Pamela Yvonne Garci a
Missi on, TX 78572
pamelaygar cia@gmai
A Nurse Practi ti oner (NP) is well prepared for wide range of servic es to a wide base of
patient s. NP's promote health awarenes s and wit h collabor ati on wit h physici ans extend
appropri ate health care.
Master of Science in Nursi ng-May 2005, Univer sit y of Texas-Pan Amer ican, Edinburg,
Bachelor of Science in Nursi ng-December 1998, Univer sit y of Texas-Pan Amer ican,
Edinburg, TX.
Pi Omi cron Sigma Theta Tu-Inter nati onal Honor Society of Nursi ng 1998
Pi Omi cron Sigma Theta Tu-Inter nati onal Honor Society of Nursi ng 2005
Work Experience:
South Texas Gast roenter ology (September 10, 2001-present ) name has changed to
Renaissance Gast roenter ology
Edinburg, TX 78539 956- 682-4800
Famil y Nurse Practi ti oner
Colorectal Cancer Screening Program Coordinator
Edinburg Regional Medical Center ( December 1998-September 7, 2001)
Edinburg, TX 78539 956- 388-6000
Uti li zati on Review Nurse
Medical /Telem etry Nurse
Charge Nurse occasional ly
Object ives/ Goals :
Promote Colorectal Cancer awarenes s.
Add producti vit y to Renaissance Gast roenter ology
Have collabor ati on wit h all physici ans for appropri ate care.
Maint ain a successful colorect al cancer screeni ng program.
See an increas e of patient s coming in for gastroi ntes ti nal issues .