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Plant Training

San Francisco, CA
February 05, 2015

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Curt Schaeffer, C. E.

***** ****** ****

Apt ***

Baton Rouge, LA 70809


ecoschaeff73@hot ma m

Area of Interest: Bot any, wet land eco lo gy, taxo nomy, wet land delineat io n, mit igat io n and

restorat io n pro ject s, enviro nment al mo nitoring, enviro nment al resource permitt ing and

regulat io n, state and federal list ed species surveys, labo ratory test ing and analys is, and

technica l report writ ing.

1998 B.S. Environmental Biology, Botany and Plant Pathology. Michigan St ate

Universit y, East Lansing, MI. GPA 3.8/4.0

2001 M.S. Botany/Aquatic Ecology. Mia mi Universit y, Oxford, OH.

Thesis t it le: The Effects o f Mechanical, Bio log ical and Che mical Treat ment s on an Invasive

P lant, the Giant Reed (Phragmites australis) in a Lake Erie Coastal Wet land.

Ma jor pro fessor: Dr. David A. Francko

Field Experience:

Environmental Specialist for CK Associates, Baton Rouge, Louisiana September 2013 – January


Performed wetland delineations and permitting, vegetative habitat mapping and classification,

vegetation/mitigation monitoring studies, coordinated mitigation efforts and permitting within

impacted sites, listed species surveys, wildlife inventories, litigation support, field project

coordination and participation, and employed sampling techniques related to the Habitat Evaluation

Guide (HEG) as outlined by the Western Association of Fisheries and Wildlife Agencies


Planning, participation, and supervising field sampling crews for large-scale wetland delineation and

vegetation habitat mapping (Cowardin) projects in Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and Kansas.

Versed in terrestria l and aquat ic plant ident ificat io n, so il pro file analys is, hydro lo gic ind icators,

vegetat io n sampling techniques, data analysis and report ing, protected species surveys,

samp ling and report ing protoco l set forth by lo ca l, state, and Federal agencies, and ut ilizat io n o f

a GPS unit and data dict io nary to co llect and store eco logical data.

Thorough working knowledge/data transfer/troubleshooting o f handheld Trimble GeoXT

GPS units including data dictionary utilization, data collection, digitization of data in the

field and data transfer to and from the unit. Some familiarity with ArcGIS software.

Authored detailed technical reports for wetland delineations.

Obtained certification by WAFWA to perform HEG methodology for the purposes of collecting

vegetation habitat data within the range of the lesser prairie chicken, recently listed as Threatened by

the USFWS. Responsible for training all members of the ecological staff to perform this

methodology in the field.

Environmental Planning Specialist for Gulf South Research Corporation, Baton Rouge,

Louisiana 2008 – 2012

Performed protected species surveys, wild life invent ories, plant species ident ificat io n and

co mmunit y assessment, classificat io n and mapp ing, wet land delineat io ns and permitt ing,

and emp lo yed samp ling

techniques relat ed to hydrogeo morphic wet land assessment (HGM).

Primar y respo nsibilit ies inc luded researching and preparing bio log ical/enviro nment al reports

in co mpliance wit h t he Nat io na l Enviro nmental Po lic y Act (NEPA) for lo cat io ns in

Louisiana, Mississ ippi, Texas, Arkansas, Ar izo na, Ca lifornia, New Mexico, Florida, Georgia,

New York, and Washington.

Planning, part ic ipat io n, and supervis ing fie ld samp ling crews to co llect and analyze data

in order to classify vegetat io n co mmunit ies by vegetat io n alliance/associat io n in

accordance wit h Nat io nal Vegetat io n Classificat io n Standards (NVCS) o f t he Federa l

Geographic Data Co mmittee (FGDC) in support of re mote sensing techniques.

Authored detailed technica l reports for wet land delineat io ns, vegetat io n ground-truthing

studies, habit at mapping, enviro nment al assessment s (EA), protected species surve ys, and

Phase I and II, and preliminary environmenta l assessment s.

Certified Project Ecologist for WilsonMiller, Inc., Naples, Flor ida 2004-08

Performed nat ive, exot ic and nuisance plant ident ific at io n, habit at mapping in accor dance wit h

the Flor ida Land Us e a nd Cover For ms Classification Syst em (FLUCCS), formal listed species

surveys, inst allat io n, mo nitoring, data analys is, and report preparat io n o f groundwater

mo nitoring stud ies, ident ificat io n o f wet land and upland p lant s and hydric so il ind icators per

the Natural Resource Co nservat io n Service,

jurisdict io nal wet land delineat io ns, post-permit co mpliance mo nitoring for state and federal

permitt ing agenc ies, and preliminary wet land and enviro nment al assessments.

Generated detailed technica l reports for t he abo ve act ivit ies including data analys is,

independent ly lead onsit e co mplia nce inspect io ns by state and federal agency staff, mo difying

nuisance and exot ic pest plant treat ment protoco l to achieve success on a pro ject by pro ject

basis, and researching po lic y changes, plant taxo nomy, and wr it ing w ildlife management


Obtained bot h on-site and o ff-site gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) relo cat io n

permit s fro m the Florida Fisheries and Wild life Co nservat io n Co mmissio n (FWC) and

supervised the excavat io n and relo cat io n o f gopher tortoise ind ividuals.

Versed in t he use o f fie ld equip ment such as GPS, groundwater well mo nitoring equip ment,

data co llect io n tools and associat ed so ftware programs, and troubleshoot ing and repairing

ma lfunct io ning fie ld equ ipment.

Often coordinated efforts across the fo llow ing disc iplines: eco logica l and wat er reso urces,

eng ineer ing, Flo r ida Depart ment o f Transpo rt at io n, la nd p la nning, la nd scape des ig n, and

la nd surve ying.

General Biologist II for USGS Biological Resources Division at Big Cypress Nat io nal

Preserve Headquarters, Ochopee, Flo rida 2002-03

Director of laboratory operat io ns and data co llect io n. Lab work inc luded sort ing,

dr ying and weighing fuel sa mples, plant ident ificat io n and creating voucher

specimens, co nstruct ing fie ld equ ipment, and experime nt al design.

Worked independent ly in remote fie ld sit es.

Established GPS coordinates for experimental plots previously lo cated via aeria l photographs.

Performed plant ident ificat io n, co llect io n o f phys ical vegetat ive attributes, co llect ing fue l

samp les.

Part icipated in prescribed burning o f experiment al plots and elevat io n surve ying via

tripod and transit.

Office-work inc luded data entry, organizat io n, manipulat io n and ana lysis o f data via

MS Excel and Stat ist ica, writ ing and cataloging re ference mat erials pertaining to fie ld

and database progress and organizat io n, and technical writ ing.

Ma in pro jects: fire eco lo gy in sout hwest Florida pinelands, vegetat io n respo nse in situ to

burning and inundat io n, and vegetat ive surveys w it hin the endangered Cape Sable Seaside

Sparrow habitat.

Wetland Ecology research for Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 1998-2001

Study invo lved o bserving the response o f nat ive and invasive vegetat ive species

fo llowing treat ment applicat io ns to Phragmites australis (giant reed), an opportunist ic

invasive spec ies t hat potent ially disp laces nat ive vegetat io n and inhibit s the

recruit ment o f other species.

Resu lt s inc luded qualitat ive, quant it at ive, and stat ist ical analysis o f vegetat ive

structure and co mposit io n wit hin sa mpling plots.

Attended several scient ific pro fessio nal sympo siu ms to present my result s.

Demo nstrated pro fic ienc y in t he fie lds o f botany and eco lo gy pr inc ipals by

passing an oral co mprehensive examinat io n ho sted by me mbers o f my graduate

advisor y co mmittee.

Assistant Field Botanist for Northern Ecological Services in Reed Cit y, Michigan 1998

Respo nsibilit ies inc luded wet land delineat io n, assessment o f wet land

funct io ns, wet land mit igat io n mo nitoring and impact assessment s.

Assist ed wit h the preparat io n o f technical reports and mit igat io n plans for resident ial


Conducted botanical surve ys and created botanical voucher specimen inventories and co llect


Laboratory Assistant for Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 1997-98

Respo nsibilit ies inc luded maint aining cult ures o f Collembola, a subt erranean invert ebrate,

and assist ing in all fie ld relat ed aspects o f a fie ld eco logy pro ject.

Honors, Memberships and Certifications:

Cert ified Eco lo gist-Eco logica l Societ y o f America (2007-2017)

Eco logica l Societ y o f Amer ica (me mber)

Certified Professional Services Provider (PSP) recognized by WAFWA to

perform HEG data collection and analysis (2014)

40-Hr HAZWOPER Training (2015)

FEMA Incident Command System (ICS) IS-00100.b Certified

Boater’s Safety for Louisiana (2014) and Michigan (1990)

Marathon T & L Contractor Safety Training (2015)

OSHA 10 Training and Certification (2014)

Red Cross First Aid and CPR Certification (2014)

Shell Pipeline Company LP Safety Training (2013)

PEC Offshore Safety Training (2013)

TWIC Card (2013)

Wet land Plant s o f Louisiana (2009 – 2011)

Wet land So ils Ident ificat io n (2010)

NEPA document preparat io n fro m Duke Universit y Leadership Program (2009)

Sonoran pronghorn training and mo nitoring experie nce (2009 – 2012)

Flat-tail horned lizard training and mo nitoring experience (2010)

Florida Associat io n o f Enviro nment al Pro fessio na ls (member)

Army Corps o f Engineers Wet land De lineat io n and Manage ment Training (2003)

Richard Chinn Wet land Plant s Ident ificat io n Training (2005)

Richard Chinn Wet land Delineat io n Tra ining (2006)

FGCU Wet land Plant s Ident ificat io n Training (2006)

Wet land and Upland So ils Training (2006)

FAEP Exot ic/Nu isance Plant and Insect Pest Workshop (2004)

Gopher Tortoise Trapping, URTD Test ing, and Excavat io n and Relocat io n o f

Gopher Tortoise Ind ividua ls (supervisor y ro le) (2006-2008)

Basic Aviat io n Safet y (2002)

S-271 Interagency Helicopter Training Cert ificat io n (2003)

All-Terrain Vehic le Safet y and Cert ificat io n (2003)

Beach Light ing Interference wit h Sea Turt le Nest ing (2005)

Teaching Experience:

Teaching Assist ant for Plant s, Humanit y and t he Environment, BOT 131 (a no n-ma jors

course); Mia mi Universit y, Oxford, OH. Student eva luat io n scores: 3.72/4.0 1998-2000

Teaching Assist ant for Genera l Botany, BOT 191 (a majors course); Mia mi Universit y, Oxford,

OH. Student evaluat io n scores: 3.8/4.0 2000


1998 Grant mo ne y awarded fro m Sig ma Xi, Mia mi Unive rsit y, Nat io na l Oceanic and At mo spher ic

Associat io n, and t he Ohio Sea Grant to fully fund Masters’ research.

1999 Received permit fro m t he Ohio DNR to conduct ecologica l stud y in Mentor Marsh, OH.

Grant s fro m Mia mi Universit y to attend the Sixteenth Internat io na l Botanical

Co nference in St. Louis, MO.

2000 Grant s form Mia mi Universit y to attend Ohio Academy o f Science in Ada, OH.

Grant s fro m Mia mi Universit y to attend the Internat iona l Asso ciat io n o f Great Lakes Research

in Cornwall, Ontario.


Schaeffer, C.S. 2001. The effects o f mechanical, chemica l and bio logica l treat ment met hods on

an invasive plant, t he giant reed (Phragmites australis) in a Lake Erie coastal wet land. A

t hesis. Mia mi Universit y. 72 pp.

Francko, D.A., Cesaro v, S. and Schaeffer, C.S. 1999. Small-plot design fo r remo val

o f Phragmites australis (giant reed) fro m a recent ly- invaded Lake Erie coastal

wet land habitat. An abstract. Annual meet ing, Ohio Lake Management

Societ y.

Public Presentations of Thesis Research:

August, 2001 Thesis defense open to the public hosted by Mia mi Universit y in Oxford, OH.

Ma y, 2000 Paper presentat io n at the Internat io nal Associat io n o f Great Lakes Research in Cornwall,


April, 2000 Paper present at io n at the Ohio Acade my o f Sc ience meet ing in Ada, OH.

August, 1999 Poster presentat io n at the 16th Internat iona l Botanical Co ngress in St. Louis, MO.


Tre’ Wharton. Environmental Team Lead. CK Associates. 17170 Perkins Road, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

225-***-****. ***.*******@*-**.***

Josh McE nany, Pro ject Manager, Gulf Sout h Research Corporat io n, 8081 GSRI Avenue, Baton Rouge,

Louisiana, 70820. 225-***-****. ********@*******.** m

Tho mas Trettis, III, Senior PWS, Senior C.E. Wilso nMillerStantec, Inc., 3200 Baile y Lane, Su ite 200,

Naples, Florida. 34105. 239-***-****. ext. 5646 tom.trett **@*******.** m

Tim Durham, Senior Vice President – Princ ipal, Wilso nMillerStantec, Inc., 3200 Baile y Lane, Suit e

200, Naples, Flo rida. 34105. 239-***-****. ext. 5324 t im.durham@stant m

Dr. James Snyder. USGS Florida Center for Water and Restorat io n Studies. Big Cypress

Nat io nal Preserve Fie ld Stat io n. Ochopee, FL 239-***-**** **********@****.** v

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