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Customer Service Care

Tucson, AZ
April 05, 2015

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Khalid Person

***** ***** **, ******** ** *****

Cell: 623 - 262 -0341 - *****.********@*****.***

Sales and Retention for Khalid Person


I have been in the US ARMY for the past four years. I recently within the last month and a half got out due to a war related

injury. I am no longer capable of performing combat duties. During my time in the service, I was a logistics specialist.

What does that entail? Well, a logistics specialist is a person who works in a warehouse shipping and receiving military

parts, weapons, etc. Every three months, our unit, would rotate to different sections of the warehouse so that each soldier

knew the warehouse entirely. I specialized in customer care and satisfaction. Besides my actual job description, I was a

paratrooper, soldier, and team member.


Superior communication skills Austin Logistics call center systems

Cheerful and energetic Dependable and reliable

MS Office proficient Resolution-oriented

Flexible scheduling Savvy negotiator

Effective team player

Superior organization skills


In my time in the Army, I received the highest Physical Training score in my entire unit.

I received a combat action badge for successfully fending off the enemy in Afghanistan.

I was recognized as a good battle buddy for helping out many soldiers in my unit when they needed places to stay or help

at home.

I was trained as a combat lifesaver.

I was one of two people in a 200 man unit that was trained to operate a 6k to 10k forklift.


Logistics Specialist

April 2011 to January 2015

US ARMY - Fort Bragg, north carolina

Recommended and helped customers select merchandise based on their needs.

Exchanged returned merchandise for customers quickly and efficiently.

Served as liaison between customers, store personnel and various store departments.

Confirmed that appropriate changes were made to resolve customers' problems.

Exercises sound judgment in issuing credits and making exceptions to customer policies to maintain high levels of

customer satisfaction.

Extended customer subscriptions, offering discounts and promotions to ensure high customer retention rates.

Processed up to [number] customer orders per day.

Managed wide variety of customer service and administrative tasks to resolve customer issues quickly and efficiently.

Trained new employees on company customer service policies and service level standards.

E ducation

Select One : logistics, 2011

US Army - Fort Lee, virginia, united states

logistic certification


Derrick Pottorff

Cox Communications Supervisor

14109 W Banff Ln Surprise, Az 85379


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