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Engineer Design

United States
February 23, 2015

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Sichao Zhu

***********@*****.*** 508-***-****


● Full time software engineer. Available from January 1, 2015.


● Hands-on experience and knowledge of object-oriented programming, debugging and test.

● Familiar with JAVA program design, unit test and JAVA network management.

● Quickly learn and master new technologies; successful working in both team and self-directed settings.


09/11-05/14 Electrical and Computer Engineering (M.S.), Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA GPA 3.7

● Course: Operation System, JAVA Program Design, C++ Program Design, Computer Architecture.

09/07-07/11 Electronic Science and Technology (B.S.), Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China GPA 3.3


● Programming Languages: JAVA; C; C++; XML; Python; C++/JAVA in Linux; SQL; Make File; Matlab.

● Hardware Description Languages: Verilog HDL and VHDL.

● Tools: Eclipse, JDOM, JUnit, MySQL; CVS; XMLSpy; Visual Studio; GCC/GDB Linux; SQL server.

● Operating System: Linux, Windows.

● Algorithms: Computer Vision, Digital Signal Processing.


05/13-12/13 Intern, Signal Processing & Comms HDL Team, Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA.

● Participated in Matlab HDL coder toolbox product team as a quality assurance engineer.

● Utilized object-oriented unit test form to write test scripts verifying Simulink Blocks and functions.

● Used object-oriented Language to design a 2D-FIR filter and Median filter demo.

02/11-06/11 Intern, FPGA Logic Group. Huawei Symantec Technologies Co., Ltd. Beijing, China

● Participated in a FPGA based Firewall Logic Acceleration project cooperate with CPU.

● Implemented a communication interface state machine design using Verilog HDL.


12/14-01/15 JAVA Chatting room server and client project, WPI

● Design and implement a JAVA based chatting room application with server and client.

● Used multi-thread and TCP socket to manage message transferring. Used XML as underlying messages carrier.

● Used JAVA Swing to design chatting room panels, familiar with Observer patten.

● Familiar with JAVA Multi-thread management, XML operation, TCP/UDP socket, design pattens and Unit test.

08/14-10/14 Operating System Course project, WPI

● Design and implement a basic operating system for a hypothetical processor architecture and a simulator.

● Familiar with operating system architecture, process scheduling and memory management.

11/12-12/12 Specified Object Recognition Based On Feature Extraction, WPI

● Implemented a computer vision algorithm that detects specific objects in video by matching object features.

● Implemented Speeded up robust features (SURF) Algorithm in C language.


● Sichao, Zhu and Jin Zhao, “Real-Time Traffic Sign Detection Using SURF Features on FPGA”, IEEE

High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), September 2013.

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