Ömer Burak Karaömer
Ahmet Haşim Cd. **/* Sokullu ANKARA
Personal Information
Birth date : 12.06.1987 Marital Status : Married
Birth Place : Ankara Nationality : T.C
Driving License : B (2010)
Bachelor’s Degree : 2004-2009, Hacettepe University – Electric and electronics engineering
Master Degree : 2012 –2014, Middle East Tecnical University- Computer Science, An Android
application to guide person in fitness was developped for the gradiation project.
Professional Experience
Company :MİKES, Decemper 2009 - now
Position :Senior software Engineer
Duty :Signal processing applications with DSP microprocessors.
Project 1- RF Receiver: In this project signal processing algorithms like ISB demodulation, FM
demodulation, up/down sampling are implemented. In addition, IPC modul for the system is
developped for the multicore system.
Project 2. Sound Receiver: With the help of 256 microphones beam forming algorithms are
developped. In this project I developped the architecture of the software and data flow management
Knowladge :C++, C#,Java,SysBIOS, Real Time OF, Code composer, Clear Case, Clear
Quest,TI 6678 DSP
Course Taken :Object Oriented Design, SATEM
Foraign Languages :English (intermediate)