Fay Eskin
Fay Eskin
British Native
Newly Immigrated to the U.S.
Married with 2 children
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2011 - Open University UK (Degree Course)
Computer Studies
Social Science
English Literature
2005 - Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Degree Program in Nursing
Bachelor of Healthcare in Nursing
2003 - Eira High School for Adults
AICE Diploma A’ Levels in English, Psychology & Statistics
2002 - Libart Oy
Diploma. Assistant Manager: Project management and leadership
Marketing Sales and Communication
Production Management
Economy Finance and Payroll
Communication and Information technologies
1979 - Park Lane College of Further Education
Diploma. Commercial Studies
Typing Shorthand and Office practice
Business Studies and Accounting
Current – Markens Jewellers at Green Acres Mall. Sales Associate
2014 – Nurmijarvi Hospital. Finland – Ward Nurse RN. Nurse Temp at a long
term rehabilitation ward.
2009 - Naistenklinikka. Finland - Women’s Hospital OR Nurse RN. Performed
duties in four nursing disciplines: Circulating, Instrument, Anesthesia and
Recovery room.
2005 - Colors International - Administrative Assistant to VP
of Public relations. My role was to facilitate public relations events such as
Fay Eskin
hair/fashion shows for Colors International. For the same company I also created
Colors International Voice Bank. An agency for voice talent.
2003 - Digitus Oy. Finland - Market Research Associate - Completed market
research interviews for companies such as Nokia, Tieto Enator, and Microsoft.
2002 - MTT Agrifood Research - Finland. English Language proof reader/
copy editor of scientific articles and texts in English for the British Journal of
2000 - Cassandra 2000 - Mother & Daughter Project coordinator. Helsinki City
sponsored multi-cultural event that brought women of diverse profession and
ethnic background together with their daughters to explore ways of empowering
future generations of professional women.
1994 – Top Shop. Leeds UK – Sales Associate. Fashion clothing store
IT: comfortable with email web-based applications.
Excellent telephone manners
Windows Office, Word Excel, PowerPoint, HTML Code
CPR + IV License
Effica and Miranda medical data entry systems
Languages: English native. Finnish Fluent. Spanish basic
Clean Driver’s License
Touch Typing & Shorthand
A strange affinity for all things mechanical.
Naistenklinikka Nurmijärven Terveyskeskus
Haartmaninkatu 2 Sairaalantie 2
00290 Helsinki, Finland 01900 Nurmijärvi,
+358-*-******** +358-**-*******
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