Amit G aurav
Mob ile: +91-939******* / 930-***-**** 554/1244, Bheem Nagar, Ala mbagh
E-Mail: amitgaura vaero@gma Lucknow 226005, Uttar Pradesh, India
LinkedIn Profile:
Caree r Objective
A career in engineering applications with research which offers overall growth & opportunities to learn
endless ly.
Bachelor of Tec hno logy, Electr ical Eng ineering 2007-2011
Fa culty of Engineer ing & T echnology
Gurukula Ka ngri Univers it y, Haridwar, Uttarakha nd, India.
Percentage: 60 .42
Work E xperience
System Engineer - RF Systems (April 1, 2013 - November 15, 2014)
Encore Techno Systems Pvt. Limited, Hyderabad, India
Project Associa te (Dece mber, 2011 - March, 2013)
Natio nal I nstr uments Lab, Indian I nstitute o f Techno logy Jodhpur
Technical Ski lls
Langu ages: C, P ython
Computa tional Skills : MAT LAB
Virtua l Instrumentation: La bVIEW
Op erating Skills : Windo ws
Documentation: La tex
Hardware: NI PXIe 5673 (RFSG), NI PXIe 5663(RFSA), NI PXIe 5667(VSA)
Communication Skills
Hind i, English
1. Graphical System Design Achievement Awards from National Instruments, India for
development of Digital Radio Mondiale(DRM / DRM+) based transmitter.
a) Research Category: Winner.
b) Application of the year 2012: Winner.
Web Link: h ttps:// -bangalore-india/blog/2012/11/09/2012-graphical-
system-design-india -achievement-awards
Working a s a full t ime project memb er with the team of s ix memb ers, develop ed I ntellectual Proprietary
(IP ) for Digital R adio Mo ndia le (DRM / DRM+) based tra nsmitt er which has been filed for p atent from
National Instruments, India.
T raining
One month technical training a t Pla nt Ma int ena nce Division, Hindustan Aero nautics Limited, Lucknow.
(7 /2010 – 8/2010)
1. Satellite Spectrum Monitoring Receiver (April, 2013 - November, 2014)
Project Overview
Receiver has to be delivered to Defense Electronics & Research Laboratory, Hyderabad, India.
This receiver is being developed on National Instruments PXIe platform.
I'm responsible for development & integration of software. My primary task is to develop
demodulators(BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK, pi/4 DQPSK, OQPSK, 16 QAM) for real time
systems using LabVIEW FPGA.
2. GPS L5 Simulator (July 1, 2012 - March 16, 2013)
Pro ject Overv iew
T his project has creat ed wa veform crea tion IP for GPS based on Link5 band as p er ICD- GPS-705 02 Dec
Rev2 L5 standard. Project is focused on p hys ical layer imp lementation of the sta ndard. T he LabVIEW
VIs ca n be used with NI RFSG instru ments to creat e GPS signals.
I was lea ding this p roject wit h the t ea m size of t wo memb ers.
3. Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM / DRM +) Transmitte r (Dec., 2011 – J une,2012)
Project Overview
T his transmitter ha d to b e deliver ed to Tata Co ns ulta ncy Services for Tata Jag uar Land Rover from
Natio nal Instr uments.
DRM is an un iversal, o pen ly stand ard ized d ig it al aud io bro adcast ing s ystem.
The go al o f this pro ject is to deve lo p wave fo rm creat io n IP fo r Digital Rad io Mond iale in
LabVIEW as per the ETSI ES 2 01 980 V3.1.1 st andard. Pro ject is fo cused on ph ysical layer s ignal
creat ion so ftwa re. These LabVIEW VIs can be used wit h NI RFSG inst ruments drivers to generat e
DRM / DRM+ sign al.
Project Investigator
Dr. Sa ndeep Yada v, National Instruments Lab, IIT Jodhpur
4. Sudden S hort Circuit T est (March 1, 2011 – April 30, 2011)
Pro ject Overview
T his test is one of the imp ortant tests carried out on high rating genera tors (500MW). T his test involved
ca lculation of Synchronous rea ctances like transient & sub tra nsient rea ctances and tra nsient & sub tra nsient
t ime constants from cla ssical graphical analyt ical met hods. Ha ving thoroughly studied & a na lyzed the
grap hica l & ma nual ca lculation method, a new co mputa tional met hod based on the regression curve fitting
techniqu e is develop ed. Progra m for the sa me is wr itten & imp lement ed in MAT LAB by me.
Locatio n: Genera tor Research Inst itute, Hea vy Electrica ls Equip ment Pla nt (HEEP), Bharat Heavy
Electr icals Limite d, Ranipur, Haridwar, India.
5. Insulation Resistance & Pola rization Inde x Measurement (Sept. 1, 2010 – Sept. 30, 2010)
Pro ject Overv iew
Study & a na lysis of circu it for Insu la tion Res istance & Polariza tion Index measurement of high rating
Synchronous genera tor (250 MW) with wa ter flow in the distillate w indings at BHEL, Haridwar.
Project g uide
Mr. P.J. Ba gawade, Additional G eneral Mana ger, Generator Research Institute, Heavy Electr icals Equip ment
Pla nt (HEEP), Bharat Heavy Electrica ls Limited, Ranipur, Haridwar, India
Other Interests
Comput er Gaming (Need for Speed)
1. Mr. Abhay Sa mant, Section Ma nager, RF Product Marketing, Natio nal Instruments, U.S.
e- mail: ab ****@**.***
2. Dr. Sa ndeep Yada v, Nationa l Instruments La b, IIT Jodhpur, India
e-mail: s y@ iit j.a
3. Mr. P.J. Bagawa de, Additional G eneral Ma nager (ISE, CPL & GRI), HEEP, BHEL, Ra nipur, Haridwar, India
e-mail: ba ga wade@b
I her eby dec lare that a ll the infor mation provided a bove is correct to the b est of my knowledge.
Date: December 15, 2014 Amit Ga urav
Place: Hyderabad, India