* * * * ** ec h C h u r ch R o a d, C o a l C it y, India na 4 7 4 2 7 ( H ) 8 1 2 - 8 5 9 - 3 6 2 8 ( C ) 3 1 7 - 7 9 6 - 1 7 4 6 reg i na j _ 1 0 5 @ y a h o o . co m
P r o f e ss i o n a l S u m m a r y
Sales Rep resentativ e who supplies cu stomers with the latest facts, fig ures an d trends in the market. Successful at buildin g a
st r o n g r e lat io n ship wit h clie n t s. S uccessful in n ew acco unt acq uisitio n and growing existing accou nt sales.
S k il ls
Positive outlook Depend ab le
Energetic and driven Reliable
Resolu tio n-oriented Ex cellen t co mmunicatio n skills
Peop le-o riented Moti vated team p lay er
Flexible Su perior organizational skills
Excellent work ethic
W o r k H i s to r y
Sa les Representative
Kimball Midwest 4800 Roberts Road Columbus OH 43228 From 10/2014 to Present
E-Z Clean Products Corporation –2 840 State Road 6 3 So uth Terre Hau te In 47801 From 09/2001 to 10/2014
Con tacted new and existing cu sto mers to discuss ho w their needs co uld be met throu gh sp ecific prod ucts and services.
Quoted prices, cred it terms and other bid specificatio ns.
Wrote sales con tracts for orders obtained and submitted orders for processing.
Selected the correct produ cts based on customer needs, produ ct specificatio ns and app licable regulation s.
Consulted with businesses to supply accurate product and service information.
Kept detailed reco rds of daily acti vities.
Built relationships with cu stomers and th e community to promote lo ng term business growth.
Met existing customers to review curren t services and exp and sales oppo rtunities.Sales Represen tativ e
E duc at i on
High School Diploma: Business 19 79
Manual High School - In dian apolis In diana
O rganizati ons
I am a me mb e r o f t h e Owe n Co u n t y Plan n in g Co m missio n wh e r e I h o ld t h e o ffice o f Vice Pr e sid e n t . An d t h e t r e asu r e r o f t
Clay City Sen io r Citizens Club.