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Engineer Project

San Jose, CA
February 23, 2015

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San Jose, CA




Looking for a position of Validation Engineer / Software QA Engineer / Automation Test Engineer.


A self-motivated and experienced engineer who is passionate about quality and innovation in both automation and

manual testing.

Key role with in-depth knowledge of create innovative testing methods and test cases for black-box, white-box, and

grey-box testing methodologies.

Strong capabilities to design, analyze, debug, identify and solve problems effectively.

Very flexible and able to bounce between varied tasks efficiently.

Excellent inter-personal and teamwork skills.


OSs: Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, Android.

Programming Languages: Microsoft Visual Studio C++/MFC and Eclipse IDE for C/C++.

Programming Scripts: Python, Perls, Selenium webDriver, Excel Visual Basic, and SQL.

Working with many powerful Python libraries: REST API (httplib2), mySQL, Boto, Excel Read/Write, etc…

Communication protocols: Serial, XMLRPC, SNMP, Telnet, SMTP.

Debuggers: winDbg, visual Remote Debugger, and gdb - GNU debugger.

Repositories: Perforce, SVN, and GIT.

Test management tools: TestRail and test Link.

Bug base tools: Bugzilla and JIRA.

Clouds: SauceLabs, a cross platform automation cloud and AWS S3 repository cloud

INTEL testing frame work and PAVE (Platform Automation Verification Engine).


Lyve Minds, Cupertino, CA (Contract) 3/2014 – Now

Web App automation QA Engineer

Project: Responsible to manage an automation testing framework in Python and Selenium Web driver for testing web

application consists of web site, web portal, and web shop executed from OSX system.

• In charge to develop, execute, and analyze a complete process of automation testing using Python and

Selenium web driver framework with data driven method which are defined in text files. Log files are stored in text

format while test case results are reported in different formats: JSON for Python TestRail module to export to

TestRail server, embedded HTML for email body and HMTL file to attach in email. SMTP module for Python to be

used for sending emails to specified recipients.

The automation testing has following features:

- Cross browsers support: supporting Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and iExplorer.

- Cross platform support: supporting OSX, Windows, and Android mobiles.

- Different environments: local, remote (on same network), and cloud (Sauce Labs).

- Web pages can be captured and uploaded to Amazon S3 Cloud storage using Boto S3 Python API and

downloaded back to local test system for comparison purpose.

- Very flexible by passing parameters to the command lines and executed on different build environments:

development, testing, beta, and release.

• Use Python WebPY to create a web app server where any user may connect and request to execute any

specific test suites.

• Configure Cron Job to trigger the automation test daily.

RGB Networks, Sunnyvale, CA 5/2012 – 10/2013

Staff Software QA Engineer

Project: Managed an automation testing framework in Python for QA team and closely worked with hardware and

software teams to provide S/W test tools in Python to the remote testing Linux based multi IP video blade servers.

• In charge to manage and enhance a completed process end-to-end automation test tools where testing

framework developed based on Python to remotely communicate to the servers through XML-RPC or SNMP

interface protocols or indirectly using Selenium automated browsers frame work through a web-based application.

Test cases are configured on Excel format files and sent to the multi IP video streaming server, the linux base

server where multiple video outputs are captured to files and fed to a video analyzer tool to evaluate the

video/audio qualities, formats, and structures. Test results are updated to mySQL database and emailed to

specified recipients using SMTP protocol to a mail server.

• Provided additional test tools in Python to perform load tests, stress tests, power cycle tests, redundancy

test, and more using in-house CLI tools or available open source code apps.

• In charge to manage and enhance the BCT tools, a Bulk Configuration Tool written in Python and

executed under Windows environment that allows users to configure multiple MBR/IPTV grooming profiles from

an Excel template and import them to the multi-streaming IP video transcoding server.

• Manually debugged and analyzed the causes of failures and provided clear and concise project QA status

reports for the team, cross-functional partners, and management.

Intel, Folsom, CA 5/2011 – 5/2012

Validation Test Engineer (Contract)

Project: Responsible for all aspects of Graphics Driver Validation (emphasis on Media component) including (but not

limited to) test development, execution and debugging of the issues.

• Enhanced Lucas app, an Intel media test application with functions to validate the video decoding/encoding using

DirectX 11 Microsoft Media Foundation APIs’.

• Wrote test scripts (csv) with different configurations of TPL and PAR files to execute specific media test cases.

• Analyzed and filed sightings the failure of video decoding, video pre/post processing and content protection test

cases from PAVE (the automation validation test systems), debugged failured using DCN builds and/or WinDebug

(to debug driver) and Visual Remote Debugger (to remote debug Lucas test tool).

• Familiar with Intel test frameworks, test tools, and test procedure.

• Great knowledge writing test versions (TV), test suites (TS), and test requests(TR) to execute test from PAVE.

GlideTV, Sunnyvale, CA 2/2010 – 12/2010

SQA Engineer (Contract)

Project: Designed, executed tests manually, wrote script to automate the manual tests on a wireless navigator device and

its application, the Firefox based browser and What’sOn, the video streaming web.

• Designed and created strategies to performed manual and automation tests to test the functionalities of software

and to evaluate the contents, the performances, and the compatibilities of the streaming video data from the

server to local computer through the browsers with different complexities of bit rates, resolutions, aspect ratio,

motions, and etc…

• Wrote test suites and test scripts using SenseTalk, script language and EggPlant, an image-based cross-platform

automation test software tool on a host (Mac OS X platforms) to remote testing SUT clients, which can be either

Windows (windows XP, windows VISTA, or windows 7) or MAC OS X platforms.

MediaTek USA, Inc, San Jose, CA 6/2006 – 3/2009

(Formerly Nucore Technologies)

Software QA Engineer

Project: Worked with the digital image test team to develop the automation test tools for testing digital camera firmware.

• Wrote and executed detailed test plans and test cases for the testing of digital camera and target to function

coverage and statement coverage. Analyzed, identified, and confirmed the failures of the tests before they were

inserted into the bug tracking system

• Designed and programmed a windows-based automation test application with GUI written in C++ (using Microsoft

Visual C++) to test the new release firmware on the test device connected thru the serial communication port. Test

can be executed manually or automated by reading a pre-written text suite to perform a smoke test, functional

tests, regression tests, or specific tests. The output file is in HTML with a clear format that helps to analyze and

identify the problem quickly

• Designed, documented, deployed and managed tools to automate the build and release the firmware on Windows

and Linux environments. Tools wrote in Perl to perform a completed release package which checked out source

codes (from CVS or Perforce), built the binary files with different configurations, verified the results, transferred

the results to Windows based server and Linux based server, and generated the email (using SMTP) to different

software, hardware, sale, and QA groups.

• Worked and helped the firmware engineering team to debug and fix problems in application level.

• Closely coordinated with development teams to execute test cases for individual software components and for the

system as a whole.

LSI Logic, Milpitas, CA 2001 – 2004

Software Engineer in embedded software department

(Formerly C-Cube Microsystems embedded software department)

Project: Worked with a firmware team to develop firmware for stand-alone DVD encoder/decoder systems and PC based


• Enhanced, modified, updated, and fixed problems relate to the application layer such as on-screen display and

graphics user interface.

• Created, enhanced, modified, updated, and fixed bugs related to windows GUI’s and DLL files.

• Worked with MAKE files to built and release the final products.

• Functional test before firmware was submitted to QA department.

C-Cube Microsystems, Milpitas, CA 1996 – 2001

Software Engineer in broadband entertainment department

Project: Worked with a PC team to maintain hardware encoding/decoding Windows based application on both desktops

and notebooks.

• Worked at the application level with the DVD Codec device team to develop a PC based USB device to encode

and decode video/audio streams in either analog, S-Video or DV thru USB port to a PC system in different

formats: MPEG1, MPEG2, or DV.

• Debugged, fixed, modified and enhanced the functionalities of a hardware MPEG1/MPEG2/DV player windows

based application using Microsoft Visual Studio C++ and DirectShow SDK, a multimedia filter-based framework.

• Primitive tested the Windows based device drivers and multimedia filters using GraphEdit, a visual tool for building

and testing filter graphs before submitted to QA group.


Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Widener University, Chester, PA.


U.S citizen

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