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Houston, TX
16hr or open
February 11, 2015

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Jonathan Cowin


** ***** ***** ***** * Ct. The Woodla nds T X 77380 832-***-****

bk2171@m sn.c om

Pr ofe ssion al Prof ile

R ising profe ssiona l with significa nt expe rienc e; compute r lite rate in multiple opera ting systems, and

sof tw are a pplic ations w ith cutting edge know le dge of te chnologica l cha nges and the ir busine ss

implic ations; e nthusia stic about applying ne w tec hnologie s, enha ncing curr ent te chnica l e xpertise, and

a pplying transf era ble skill sets

Enthusiastic, know le dge-hungr y se lf -starte r, e age r to meet challenge s and quic kly assimila te newe st and

late st tec hnologie s, skills, conc epts, and idea s

H ighly analytica l tea m playe r with aptitude for quickly sc rutiniz ing e nvir onme nts to ide ntif y a nd

pr ior itiz e needs/risks and develop solutions

C re ative troubleshooter /problem-solver that works hard and loves a challenge

P rove n r elationship-builde r with exc eptional inte rpe rsonal, c ommunica tion, a nd pr esenta tion skills

E xp erie nc e

D ir ect TV

I nsta ll Tec hnician/S ervic e Tec hnic ian 4. 2009 to Pr esent

P erf orms system sw eeping, a lignment, testing, ana lysis, trouble shooting, r epair and ce rtifica tion,

inc luding R F tw o wa y

worke d with f ibe r optic s I nsta lla tion, Te sting and Maintena nce

Pr oduces and ma inta ins documenta tion and re cords for a ll activitie s a nd testing as require d

P articipate s in regula rly sc heduled and emer genc y on- call duty beyond

normal w orking hour s as re quir ed by supe rvisor

P erf orms ge nera l c onstr uction duties, splicing ( coaxia l, fiber), ac tiva tion and emer genc y

restora tion of communic ations f acilitie s

Pr operly protec ts and defe nds Time Wa rner C able e quipme nt, pr operty, a nd mate rials against loss,

the ft or da ma ge. Ma inta ins all e quipme nt a ssigne d in pr oper wor king orde r inc luding re gula r

calibra tion, r epair, adjustme nt, and alignme nt

Pe rfor ms all duties of the installer, such a s: conne cts and disc onnec ts ca ble a nd pa y tele vision

service s, as well a s, per forms upgr ades, downgra des, pre -wiring and multiple dw elling insta lla tions

Uses various tools and e quipme nt pr oficiently a nd in acc orda nce w ith safe ty guidelines. These

inc lude, but a re not limite d to: sc rew drivers, plie rs, shovels, ladde rs a nd va rious test me te rs, sw eep

syste ms, be nch alignme nt gea r, signal ana lysis me te rs, D VM, VOM, loca ting equipme nt, lea kage

detec tion equipment, OTD R, TD R, digita l mete rs, R F/D6 me te r and multi-mete r, and two w ay


Re sponds to a nd c omple te s subsc riber tec hnic al service calls

Pe rfor ms te chnica l trouble shooting by c limbing on ladde rs, te lephone poles, a nd other struc tur es;

lifting and car rying up to 75 pounds, digging, c raw ling, stooping a nd standing. W orks outside

thr oughout the year .

10 months of MDU, Multiple Dw elling Unit de partment prima rily r ewiring businesses and

apar tme nts

Pe rfor ms, pr actice s, and enfor ce s sa fety rules and proce dure s whe n exhibiting tec hnica l tasks

Jonathan Cowin Experienced Continued. .

Time Wa rner C able

I nsta ll Tec hnician/S ervic e Tec hnic ian 2007 to 2009

R esponsible for multiple repor ts including but not limited to the Aging, C BT, Le aka ge, N ode

H arde ning, MIA, 72 Hour, EZ Conne ct, IT follow up, 94514 B ucke t, Rollbac ks, Signature

H ome .

R esponsible for the entire ac cur ate completion a nd c hec k-in of the customer Wor k O rder in

I CO MS. Inc lude s a ll equipment provisioning with High Spe ed data, e MTA phone modems, and

c onverte r boxes.

A ssist F ield S er vic e tec hnic ians with trouble shooting, tec hnica l issues, and equipment updates.

R esponsible for wor k manage ment in me tr o and all outlying wor k ar ea s which includes

mea sureme nts to dr ive high job completion, ac cur ate & on- time routing, & competitive

c ompa risons vs. the divisions in the Re gion. This includes all w ork types including: se rvice,

S R O's, disconne cts, insta lls, and restar ts/upgr ade s/dow ngrade s.

R esponsible to assist tec hnicians with a cc urate routes, calling c ustomer s to head of f trouble c alls,

a nd r outing service te chnicia ns in me tr o a nd outlying a rea s to ma ximize division r esults.

P rimetime Mor tga ge 1998 to 2007

Loa n O ffice r

A nalyze d loan applica tions of dif fer ent applicants and approve d or de nie d the m, a ll in c onsulta tion with

mana gement.

S old a nd marke ted mortgage and loan products, including qualifying c omple me ntary ser vic e pac kage s

a nd insura nce policies and produc ts.

Exe cuted marke ting plans for mortgage s and loan progra ms, to meet mor tga ge produc tion goals.

Ma inta ine d a nd r evised mortgage strate gie s, polic ies and proce dure s.

C olle cte d a ll nece ssar y infor ma tion and documents from clients c omple ting loa n a pplic ations.

C onducte d ba ckground che cks and verific ations to ensure the customer fulfills a ll conditions.

B ally Tota l F itne ss /P ower -house Gym / 24 F itness/ Indepe ndent Traine r 1994 to 1997

P er sonal Tr ainer

D ynamic a nd a chieve me nt-orie nte d individual, posse ssing mor e tha n 8 yea rs' pr oven succe ss in

tra ining and deve lopme nt of wor ld- class athletes and private cliente le .

S elec ted as le ade r of de velopment te am f or sta rt-up and succe ssful introduc tion of fitne ss

pr ogram designed to re shape mind a nd body

D esigned and inte grate d suc cessf ul wor kpla ce strate gie s, including building a nd foster ing 5-

member tra ining c rew .

R estruc tured we ightlifting a nd c ardio- tr aining division, and assiste d w ith re- opening of S tudio,

one of the large st gym in northern P aris, with 5000 members.

P ossess e xce ptiona l inte rpe rsonal communic ation skills a nd the ability to inter pret and def ine

c lie nt nee ds through inte rview ing a nd infor ma tion gathe ring pr ocesse s.

D evelop and prese nt per sonalized tra ining age ndas and motivate c lie nte le to ac hieve goals,

giving c le ar a nd c oncise expla nations for r eleva nt re comme ndations.

C re ate complete and individua liz ed progr ams ba sed on time a nd r esourc es available w hic h

include w eight goals, diet specific ations a nd menus, physica l tra ining and exe rc ise, and life style

c hange s.

Monitor and instruc t ne w c lie nts re garding saf e and eff ective use of car diovascula r, flexibility

a nd stre ngth training equipme nt.

D evelop persona liz ed training pla ns f or c lie nts, based on individual needs

U nite d St ates Ar my 1989 to 1993

C ommunica tions S pecia list

Page 2

Jonathan Cowin Experienced Continued. .

Ma inta ine d a nd ope rate d w ir eless communic ations systems, including: Land Mobile Ra dio

( LMR) ne tw orks, HF, VHF, UHF .

I nte rmedia te d integr ation e xperie nce w ith Military S yste ms such as C OTS a nd TO CN ET

systems, Tac tic al Data Links, and tac tic al sa te llite systems ( BF T/FB C B2) .

O pera te d and installed signal suppor t systems into H MMW V's, MR AP 's and other US MC

ve hic les.

C onducte d pr eventive maintenanc e, tr ouble shooting, a nd system restora l a ctions.

Tr ained and super vise d ove r 25 Tele com te chnicia ns.

O pera te d and trouble shot var ious F M ra dios in f reque ncy bands HF, V HF, U HF and satellite

c ommunica tion equipment.

P laned, supervised, a nd integr ated the installa tion, ope ration, a nd maintenanc e of S igna l support

systems, to include r adio, wire, and comple x forc e 21 battlefie ld a utoma te d systems.

Ma inta ine d a C OMS EC vault with ze ro faults w ith over 100 c ontr olle d ite ms.

R esponsible for over 1 million dolla rs' worth of tac tic al satellite equipme nt

Top S ecr et C lea ranc e


• Eff ective tea m member with e xce ptiona l communic ation, pr oble m solving, de cision making,

or ganiza tiona l, le ade rship a nd a dministrative skills.

• Able to consistently w ork inde pende ntly without super vision to tec hnic al specific ations.

• Ability to inte ra ct with individua ls on a ll leve ls and ca n multi- ta sk e fficie ntly.

• C omplete pr oje cts a cc urate ly and in a time ly, prof essional manne r.

• Exce lle nt tec hnica l and mecha nica l troubleshooting a bilities with Gr eat attendanc e and

pe rfor ma nce r ecor ds.


S ate llite B road cast in g an d Com mu nicat ion s A ssoc iat ion (S B CA)

S atellite Fu nd ame nt als Cer tificat ion

Th e fu n dame nt al of satellite te ch nology Site su rve y

C oaxial cab le & c onn ec tors An te nn a inst allation

Grou n din g & su rge pr otec tion Hook -u p & syst em int egrat ion

High de finition & Off -Air int egrat ion T estin g & tr oub lesh ooting

Mu lti sat ellit e ant en na in stallation Cu stome r ed u cation

DIRE CT V Con nec te d Hom e Cer tificat ion

D IREC TV Inst allation C ont ract or Cer tificat ion

KaKu/S WiM cer tifie d

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