Position applying for: *. Baggage handler SkyCap, light duty building superintendent part time and/or full time, wearhouse work stock work, slavery expected 16 to 25.00 h hours shift desire: morning and/or late even 2. Doorman front clerk --- simple stock work -- simply office assistance in showing apt. or any other job that doesn't require heavy lifting and pay good even if it's part time for three days
Applicant name: Felix Carrasquillo Jr.
Address: 85-41 Britton Ave 3rd fl apt, Elmhurst Queens New York, NY 11373
Driver license: New York 573 068 542 Telephone: none Cellphone:
email: *********@*****.***
EDUCATION: I got my GED in 1978 and went to CCP Community College of Philadelphia and only completed one year
From: 1984 To: to 1995
Employer name and address: self employed as a private contractor in construction
Job title: supervisor supervisor: Tel:
Reason for leaving: I closed the contracting business because I had too much problem with paying out part time workers and filing taxes return
Description of work: rehab contractor on old apartment building and home owner
From: Feb/2004 To: July/2005
Employer name and address: University City Housing, located in Philadelphia at University of PENN, west Philadelphia
Job title: Building Superintendent supervisor: Bob Tel:
Reason for leaving: Too much responsibility and did not had time off constantly working on call 24 hours a day
Description of work: cleaning and showing apartment for rent
From: Feb/2010 To: Jan/2015
Employer name and address: Aviation Safeguard Security at LGDA with Delta, Queens New York
Job title: Skycap Baggage Handler supervisor: Quzza Tel: 1-718-***-****
Reason for leaving: The airport is under reconstruction and slowed down the work load ---I was getting tips but that subsided to nothing so I decided to leave after an argue with another supervisor
Description of work: skycap baggage handle for delta including wheelchair assistance in and out of the aircraft