Christopher Avery Worthington
Professional Profile
Eager to help students achieve their maximum potential using a unique
AREAS OF EXPERTISE combination of education experience coupled with five years knowledge in
• Reporting skills the correctional system and over ten years’ background in computer systems.
• Undertaking
Hold Post Masters in Education with a specialty in Adult Education.
2. Masters Degree in Public Administration, with a specialization in
Criminal Justice.
• Academic and
3. Experienced in use of the Internet and educational software.
Legal Research
4. Dedicated to enthusiastic and dynamic teaching as a means of creating
• Data collecting
and nurturing a lifelong love of knowledge in students.
• Data validation
Education, Honors, and Awards
Graduate 12/2015, Capella University, Minneapolis, MN
PhD in Education with a specialization in Adult Education, GPA 3.8
Graduated 12/2012, Capella University, Minneapolis, MN
Post Masters Certificate in Education with a specialization in Adult
Education, GPA 3.9, Graduate with Honors
• Extensive
knowledge of Listed in The Chancellor’s List, A national publication of top graduate
spreadsheets and students.
database tools.
• Ability to prioritize
Graduated 12/2002, Troy University, Troy, Al
own work in
Master’s Degree in Public Administration with a concentration in Justice
response to
Administration, GPA 3.3
• Excellent research
Graduated 5/1999, Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA
Bachelors of Arts in Political Science
• Able to plan
research and
organize tasks Full scholarship for first Bachelor’s Degree.
Ability to resolve Graduated 5/1998, Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA
problems Bachelors of Science in Governmental Administration with a
independently. concentration in Legal Studies
Possessing a
creative approach to
Graduated 12/1994, Bryant and Stratton, Hampton, VA
problem solving.
Associate of Applied Science in Legal Assistant
Key Qualifications
7. Proven ability to read, interpret, and implement policies and procedures.
8. Strong proponent of brain based learning and experiential learning.
9. Proven ability to effectively and successfully communicate with children
Flexible with and adults from various cultural backgrounds or who may exhibit
working hours and challenges to learning and/or may have learning disabilities.
having excellent 10. Proven ability to appropriately assess and intervene in crisis situations.
interpersonal skills. 11. Strong organizational, leadership, problem solving and expert technical
Experience in skills including extensive knowledge in word processing, databases and
carrying out various software.
experimental 12. Strong knowledge of the Ellucian Colleague system.
research. 13. Knowledgeable of advanced statistical techniques related to sampling
Knowledge of and projection.
maintaining 14.
confidentiality in
Experienced Computer Educator
the workplace
Designed and conducted various student workshops for training in word
practice and
processing and spreadsheet software. Instructed students in use of word
procedures in
processing, desktop publishing, and drafting programs for conversion from
accordance with the
manual typesetting and drafting to computer assisted methods.
requirements of
Computer Skills
Software: Microsoft Windows® and DOS, WordPerfect, SharePoint;
Lotus123, Microsoft Word, Banner, SPSS, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, etc.;
exceptionally energetic
System installations and debugging; Advanced knowledge of the
and enthusiastic
Internet, HTML, SQL, terminal/printer operations, etc.;
officer...projects a charisma
Windows 2000, XP, Vista, NT, Mac OSX, etc.
that captures the
imagination of other
excellent time management
skill 11/2014 – Present, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA
Cedric Thomas HR Records and Transactions Specialist
former supervisor Reviews and processes a variety of incoming human resources/payroll
transactions for validity and appropriate authorizations each pay period
by established deadline. Reviews a variety of error/discrepancy reports
background in each pay period and makes corrections as needed.
technology was supportive
Delivers outstanding customer service; responds to employees concerns
to the use of videos and
by researching, resolving discrepancies and/or errors and effectively
computers in the class...I
resolving a variety of human resources transaction and time sheet
recommend her with the
questions for employees and supervisors.
highest regard
Runs a variety of semi monthly reports each pay period using a report
Tanisha Washington
writer, exports the data to spreadsheets and formats for distribution.
Elementary school Teacher
Creates and maintains personnel file management for approximately
Newport News City Schools
4,000 employees in accordance with applicable policies. Maintains the
archival of personnel files for terminated employees in accordance with
internal state records management policies.
deeply involved in
Prepares all employment verification forms requested by third party
learning about the
organizations (i.e. mortgage companies, banks and rental agencies).
educational state of the art,
Prepares Virginia employment Commission (VEC) verifications used to
investigating research and
determine if employees will receive unemployment benefits. Reviews
designing instructional
and reconciles the VEC quarterly bill. Identifies discrepancies and
materials...I look forward to
follows up with the VEC representative for resolution.
the time when Christopher
03/2014 – 09/2014, Hampton University, Hampton, VA
will bring her love of
students, enthusiasm, Adjunct Faculty Member
initiative, and intelligence Develop teaching strategies on term basis
into her own classroom.” Prepare Syllabus and Course Outcomes for course instruction.
Dr. Pamela Butts Organize, prepare and revise (as needed) course materials
Ensure content level of course materials in exams has been covered in class
Academic Coordinator
Design, administer and grade examination papers
Schedule and provide post academic care to students
Facilitate online discussions with students via Blackboard
Assess student learning through various methods
“Christopher’s ability to
• Incorporate a variety of teaching methodologies within a class
motivate students and share
• Possess knowledge and demonstrate expertise in teaching processes
a love of learning fosters a
• Competency in assigned area of teaching (Government, Criminal
successful classroom Justice, Political Science)
environment.” • Focused approach towards student academic success
Gwen Melton • Proven ability to provide academic and professional guidance
Former employer • Excellent interpersonal, communication and time management skills
02/2013 – 09/2014, Hampton University, Hampton, VA
Data Specialist
Organizes and administers records, registration and graduation
functions, including transcript evaluation, change of grades,
withdrawal forms, waivers, and substitutions; Evaluates and
certifies all graduation applications;
Oversees course registration and grade submission processes for
each session;
Enters transcript evaluations once they have been approved by
Director of Student Services; Maintains the Banner Student
Information System and CAPP;
“Having Ms. Christopher
Assists with building the repository of approved courses for the
Worthington as a professor Transcript Evaluation Services (TES) system; Ensures compliance
with academic, regulatory, and accreditation policies and
was wonderful. With her requirements;
Researches, analyzes, and resolves student disputes as they relate to
assistance, I was able to
records and registration; Completes reports for: Clearinghouse,
Institutional Research, Financial Aid, Honors College; Prepares the
improve my writing skills
Continuing Studies calendar for catalog; Prepares information for
and get into graduate
Executes course verification process and registration clean up
procedures, and reports completion to the Director and Financial
Aid; other duties as needed.
Amanda Ombengi 12/2006 – 2011, Department of Juvenile Justice, Bon Air Juvenile Correctional
Former student Facility, Richmond, VA
Juvenile Correctional Officer
Ensured the protection of the citizens of the Commonwealth by
providing supervision/security of youths in a juvenile justice
environment while providing guidance as a role model.
Monitored delinquents that had been diagnosed as ADD, ADHD, or
ODD in addition to other disorders and are sex offenders, high risk
offenders, self injurious offenders, suicidal offenders, anger
management offenders, and substance abusers.
Maintained security by conducting safety/security checks which
included routinely inspecting the building, living quarters and packages
for contraband.
Monitored inmates who have a special risk or security status and
enforces adherence to the facility rules and regulations.
Reported problems to ensure that security, public safety and health are
maintained. Assisted in therapy treatments and maintains required
confidential logs, records and reports; other duties as needed.
10/2005 – 5/2006, Sentara Healthcare, Chesapeake, VA
Patient Account Representative
Coordinated and maintained all insurance claims processing in addition
to following up with insurance companies.
Prepared maintenance updates, fielded patient inquires, and managed
accounts receivables to ensure that all claims were processed and paid in
a timely manner.
Resolved all insurance and self pay accounts through collection of
payments, appropriate adjustments, and when all collection efforts were
exhausted, referred account balances to collection agencies.
Maintained the integrity of all Patient and Insurance demographic
information for the Patient Accounting Management System.
Acquired and maintained knowledge of Government Regulations,
Managed Care Contracts, and legal matters pertaining to collections,
lawsuits, third party liability, and probate to maximize reimbursement;
other duties as needed.
5/1997 – 5/1999, Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA
Teacher Assistant
Provided teaching support that included evaluating and grading
examinations, assignments, research papers and recording grades.
Ordered or obtained materials needed for classes.
Provided assistance laboratory or field research.
Developed teaching materials such as syllabi, visual aids, answer keys,
supplementary notes, and course websites; other duties as needed.