Dr. Pradip Seju
MBBS, MS (General Surgery)
Name Dr Pradip Babubhai Seju
Sex Male
Marital Status Married
Date of birth 9th September 1959
Nationality Indian
Permanent Address T-5, Sharanam-7, Opp Chandan farm,
Satellite, Ahmedabad - 380015, Gujarat,
Address of Correspondence Same as above
Contact Numbers (M) +91-997*******
(R) 079-********
Email Id ******@*******.***
Passport Number with expiry date H0681720, Expiry - 30/9/2018
Languages Known Gujarati, Hindi, English
S No Degree Institute Location Conferred Dates
1 Bachelors in NHL Municipal Ahmedabad 23rd Nov, 1984
Medicine and Medical College,
Surgery (MBBS) Gujarat University
2 Masters in NHL Municipal Ahmedabad 27th Nov, 1991
Surgery (MS) Medical College,
Gujarat University
Dissertation during residency - Evaluation of Penetrating injuries to the trunk
S.No Profile Hospital Date
1 Resident - Gen. Surgery NHL Municipal Medical 1/7/84 to 31/10/88
College, Ahmedabad
2 Assistant Medical Dr Balkisan Desai(MS), 1/11/88 to 31/12/89
Officer Nursing home: 26, White
house, Panchwati,
Ambawadi, Ahmedabad
3 Assistant Surgical Dr Chandrark Pandya(MS, 1/1/90 to 31/10/90
Resident FRCS), Neurosurgical
hospital, Silver spring,
Behind St Xavier's ladies
Hostel, Swastik cross
roads, Ahmedabad
4 Assistant Consultant Dr Narendra Abhyankar(MS), 1/12/90 to 15/1/92
Surgeon Nursing home: A/12, Silver
arc apartment, Town hall,
B/H havmor, Opp panshikura
hotel, Ellisbridge,
5 Consultant General Proprietor - Aditya 16/1/92 to 29/12/12
Surgeon surgical hospital and Head
injury clinic, 2nd floor,
Gold coin complex, Jodhpur
cross roads, Satellite
road, Ahmedabad
6 Consultant General RN Vala Hospital, 4/4/13 to 28/2/14
Surgeon Kodinar-Veraval highway,
7 Consultant General Samved Multispecialty 19/3/14 to 19/7/14
Surgeon Hospital, 1st floor,
Mahadev complex, Kathlal
8 Assistant Gujarat Adani Institute of 10/9/14 to 1/11/14
Professor(Gen. Surgery) Medical Sciences, Bhuj
9 Consultant General Nyangabgwe Referral 16/1/15 to 20/2/15
Surgeon Hospital, Francistown,
Botswana(One month
SURGICAL /PHYSICIAN PROFILE (with each of the hospitals worked with):
Hospital Name Surgical / Physician Profile
NHL Municipal Worked as a resident in the department of General Surgery
Medical College, Completed my post-graduation
Ahmedabad During residency, worked in LG hospital as a Casualty
Medical Officer(CMO) during which I gained valuable
experience to tackle accidental and other surgical
medico-legal emergencies
Dr Balkisan Ran OPD as well as managed the IPD
Desai(MS), Nursing Assisted Dr BN desai in all types of Brain & Spine
home: 26, White operations
house, Panchwati, Tackled all types of head injuries and neuro-surgical
Ambawadi, Ahmedabad emergencies
Dr Chandrark Assisted Dr C Pandya in all types of Brain & Spine
Pandya(MS, FRCS), operations
Neurosurgical Tackled all types of head injuries and neuro-surgical
hospital, Silver emergencies competently
spring, Behind St
Xavier's ladies
Hostel, Swastik
cross roads,
Dr Narendra
Abhyankar(MS), Looked after OPD as well as the indoor patients
Nursing home: A/12, Performed all types of surgeries independently
Silver arc Managed operative as well as non-operative surgical
apartment, Town emergencies efficiently
hall, B/H havmor, Tackled head injuries and other emergencies.
Opp panshikura
hotel, Ellisbridge,
Aditya surgical Ran my private hospital successfully
hospital and Head Did all the major as well as minor operations individually
injury clinic, 2nd Managed all types of medical, surgical & accidental
floor, Gold coin medico-legal emergencies skillfully
complex, Jodhpur
cross roads,
Satellite road,
RN Vala Hospital,
Kodinar-Veraval Ran the OPD as well as the indoor department
highway, Kodinar Dealt with all types of surgical and road accidental
Multispecialty Worked as the Consultant as well as the Head of
Hospital, 1st floor, Department(HOD) of Surgery
Mahadev complex,
Gujarat Adani
Institute of Medical Worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Sciences, Bhuj, General Surgery
Gujarat Teaching undergraduate(MBBS) students
Nyangabgwe Referral
Hospital, Worked as a Consultant General Surgeon
Francistown, Handling emergencies as well as managing the OPD.
Botswana(One month
Teaching Post Institution Date From Date To Period
Surgical resident N.H.L. 1/7/84 31/10/88 Three years
Municipal and two
Medical months
Assistant Professor Gujarat Adani 10/9/14 1/11/14 One and a
Institute of half month
Ahmedabad medical Branch of Indian Medical Association
association Lifetime membership no: 3711
Conferences / Workshops / Paper Presentations (If Any):
1 Annual Conference November 22-23, 1986 ; The Association of Surgeons of India -
Gujarat State Chapter
2 Annual Conference & Workshop - 1998; The Association of Surgeons of India -
Gujarat State Chapter
3 58th Annual Conference December 25-30, 1998; The Association of Surgeons of
India - Gujarat State Chapter
4 Endosurgery '99, 4th Asia Pacific Conference of Minimally Invasive Surgery -
February 19-21, 1999
5 CME on Vascular Diseases - April 16, 2011
Council Regd. No. Date of Registration
Gujarat Medical Council 30th June 1994
Gujarat Medical Council MS 30th June 1994
Dr Ramesh Gandhi (MS, Consultant General Surgeon, "Abhyankar" Hospital, Block-A,
FICA-U.S.A., FCPS) 1st floor, Silver arc, Opp. Panchikura Hotel, Town Hall,
Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-380006
Clinic: 079-********/32903428
Dr Satish Raibagkar Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Plastic Surgery Hospital,
(MS, MCH) "Shivam", 1st floor, Nr Vishal mega mart, Jalaram temple
road, Paldi, Ahmedabad-380006
Clinic: 079-********