Email: ************@*****.*** Ph.: +1-408-***-****
w ww.linkedin.com/in/ sunnyddesai
C areer Objective
Eagerly looking for a summer internship as Software/Application/System Programmer,
t he primary objective is to learn with time and use that knowledge and experience to
i mprove my efficiency and quality of work
Educational Background
M aster of Science, Computer Science (GPA – 3.766/4.0) ( Aug
2014 – P resent)
California State University, North ridge
Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Engineering (CGPA – 7.46/10)
( Aug 2009 – Jun 2013)
Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad
Technical Skills
• P rogramming Languages: C/C++, JAVA (Android), C# with .NET, HTM L, MySQL,
• Graphical Packages: A dobe Photoshop 7.0, i-Movie
• Tools: V isual Studio 2008, Netbeans 7.2, Eclipse, Notepad++, Text Wrangler,
A ndroid Studio, MS Office,
• Operating Systems: W indows (XP, 7), L inux (Ubuntu), Mac OS (lion, Mavericks),
i OS, Android Mobile OS
Academic P rojects
“Detecting activity and webpage using Lux values: Luxli”
( Aug 2014)
Used an Android device to detect activity and webpage using lux values detected by
l ight sensors, also developed a Luxli mobile app on Android operating system for
t he research. Used Java for Android and Eclipse IDE for developing the Android
R eferences: Available upon request
app and Nexus 7 to test the application. The results were very useful, which can be
applied for other applications too.
“Employee Management System”
( Aug 2014)
Created requirements specification document using different kinds of elicitation
methods. This project was focused on pre-implementation procedures, where all
i ndustry-based techniques were used to gather requirements.
“ Equity and M utual Fund Portfolio and KYC Document M anagement”
( Aug 2012)
A web-based application to help our client’s customer to make portfolio for
h is/her assets in Equity and/or Mutual funds and/or policies. The application was
developed using C# with ASP.NET, MS SQL, Visual Studio 2008 IDE.
“ Presented Seminar” on basic i dea and f uture i n “Artificial Intelligence”. I t was a good
experience for gathering knowledge about the expert systems.
Work Experience
“Research Student Assistant“ (Ma r 2015 -
P resent)
Comp. Sci. Dept., California State University, North r idge
This research project is based on my academic project luxli. The professor is
i nterested in to take the project further. The required code will be writ ten for
examining the results on Android device.
“Student Assistant“ (Oct 2015 -
P resent)
References: Available upon request
F aculty Technology Center, California State University, North r idge
Duties assigned with this position are to assist and give technical support to
faculty, students and any staff member of the University for the learning
management system Moodle. I do provide technical help for L MS to them via phone
and at walk-in facility. I learned various soft skills like how to approach people and
u nderstanding the problem of speaker, get the details, which are required to solve
t he problem etc. that will help me through entire life.
R eferences: Available upon request