Akshay Mattoo
*** *. *** ** *** *** • Arlington, TX 76010 • +1-832-***-****
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Skills and Interests
Programming and Scripting Languages: Java,Python, SQL
Web Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JSON, XML, AJAX, MVC,J2EE
Databases: NoSQL (MongoDB), MySQl, PostgreSQL
Cloud Tools: AWS, EC2, DynamoDB, RDS, Elastic Beanstalk, Cloud Front, Google SQL, Google Storage
Other Technologies: Git, GitHub, REST API, Docker, Flask
Work Experience
Equity Metrix, USA Software Engineering Intern May 2014 – Aug
Reduced time for synchronizing distributed databases by 50% with SymetricDs integration.
Improved the performance to compute the difference between distributed schemas by more than 20%.
Synechron Tech, India Senior Software Engineer May 2012 Jul
Developed and replaced internal queuing system CONNEX with TIBCO queues in Open Link Endur.
Built simulation scripts to compute risk analysis of all trades; reduced time relatively.
Helped enhance the issue resolution capacity by developing centralized web based logging system.
Nouvasys Solutions, India Product Developer Apr 2010
May 2012
Automated excel based manual process, improving efficiency and accuracy by building a serial port adapter.
Solely developed and maintained Project management system for internal use of the company.
Oil Field Warehouse and Services, India Core Software Developer Jul 2009 Jan
Designed and implemented an algorithm to automate the logistics process (Fleet management Software).
Accountable for requirement gathering, design, development and testing the module from scratch.
Oxyent Medical, India Software Engineer Sep 2008
Mar 2009
Developed patient scheduling, electronic medical records keeping and workflow management modules for
information exchange between laboratory and clinic
Implementation of ISO 9001:2000 certification process in the company
The University of Texas at Arlington, TX USA Class of
GPA: 3.9
Masters, Computer Science
Graduate Coursework: Software Engineering Principles; Data Mining; Design and Analysis Algorithms; Cloud
Computing; Web data XML management; Distributed Systems.
University Of Mumbai, India Class of
Grade: 66%
Bachelors of Engineering, Information Technology
Undergraduate Coursework: Operating Systems; Databases; Data Structures; Programming Languages (Java).
Technical Projects
Token Ring Election Algorithm: Developed a token ring election algorithm for electing the coordinator
among the leaders.
Technologies: Java
Multi Client Chat Server : Developed a multi-client chat server, using socket programming in Python to
handle multiple clients in a single chat window. Implemented GUI using Swing to display status of users and
maintain user chat history.
Technologies: Java, Threading
Dynamic Poll App: Developed a voting based web application to receive votes via SMS and displaying the
results dynamically via charts
Technologies: AWS,Elastic Beanstack, Javascript,Django,Twilio API,Docker,HighCharts JS
Plagriarism Tool: Developed a plagiarism detection tool using KMP,Boyer Moore, LCSS, Rabin Karp and
naïve string for string matching .
Technologies : Java
Project Management :Designed, developed and maintained a software to manage resources pool, CRM
module for sales, Leave tracking module and overall project related reports module.
Technologies: Java,J2EE, Javascript
Shopping Cart: Implemented a EBay like shopping cart using the REST API’s provided by EBay.
Technologies: PHP,HTML
Feedback Application: Developed a feedback survey application, integrated SMS and email module, overall
helped increasing the user base and revenue by at least 20%.
Technologies: Android, .NET,J2EE
Drug Interaction System : Created a web services(REST API) for FDA,NDFRT medical data to get the drug
info available through web .
Technologies: Python, MongoDb, Flask
Web Mushup : Developed a web mash up using Yelp and Google map API to list restaurants in a particular
geographical area.
Technologies: HTML,REST,Javascript
Cloud Storage: Created a program to encrypted files using Python GnuPG and sync them with Dropbox.
Technologies: Python, OpenPGP, Encryption, Dropbox REST API
TAMUHack Texas A & M, College Station October 2014
Received the best IBM hack award for developing a web application for learning sign languages using Leap
Nouvasys, Inc. Product Developer Jun 2010 – Aug 2010
Awarded star of the quarter in the 3months of joining among the team of 10 (Nouvasys India).