Ravi k Bisht E -Mail: ****.*.*****@*****.***
****, ***** ****** ***** **. No: +91-971**-*****/789-***-****
Dehradun .
To achieve professional satisfaction, career progression and personal development by working in a
learning atmosphere that encourages growth and enriches my experience .
A result orie nted profe ssiona l with Over 8 years 6 Month of experie nce in Bus iness Deve lo pment,
Ch ann el s ales, Institutional S ales, Client Servicing & Chan ne l M a n ag e men t .
An M.B.A (Marketin g & H R) from “Institute of Man agement Stu di es ”.
Experie nce in ex ploring & deve lop ing ma rkets/ c lients, thereby acce lerating growth & achiev ing de sired sale s
g oa ls.
Skills in deve lop ing re la tionship s w ith ke y decis i o n - m a ke rs in target org aniza tions for reve n ue .
Comf ortab le interactin g with multiple levels of o r ganization, manag ement a nd staff from d if ferent are a s.
Energetic leade r known f or ab ility to env ision and create successf ul outcomes in comp lex /
mu lt icu lt u r a l e n v ir on men t .
Full Time MBA f rom Ins titute of Mana gem ent of Stu dies, De hradu n 2 004- 200 6, Marketing & HR
sp e c ia liza t ion .
Firs t Di v is ion
Bachelor in Scie n ce ( P MG) from D.B.S. ( P.G.) Co lle ge, De hra Dun, 20 0 1 - 2004.
Hig her Seconda ry, N.A.S. Inte r C ollege Mee rut, UP board 20 0 1.
Secondary, N . A.S. Inte r Col le ge Mee rut, UP b oard 19 9 9.
Awarded for High est Sale in No rth Zon e 2012 and win th e Ban gko k & Ph uket tour as i n ce ntiv e.
Awarded for Best Sales Office in No rth fo r HIGH TE ST G ROWT H ON A OP in 20 12.
Awarded for Best Sales Office in In dia fo r HIGHT EST G ROWT H ON AOP & PEE in
2 0 1 1 an d win th e Mala ysi a tou r as In c e nti v e . .
Awarded f or Best S ales Offic e i n In di a fo r HIGHT ES T GROWT H ON AOP in 2 01 0.
Handled a team of T wo S ales Associ ate & one T SO (Sales Ass ociat es).
Played a key r ole in incre as ing the g rowt h in focus pr oduct s of the company.
Achieved mor e than 198 % o f pr oject e d target.
Hand le d and gr ow n t he major key ac count s o f t he co mp any.
Growth Path
COMPANY NAM E : Akz oNo bel In dia Lt d ( For me rly IC I In di a Limited- Bran d Dulu x
P aint s )
DURATI ON : May 2013 – T ill P res ent
POST HELD : Senior Sales Officer - Uttarakh and
AREA : Uttarakhand.
COMPA NY NAM E : Akz oNobel In dia Lt d (F ormerly IC I In di a Li mited- Bran d Dulu x
P aints)
DURATI ON : April 2 009 – April 2013
POST HELD : Senior S ales office r – Gu r gaon, Biwadi UPC, F arida bad, S oni pat.
AREA : Gurga on.
COMPA NY NAM E : RM C Re ady mix (In dia ) (A Division of P ris m Cemen t Lim ited)
DURA TION : Jul 2 00 6 – March 2 0 09
POST H ELD : Sales & Market ing E n gin e e r
AREA : Gu rg a on .
Channel Handling With Project Sales:
Akzonobel India Ltd (Form erly ICI India Lim ited) Brand--: DULUX PAINT
R e s po n s ibi lit ie s
Working w ith Ak zonobe l De cora t ive Pa int Div is ion h a n dling projects sa les of Premiu m exterior and in te rior
ranges o f Coat ings, P aints a nd E mu lsions. Text ure s and re lated build ing mate ria ls t o var ious vert icals like,
Governme n t, R W A, Builders, Corp orate, inst itu t ions, arc hite cts & Civ il const ruct ion contra ctors, pa int ing cont ract ors
t hrough dea lers ch a nn e l of N CR and H aryan a te rr it ory .
Chief Tas ks H andlin g
Accountability for the Sa les business for Uttarakhand ( Deh radun, Rishikesh, H ari dwar, Hal dwani,
R u da rpu r
Kashipu r, Jas pu r & Som e part of Utta r P ra de s h( S a h aran pu r & Bijn o r) .
Before that ha nding the Gurgaon a nd Some part of Fari dabad in Repaintin g an d Builder ver tical with
s om e
Com me rcial and Som e Major G o ve rnm ent Account Like Pol ice Line, P W D .
Accountable f or p rogre ssive manageme nt of a ll Key Accounts business, inclus ive of Dea le rs, B uilde rs, Contract ors
A rch ite ct s.
Dealing wit h high value deale rs (key a ccounts) of company and add new dealer in to improve of Proje ct
B u s in e ss for develop ing marke t a nd h aving higher marke t sh are .
Monitor and eva luate the effectiveness of sa les strategie s a nd provid e f eedba ck to the Zona l M a na ge r.
Cha nne l ma nagement and expansion a s per need of the b us ine ss.
Gather inf ormation on competitors’ activ itie s in the reg ion a nd act upon it for company ’s bene fit a nd Pla nning
a n d hand ling all f ie ld-ma rketing act iv it ie s at inf lue ncer lev e l.
Ach ieveme nt of sa le s (v olume / va lue) a s p er t a r get s.
Manage and control invent orie s and st ocks a s per budget s throug h pr oper f ore ca st in g .
Working in tea m w ith Inst itut iona l sa les off icer a nd re lat ionship off icer for promot ing bot h proje ct a nd ret ail sa le s.
Introdu ced a new focus of Vert ical Ma n age ment in Inst itut iona l Bu sines s wh ich has re su lted in increasing
b u s in e ss focus on Key B usine ss Vert icals: Comme rcia l Propert ie s, Bu ilde rs, Repa int ing a nd Governme nt Seg ment
f or Hary a n a.
Interact w ith arch itects, builders, rea l esta te Developers and contra ctors to incre a se company ’s Market share,
k e ep in g in mind the incre a se of the comp any’ s sa les in te rms of v alue a nd V olu me s .
Imple mentat ion of CRM for the Institutiona l Business in the re g io n.
Imple mentat ion of SPM design f or the Repa inting society in the re g io n .
M arketing & Sales in Building M aterial:
RMC Ready mix (India) (A Division of Prism Cem ent Limited)
This comp any is act ive in sa les and sup p ly of READY MIX Concrete a ll ove r Ind ia.
Meeting Pr ospe ctive/ Cust o me r s ( Co ntractor s, Deve lopers, Bu ilde rs, A rchite cts, P M C’s and ind iv idual Client s. )
Prov id ing Q uot at io ns and ne got iat ion.
Collect ing ord er and Payme nt.
Mainta ining Cu sto mer sat isfact ion.
Approval of RM C Ready M ix in Govt Dept like PWD, DRD O, MCD.
Getting a sing le orde r of 20 00 0 Cum Fro m Na irba ir Sing h a nd comp any (CPWD) Kar n i s ingh Sh oot ing ra nge Kad ir
p u r Gu rg a on .Supply Con crete M/S Larsen & Toubro Ltd in IGI A irp ort .
Team Supervision:
Hand ling, Le ading and direct ing a te am of Sa le s P romote rs to mot iva te a nd he lp t hem to p erf orm the ir b est t o m e e t
comp any sa le s t arge t
Prov iding nece ssary tra in ing t o th e sale s for ce/ techn ica l support tea ms regard in g produ ct pre sentat ion, in st it u t io n al
dealing an d cust omer h a n d lin g .
Condu cting mont h ly Review me eting of Sa les pro moter s to mon itor the ir perf orman ce a nd e ff icie ncy and wit h t h e
SM P tea m mem be r s.
o Operating systems: Win 7, Win 9X, Win XP, DOS.
o Office Applications: MS Offices (Good Command in PowerPoint,
Excel & Word).
o Others: Languages:-‘C’, Basic FoxPro, H/W knowledge, Internet,
Web designing & Networking.
30th March 1985
Date of Birth :
Father’s Name: Mr. Govind Ballabh Bisht
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Area of Interest: Travelling and interacting wi th people, Reading books etc
Language Known: Hindi, English.
Permanent Address: 696/6 Jagriti vihar Meerut.
Strengths: Hardworking, Enthusiastic & Confident.
Date: Place: