M iss S Y Gaye
Ad ress : *** Blake g a y e sy * @ g m a i l . c om
Email :
B l v d, V a n i e r, O N, C A
K1L 6L2
Cell phone :
P e rso nal d eta ils
Family name First name
SY Gaye Abdoul
D a t e o f b i r th 28-10-1995
Place of N a t i o n al i t y
B a m a k o, M al i Malian
Marital Single
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Miss SY Gaye
E du ca tio n
Diploma, certificate Current studies
Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer
Ottawa University, CA.
Diploma, certificate Year of graduation
Extended Diploma in French language
Bamako, Mali
Diploma, certificate Year of graduation
Scientific Baccalaureate.
Notre Dame High school
Bamako, Mali.
Diploma, certificate Year of graduation
Degree from fundamental studies.
Notre Dame College
Bamako, Mali
Diploma, certificate Year of graduation
Certificate of completion of primary
Ecovie College
Bamako, Mali
W or k expe ri enc e
Volunteering Start date End date
Digital access training
February April 2015
ACORN Canada
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Miss SY Gaye
Help target people to increase their knowledge of the digital world.
Support and technical assistance.
Organization of workshop session.
Technical assistant Start date End date
Secretariat of the Ministry of Territorial Administration
Database processing for biometric files. June August 2009
Help technicians perform their task.
Saving files.
Use of computer system.
L an gua ges
Speaking: Fluent English
W riting: working knowledge
P r of essi on a l c ha rac te ri s ti c s
Basic computer software Java language.
Photoshop Though, learning software
W ord, Excel, PowerPoint.
Data entry.
Through programming
M i scel la neo us
Computer, Software. High tech, robotics.
Interested in robotics, it will be Artistic drawing, imaging.
my program for graduate studies.
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