David Park
PO Box ***** Tel: 671-***-****
Barrigada, Guam 96921 Email:
Currently a sales associate at Lacoste that is highly trustworthy,
hardworking, responsible, adept communicator and team player looking for a
workplace with a strong teamwork environment that loves to communicate,
learn and help others.
2004 - 2005 St. John's School
2005 - 2008 Harvest Christian Academy
2008 - 2009 University of the Pacific (California)
(Courses: Biology, Chemistry, Japanese, Pacific Seminar*
{freshman required course}
2009 - 2010 University of Guam
(Courses: Economics, Ceramics, Psychology, English)
2010 - 2011 Seattle Central Community College
Work Experience
2009-2010 Acted as Vice President of the Korean Student Association
at the University of the Pacific.
2009-2010 Landstar Tour: Office work for a Korean tourism company on
Guam. Worked with Microsoft Word, Microsoft
Excel, and Korean Document program,
2010-2011 Wow Bubble Tea: Worked in taking orders (cash register),
serving, storage, and janitorial services.
2012 Louis Vuitton: Worked as a Sales Associate in selling items using the
English, Korean, and Japanese Language.
2012-2013 Duty Free Shopping Guam (Tumon Bay Gallery): Sales Associate
and Watch Specialist
2013-2014 Hanatour (Upper Tumon): Accounting Manager
2014-2015 LaCoste (Gemkell Corporation, Tumon Sands Plaza): Sales
Associate (Current)
IT Skills
Highly skilled in Microsoft Office, Powerpoint, Excel, Graphic design, FL
Studio, Garageband, Logic, Windows/Mac Programs.
Most recent Job: LaCoste : 646-4815 Supervisor: Martina Paguio
Previous references available upon request.