, volume 4 (3) 78- 84.

F. Shahdadi, H. Mirzaei, Y. Maghsoudlou, M. Ghorbani, A. Daraei Garmakhany. 2010. Evaluation of phenolic

compound and antioxidant activity of date fruit during ripening stages and drying process. Journal of

Agricultural Science and Technology, ISSN1939-125, USA (Accepted).

A. Daraei Garmakhany, H. Mirzaei, Y. Maghsoudlou, M. Kashaninejad, S.M. Jafari. 2010. Influence of Partial

Drying on Oil Uptake & Quality Attributes of French Fries. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology


H. Mirzaei. 2011. Optimization effective factors on alkaline protease production by Bacillus lichiniformis

under submerged fermentation. MINERVA BIOTEC. Vol 23.

N. Malekjani, S.M, Jafari, H. Mirzaei, H.A. Rahmani. 2011. Mathematical modeling of the drying

characteristics of canola seeds in a heat pump assisted fluidized bed dryer. Drying Technology submiited.

N. Malekjani, S.M. Jafari, H. Mirzaei, M.H. Rahmati. 2011. Designe and application of a novel dehumidifying

system for a fluidized bed dryer for the drying of canola seeds. Studying on amount of oil absorption of

French fries potato. Journal of agriculture science, Vol 1. Gorgan, Iran.

N. Malekjani, S.M, Jafari, H.A. Rahmani, E. Esmaeel Zadeh, H. Mirzaei. 2013. Evaluation of Thin-Layer

Drying Models and Artificial Neural Networks for Describing Drying Kinetics of Canola Seed in a Heat

Pump Assisted Fluidized Bed dryer. International Journal of Food Engineering, 9 (4), 375- 384.

M. Shamshirsaz, H. Mirzaei, H, Azizi, M. Aalami. 2011. Effect of powder soy milk on rheological properties

of barbari bread, Journal of food science and technology (In Persian with English abstract).

Z. Karami, H. Mirzaei, A.R. Sadeghi. 2012. Evolution of antimicrobial activity Licorice roots at orange

breverage, Journal of Food Science and Technology. 8 (2). (In Persian with English abstract).

S. Faraji, H. Mirzaei, Y. Maghsodlo. 2012. Autoclavable pouches and application at pack, Journal

of Packaging, Vol 3 (In Persian with English abstract).

A. Alemi, H. Mirzaei, Z. Emam Jome. 2012. Effect of pressure and concentration temperature on

properties of melon juice, Journal of Food Science and Technology. Sept.

A. Alemi, Z. Emam jomeh, H. Mirzaei. 2012. Effect of pressure and temperature of concentration on some of

quality attributes of watermelon juice. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 9 (34), 37-44.

D. Dehnad, Z. Emam- Djome, H. Mirzaei, S.M. Jafari and S. Dadashi. 2014. Optimization of physical and

mechanical properties for chitosan–nanocellulose biocomposites. Carbohydrate Polymers. 105: 222- 228.

B. Conference Papers

H. Mirzaei. 2006. Isolated soy protein, Esfahan congress, Esfahan, Iran.

H. Mirzaei, M. Orjolo. 2010. Application of edible films. Conference of Food Industry, Gorgan, Iran.

M. Bakhshabadi, H. Mirzaei. 2011. Physical properties of barley variety, Congress of food

Industry, Tehran, Iran.

N. Malekjani, S.M. Jafari, H. Mirzaei, M.H. Rahmati. 2011. Proceeding of the International Conference

on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology. Malaysia.

A. Ghoskhani, H. Mirzaei. 2012. PHA analysis at food products, Congress of Food Industry, Shiraz,


Z. Sheidaei, H. Mirzaei. 2012. Methods of encapsulation of carotenieds, Congress of Food Industry,

Shiraz, Iran.

M. Sarfarazi, S.M. Jafari, Q. Rajabzadeh, H. Mirzaei, A.M. Maskuki. 2012. 4th International Saffron

Symposium. Kashmir, India.

M. Sarfarazi, S.M. Jafari, Q. Rajabzadeh, H. Mirzaei, A.M. Maskuki, 2012. 4th International Saffron

Symposium, Kashmir, India.

E. Mohseni, H. Mirzaei, Jalali, H. 2013. 21 th Natiobal Conference of Food Science and Technology,

Shiraz, Iran.

N. Javadian, H. Mirzaei, A. Nafchi. 2013. 21 th Natiobal Conference of Food Science and Technology,

Shiraz, Iran.

M. Abbasian, H. Mirzaei. 2013. 21 th Natiobal Conference of Food Science and Technology, Shiraz, Iran.

D. Peyvastegan, H. Mirzaei, S.H. Ghobus, Z. Ahmadi. 2013. 21 th Natiobal Conference of Food Science

and Technology, Shiraz, Iran.

R. Hashemi Tabatabaei, H. Mirzaei, A. Nafchi, S.M. Jafari. 2013. 21 th Natiobal Conference of Food

Science and Technology, Shiraz, Iran.

S.A. Hoseini, S.M. Jafari, H. Mirzaei, A. Asghari. 2013. 21 th Natiobal Conference of Food Science and

Technology, Shiraz, Iran.


Protease production from whey protein (1999- 2002).

MSG production by fermentation methods (2000-2001).

French fries production at Gloestan province (2000-2002).

Study of texture and colors changes at local tomatoes of Gloestan province (2006-2008).

Standardization of flour and breads types (2011-2012).


Interested in research in the following fields

Food engineering.

Food packaging.

Biophysics properties of food product.

Enzyme engineering.

Food quality control.

Advanced food packaging.

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