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Project Manager Management

Haviland, KS, 67059
February 05, 2015

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Seth P. Domangue, P.G.

***** ****** ******, ********, ********* 70737 • ****.********@*****.*** • 225-***-****

Project Manager

Environmental Remediation Project Management • Operations, Planning, & Logistics Management on Large Scale

Environmental Projects • Program and Project Management • Spill Response • Safety Management •

Business/Client Development

Employment History

Remedial Construction Services, LP – Project Manager: Baton Rouge, LA 2014 - present

Matrix New World Engineering, Inc. – Project Manager/Business Development Manager: Baton Rouge, LA,

2011 - 2014

Shaw Environmental and Infrastructure, Inc. – Project Manager: Baton Rouge, LA, 2005 - 2011

Conestoga Rovers and Associates, Inc. – Project Manager: Baton Rouge, LA, 2001 - 2005

EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. – Project Scientist: Dallas, TX, 2000 – 2001


Bachelor of Science, Geology, 2000, Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana

Career Experience

Hydrogeologic and ecological assessments, investigations, and remediation – Management, Planning, Logistics,


Data Collection, Data Analysis & Management, Field and Data Mapping, Sampling Plan Design, and QA/QC

Supervision of all levels of professional staff (field and administrative) and subcontractors

Field training and mentoring of new staff and subcontractors

Technical Report writing and editing, e.g. Corrective Action Plans (CAPs), RCRA Facility Investigations (RFIs)

Remedial Investigation Work Plans (RIWPs), Risk Evaluation/Corrective Action Program (RECAP) Reports, etc.

Underground Storage Tank (UST) permitting, closures, and investigations

Environmental Site closures granted in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi

Hazardous and non-hazardous waste landfill maintenance and geotechnical support

Office management for start-up office including the hiring of staff, revenue forecasting, and business licensing

Coastal Projects – Management, Planning, Logistics, Operator, Data Collection

Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) project management

Specific Project Experience

Cameron LNG Project - Earthworks and Soil Stabilization, Hackberry, Louisiana: Project Manager for the site

preparation portion of an LNG export facility construction requiring the stabilization of nearly 2,000,000 cubic yards

of dredge spoils. Through subcontract to CB&I Environmental and Infrastructure (E&I), the project involves the

stabilization of onsite soils and general site preparation for the mobilization of piling installation contractors and

close coordination with multiple organizations through adverse conditions and contractual requirements. The scope

of work includes the construction of two onsite cement slurry plants, removal of topsoil and overburden material,

conditioning of soils for structural fill, in-situ stabilization and geotechnical testing of soils in process areas,

backfilling of several large ponds, and the installation of wick drains. The facility will be constructed by CB&I

Chiyoda Joint Venture (CCJV) throughout the next six years and will include three liquefaction trains and will

employ well over 2,000 people. As Project Manager, responsibilities include: the oversight of multiple crews (over

100 onsite staff), demanding schedule maintenance and reporting requirements, budget management and changes,

and client/owner relations.

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Seth P. Domangue, P.G.

14162 Calice Street, Gonzales, Louisiana 70737 • ****.********@*****.*** • 225-***-****

Consolidated Aluminum Corporation, Inc. (Consolidated), Lake Charles Carbon Company (LCCC) Facility,

2005 through 2014 – Project Manager responsible for the support of complex litigation proceedings involving

broadly scoped, multi-disciplinary environmental services including multi-media human health and ecological risk

evaluation, solid and hazardous waste landfill design, maintenance, and operation. The project also involved

deposition support, testifying and non-testifying expert witness selection and data dissemination, GIS support

(exhibit prep), and general environmental consulting primarily in support of trial and/or settlement efforts. The

project has evolved through multiple phases which are generally grouped as: Phase I) Initial Litigation Support –

Discovery, Phase II) Primary Litigation Support – Expert Selection/Trial/Settlement, and Phase III) Post Settlement

Projects. Key environmental issues of the litigation involved poly-chlorinated biphenyl (PCB)/polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbon (PAH)/and volatile organic compound (VOC) wastes and impacts to soil, groundwater, and sediment at

the former aluminum production facility. The project included non-testifying expert witness support and testifying

expert witness selection support throughout six years of litigation which settled without trial. Post settlement

activities have included hazardous and non-hazardous landfill corrective action studies, landfill repair design and

implementation, landfill operation and maintenance, and continued reserve estimating.

Momentive Specialty Chemicals (Momentive), BCP Geismar Site, 2005 through 2014 – Project support and

management for the protection of a drinking water aquifer located directly beneath a dense non-aqueous phase liquid

(DNAPL) plume within an active PVC manufacturing facility driven by consent decree. The Site has included many

complex projects within a dynamic regulatory and political environment further complicated by alluvial

hydrogeology, chemical fate and transport for DNAPLs, and active plant operations. Currently supporting the

implementation of an in-situ bioremediation treatability and pilot study for the removal and/or reduction of DNAPL

concentrations. Throughout the project duration, activities conducted onsite have included double-cased monitor

well systems installation, injection permitting, injection testing, aquifer testing, monitored natural attenuation

(MNA) sampling, hydro-geologic evaluations, fate and transport modeling support, and reserve estimating. Specific

projects have included: Shallow Groundwater Recharge and Recovery System - Operations and Maintenance, Norco

Aquifer Monitoring and Containment System, Remediation Investigation and Remediation Measures Study, and S-

Zone Investigation and Enhanced In-Situ Bioremediation Injection Pilot Study.

The Nature Conservancy (TNC)/CH2MHILL, Green Infrastructure Design for Shell Pipeline Erosion

Control, 2014 – Project Manager for data collection efforts to support the design of green infrastructure replacement

at five pipeline crossing locations in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana. As a subcontractor to CH2MHILL, the data

collected included a position and elevation survey/profile along multiple transects at each intertidal boundary. The

field efforts also included the collection of water quality data (specifically for the potential for oyster propagation),

vegetation surveys, bathymetric surveys, and depth soundings through access routes for future logistics.

Lafourche Parish, Living Shoreline Construction, June 2012 – Project Manager – Construction and stabilization

of 85 linear feet of shoreline utilizing vegetated HESCO barriers as an alternative to traditional methods such as rock

or sheet piles. The HESCO barriers were installed in the channel, pumped/filled with loose sand and sand bags, and

vegetated with soil-filled bags plug planted with Spartina alterniflora. The project was conducted in two

mobilizations and effectively closed an existing channel and prevented additional erosion of the interior marsh. The

native vegetation has since rooted into the structure and has created a natural shoreline in a high energy environment

depositing sediment behind the structure.

Heckmann Water Resources (HWR), Produced Saltwater Releases, 2011 – Project Manager for the

investigation, remediation, and agency negotiation of over 25 produced saltwater pipeline release sites on private

properties throughout northwest Louisiana (primarily DeSoto Parish). Each site ranged in environmental impact

from small quantity releases from active transfer stations, to larger releases affecting surface soils, cattle tanks and

fishing ponds, to groundwater impacts from deep bored pipeline releases through wetlands. Projects have included

compliance and permitting, large and small scale soil and groundwater assessment and remediation (chlorides,

hydrocarbons, and metals), vegetative analyses, human health and ecological risk assessment, and biota sampling.

Also assisted client/legal counsel with agency negotiations with regard to violation penalties, corrective actions, and

regulatory screening criteria. Also negotiated settlements with private landowners with impacted property avoiding


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Seth P. Domangue, P.G.

14162 Calice Street, Gonzales, Louisiana 70737 • ****.********@*****.*** • 225-***-****

Phoenix Exploration, Belle Isle Litigation, 2010 through 2012 – Project Manager in support of field operations

and litigation support for Act 312 legacy lawsuit. Coordinated and planned the litigation strategy and sampling

program to combat plaintiff claims of environmental impact caused by current oilfield operator(s). Also assisted

council with expert witness selection and data dissemination throughout the discovery phase of the litigation.

State of Louisiana’s Office of Coastal Protection and Restoration (OCPR) in support of NRDA activities for

the Mississippi Canyon Block 252 (MC252) Deepwater Horizon Incident, May 2010 through September 2011

– Project Manager responsible for providing personnel and services to the OCPR in support of NRDA activities for

the MC252 Deepwater Horizon Incident and resulting oil spill. During pre-assessment, personnel, services, and

logistical support were provided over a 5 month period conducting point observations and rapid mapping of the

impacted shoreline (beaches and marshes) in conjunction with the federal trustee and responsible party (RP). The

project involved close logistical coordination with three federal agencies (NOAA, USFWS, and USCG), five LA

State agencies (LOSCO, LDNR, OCPR, LDEQ, and LDWF), the RP, private and corporate landowners, and

personnel resources. Access permitting, reporting, and planning was conducted daily throughout project as the

dynamics of the response (oiling conditions, weather, legal, health and safety, technology, etc.) required constant

adjustments to the approach and methodology of the overall NRDA. The scope of the pre-assessment phase

employed up to five independent teams working 7 days a week with management provided at various BP incident

command posts (ICPs) (Houma and New Orleans). Over 1,800 observations were conducted and over 2,500 miles

of Louisiana shoreline were mapped and assessed during the process. Following pre-assessment, also managed the

injury phase in support of the Coastal Vegetation Assessment to evaluate wetland plant community health in four

separate habitats (mainland spartina, back barrier island spartina, delta phragmites, and coastal mangroves). Five

teams have been employed (year 0 and 0.5 events) to setup and/or re-visit approximately 165 monitoring stations

established from the eastern most shoreline of Louisiana (Chandeleur Islands) to the western most impacted

Louisiana shoreline (Point Au Fer Island). The scope of the Coastal Vegetation Assessment was the measurement of

oiling impact, GIS surveying, above and below ground biomass sampling, contaminant sediment sampling, and

various other field parameter measurements utilizing specialized equipment for the various habitats. Field forms,

electronic data, and samples were collected, compiled, and transferred, under proper chain-of-custody procedures, to

assigned representatives for future analysis or retention as evidence.

Gulf South Pipeline Company, 2007 through 2011 – Program Manager for multiple site investigations, due

diligence, risk evaluations, and remedial actions at compressor station locations throughout Louisiana and

Mississippi. Investigations have included both soil and groundwater assessments and geochemical evaluations for

various constituents including hydrocarbons, PCBs, Mercury, metals, and chlorides. The complexity of the program

has ranged from simple hydro-geologic and analytical screening evaluations, to complex RECAP submittals, to the

assessment and removal of PSH on adjacent properties.

Clean Harbors, Bayou Sorrel Facility, 2007 through 2011 – Field Operations Manager and support during the

implementation of several subsurface investigations and the subsequent preparation of a final RFI Soil and

Groundwater report. The project involved the delineation of several constituents of concern including hydrocarbons

and RCRA metals throughout multiple former process areas, some located within a cypress swamp.

Louisiana Army Ammunition Plant (LAAP)/Camp Minden, 2009 – Field Program Manager during the

implementation of a monitor well installation and MNA sampling program associated with the Final Remedial

Action Monitoring Report for several operational units within the facility. Constituents of concern included

explosive compounds (RDX, HMX, TNT, etc.) and their daughter products, hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, and

metals. Other tasks have included 5-year reporting, hydrogeologic evaluations used for the decommissioning of

onsite monitor wells, and landfill inspections.

TH Agriculture and Nutrition (THAN), Earhart Boulevard Site, project completed 2007 – On-Site Project

Manager for large scale remediation of pesticides, VOCs, and other hazardous constituents within a residential area.

Included the preparation of a final remedial design and the oversight of the remedial contractor in accordance with a

negotiated cooperative agreement between the client and the LDEQ. The remediation was conducted within an

enclosed remediation structure under negative pressure and supplied air over a 9 month period. The project was

awarded a model remediation award by the LDEQ. The project was also granted no further action-at this time

(NFA-ATT) status by the LDEQ.

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Seth P. Domangue, P.G.

14162 Calice Street, Gonzales, Louisiana 70737 • ****.********@*****.*** • 225-***-****

Williams Gas Pipeline, Mercury Assessments, 2006 – Field Operations Manager for the assessment of mercury

meter stations throughout coastal Louisiana. The assessments were conducted beneath present and former platforms

and involved a triad sampling methodology for visible mercury starting at source points (beneath the former mercury

meters). The project involved complex logistics as each site was located in remote areas and required multiple

means of assess and sampling devices/techniques. Following the initial assessment, each site was categorized by the

extent of impact (based on ecological/human health risk assessment and food-web modeling) and either closed under

provisions of the LDEQ or remediated.

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Hall Street Superfund Site, Dickinson, TX, 2006 –

Field Geologist during the implementation of a large scale subsurface investigation within a rural neighborhood.

The project involved the installation of a groundwater monitoring system within several water bearing zones

utilizing conventional methods (geoprobes and hollow-stem augers) for shallow zones and non-conventional Air

Rotary Casing Hammer (ARCH) methods for the installation of monitor wells in deeper zones (140 to 200 feet-

below ground surface (ft-bgs)). Shallow delineation of buried wastes was also conducted simultaneously without

any disruption to the adjacent property owners.

Coastal Estuary Services (CES), 2005 through 2010 – Field Scientist utilized in the development and deployment

of coastal study methodologies for Coast-Wide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) sites. Assisted CRMS

management with the logistical implementation of the construction of marsh monitoring sites and the collection of

data. Activities also included airboat and crew boat vessel operation.

ExxonMobil and Chevron Retail UST Facilities, 2001 through 2005 – Client Program Manager for more than 30

UST sites throughout Louisiana. Responsibilities included the management and/or implementation of Phase I ESA

and Phase II Site Investigations, remedial investigations, RECAP assessments, remediation system operation and

maintenance, UST closures, excavations, UST permitting, and LPDES discharge monitoring and reporting.

Dow, Litigation Support Field Services, Grand Bayou Facility, 2005 – Field Operations Manager for the

assessment of chlorides in surrounding properties adjacent to the facility. Activities included the operation of

amphibious sampling equipment, geophysical survey data collection (electromagnetic), CPT installation, and

contractor oversight through adverse physical conditions and contentious litigation.

Chevron Corporation – Edgerly, Louisiana, 2004 – Oil Field Site Investigation and Production Pit Closure –

Field Operations Manager for the assessment of a former oilfield location. The project included the full

investigation of subsurface soils, sediments, groundwater, surface water, and biota (fish). The project also included

the passive closure of former pits (via blending) and earthen flow lines.

ExxonMobil Legacy Litigation Support Field Services, Iowa Field, 2003 – Field Geologist supporting a large

scale property assessment throughout adverse physical conditions and contentious litigation. Project included soil

boring installation, soil, groundwater, sediment sample collection, NORM evaluations, and quality control/quality

assurance auditing.

ExxonMobil Retail and TXDOT UST Facilities, 2000 through 2001 – Field Geologist supporting remedial

activities for UST sites throughout Texas. Responsibilities included Phase I ESA and Phase II Site Investigations,

remediation system operation and maintenance, UST closures, excavations, UST permitting, and discharge

monitoring and reporting.

Nicor Gas Company, Chicago, IL, 2000 – Field Technician supporting the residential assessment of mercury

vapor throughout the North Chicago area. Project involved the door-to-door assessment of individual homes

utilizing a handheld mercury vapor analyzer where there was a potential for mercury meters to have existed.

Carswell Naval Air Station/Lockheed Martin Groundwater Pump and Treat System Installation, White

Settlement, TX, 2000 through 2001 – Construction coordinator for large scale remedial pump and treat system

installation. The remedial design implementation included the installation of piping and the oversight of all other

system operations equipment throughout an active military installation. The system was constructed for the removal

of DNAPL from a monitor well network installed throughout the facility, including active aircraft maintenance

areas, preventing the contamination of the water supply for the city of Ft. Worth.

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Seth P. Domangue, P.G.

14162 Calice Street, Gonzales, Louisiana 70737 • ****.********@*****.*** • 225-***-****

Training, Certifications, and Affiliations

OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPR) Training: 40-Hour, 8-Hour Annual

Refresher (current)

First Aid and Adult CPR, July 2010

Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) Radiation Safety Officer Training

Baton Rouge Geological Society, Active Member

Professional Geoscientist, Louisiana (No. 130, 2014)

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