Tashona Anthony
* ** * **** ** st Dr. Sugarl and, TX 77 49 8
Ce ll : 83 2.6 70 .68 29
tashonaanthony1 4@gmai l.c om
Summary De monstrated ac hie ve me nts wi th knowle dge i n me dic al bi ll ing, c oll ec tions,
busi ne ss manage ment, and admi nistration.
• Strong manage ment and supe rvisory e xpe rie nce i n Pati ent Ac c ess, Pati ent Ac c ounts, Customer
Se rvic e, and Reve nue Cyc le .
• Ski l le d at l earni ng ne w c once pts quic kl y, working we ll under pre ssure, and c ommunic ati ng i deas
c l earl y and e ffe c ti vel y.
• Exte nsi ve ski l ls i n c omputer software to i ncl ude Word, Exc e l, Ac c ess, PowerPoi nt, 10 -Key Touc h,
FSS/DDE, Internet, Typi ng, EPIC, Me di Soft, Me di tec h, E-Cl i nic al s, CUBS, Epi c, Prac tic e Fusi on, Carame dic,
Bri ghtre e, Ze rMe d, ICD-9, CPT c oding.
• Enthusiasti c and e xpe rie nce d i n hospital, c l inic, physi ci an offi c e, and third party c oll ec tion
age nc ies.
Educ ation B.S De gree i n Busi ness Admi nistration
Te xas Southe rn Uni versi ty
Conce ntrati on i n Busi ness Manage me nt and Admi nistration 2 00 1
• Ce rti fi cate i n Me di cal Coding
U.S. Care er Institute 2 01 4
• Di pl oma 19 92
Kempner Hi gh Sc hool
Care er Hi story & Ac c ompl ishme nts
Te mporary Positi ons Houston, TX 3/ 20 08 to 9 /20 10
AIG Trave l Assi st, Pati ent Ac c ounti ng Se rvic e Ce nte r, Vanguard Ge riatric s, Xam Busi ness Se rvic es,
• Hospi tal, c l inic, physi ci an bi ll ing and c oll ec tions. Me di cal bi ll ing/c oll ec tion prac tic es.
• Me di care, Me di cai d, Manage d Care, Commerc ial, L i ens, Workers Comp, and Se l f-pay.
• Appe al s, re submi ssi ons, Me di care c ost re porting, and RTP. Pe rform vari ous c oll ec tion ac ti ons
i ncl udi ng c ontac ting patie nts by phone, c orrec ti ng and re submi tti ng c l aims to third party paye rs.
• ICD-9, CPT, me dic al c oding and third-party operati ng proce dure s and prac tic es.
Bil l ing Coordi nator, Bri ghte r Day He al th Houston, TX 04 /2 01 4 to c urrent
• Supe rvi se d offi c e supporti ve staff.
• Eff e c ti ve operati ng of me dic al offi c e, Ac c ounts Payabl e, Ac c ounts Rec e i vable, ICD-9, CPT c oding.
• Me di care, Me di cai d, HMO, Commerc ial bi ll ing /c oll ec tions, Age d re ports, month e nd re ports,
and Cost re porting.
• Psyc hiatri c Bil l ing and Col le ctions for se ve ral Psyc hiatri sts and The rapists for c l inic s.
Bil l ing Spe ci al ist, Me di cal Manage me nt Profe ssi onal s Houston, TX 0 3/2 0 13 to 0 1/2 01 4
• Bil l ing on-l ine, re je c ti on re port and c oll ec tions, third party paye rs, and HMO. Di rec t Data Entry to
Me di cai d
• Age d Reporting, ICD-9, CPT-c oding, RTP, Appe al s, MSP, Cl ai ms, and L ate Charge Reports.
• Ac ted as te am l ead to e duc ate staff and e nsure produc tion and monthl y c ash goal s are me t.
Rei mburseme nt Spe ci al ist, Brown Hand Ce nte r Houston, TX 1 0/2 0 11 to 0 3/2 01 3
• Hospi tal, c l inic, physi ci an and c oll ec tions. Me di cal bi ll ing/c oll ec tion prac tic es.
• Me di care, and Manage d Care, Commerc ial, L i ens, Workers Comp, and Se l f-pay.
• Appe al s, re submi ssi ons, Me di care c ost re porting, and RTP. Pe rform vari ous c oll ec tion ac ti ons
i ncl udi ng c ontac ting patie nts by phone, c orrec ti ng and re submi tti ng c l aims to third party paye rs.
• ICD-9, CPT, me dic al c oding and third-party operati ng proce dure s and prac tic es.
Bil l ing Coordi nator, Vanguard Ge riatric s Houston, TX 04 /20 1 1 to 1 0/ 20 11
• Supe rvi se d offi c e supporti ve staff.
• Eff e c ti ve operati ng of me dic al offi c e, Ac c ounts Payabl e, Ac c ounts Rec e i vable, ICD-9, CPT c oding.
• Me di care, Me di cai d, HMO, Commerc ial bi ll ing /c oll ec tions, Age d re ports, month e nd re ports,
and Cost re porting.
• Psyc hiatri c Bil l ing and Col le ctions for se ve ral Psyc hiatri sts and The rapists for c l inic s.
Col le ctions Spe ci al ist, Xam Busi ness Se rvic es Houston, TX 10 /20 1 0 to 0 3 /20 11
• Hospi tal, c l inic, physi ci an bi ll ing and c oll ec tions. Me di cal bi ll ing/c oll ec tion prac tic es.
• Me di care, Me di cai d, Manage d Care, Commerc ial, L i ens, Workers Comp, and Se l f-pay.
• Appe al s, re submi ssi ons, Me di care c ost re porting, and RTP. Pe rform vari ous c oll ec tion ac ti ons
i ncl udi ng c ontac ting patie nts by phone, c orrec ti ng and re submi tti ng c l aims to third party paye rs.
• ICD-9, CPT, me dic al c oding and third-party operati ng proce dure s and prac tic es.
Me di care Bil l ing Spe ci al ist, Pati ent Ac c ounti ng Se rvic e Ce nte r Houston, TX 0 9/ 20 09 to 0 3/2 0 10
• Me di care onli ne bi ll ing w/ i ntermedi ari es BC/BS (FSS) and Mutual of Omaha, bi ll ing and
c oll ec tions, third party paye rs, and HMO. Di rec t Data Entry to Me di care .
• Age d Reporting, ICD-9, CPT-c oding, RTP, Appe al s, MSP, Cl ai ms, and L ate Charge Reports.
• Ac ted as te am l ead to e duc ate staff and e nsure produc tion and monthl y c ash goal s are me t.
AIG Trave l Assi st De pt., Me di cal Cl ai ms Rep. Houston, TX 3/ 20 08 to 3 /20 09
Fac i li tate d transac tions for i nternati onal c l ie nts outside the U.S., Answe ri ng i ncoming trave le r
c al ls and assi sti ng wi th me dic al staff for c l ie nt hospital c ases
Proce ssi ng me dic al c l aim ac c ounts to c orrec t c ases, Revi e wing me dic al re cords and e xpl anations
of be ne fi ts for c ustome r’di agnosis
Proce ssi ng c ustome r c harge s to savi ngs c ompany for di sc ount be ne fi t, appl ying di sc ounted
c harge s to c ustome r c ases, Adj udic ating payme nts to ac c ounts
Revi e wing i nsurance portal to proce ss i ncoming provider c l aims, E-mai l updates of the portal
status to appropri ate re pre se ntative
Customer c al ls for c l aim status updates, al so trai n ne w e mployee s on the phone syste m to
answe r i ncoming c l aims c al ls.
Ac c ount Repre sentati ve, Harri s County Hospi tal Di stri c t Houston, TX 07 /2 00 2 to 03 /20 0 8
• Promotion to Te am L e ad wi thi n a ye ar from hi re date.
• Hospi tal, c l inic, and c oll ec tions. Me di cal bi ll ing/c oll ec tion prac tic es.
• Me di cai d and Manage d Care Pl ans
• Appe al s, re submi ssi ons, Me di care c ost re porting, and RTP. Pe rform vari ous c oll ec tion ac ti ons
i ncl udi ng c ontac ting patie nts by phone, c orrec ti ng and re submi tti ng c l aims to third party paye rs.
• ICD-9, CPT, me dic al c oding and third-party operati ng proce dure s and prac tic es.
Refe re nc es Avai l abl e Upon Reque st