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Executive Protection Specialist

La Mesa, CA
February 04, 2015

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Arthur Bird

***-**** ******@*****.***

(** *)

Executive Protection SPecialist

far;:ica:iy iv'lirrcjec Prclesslonai whc ntaintains safe anci secure environmeirrs for customei's ancl ernplcyees by gualdtlg ard llcnito'l g

lrenises ancl personnei that er,.nance custonrer satisfaction and drive business g:'ct'rih

Surveillance Strategy i Anti-Terrorism Exercise and Patrolling / Attention to Detail / Excellent Judgment /

Non-Lethal Weapons Trained

Career Summary

Exierslve experience ir repairrng and rlaintaining heavy duty ecurpnrent. drivrng i:eavy t'rneeled vetrictes anrj it-ticienteniing exlensive

seculty ooerations in tne conrmunicatron ancl transporlation inclustries Highly orgarrizeci and deiail ciientatecl possessing multrpie srliis

4torirecge and exlrerience to support securrty nrissions. projects, events, and people. Strong abtriiy to lnspeci arri paii'ol crcpertres

arri t:tc.rslr.iai;'ccrinrerci?i preniises lo protect against vandalisnr ierrorism theli and otherty.oes of iiiegar aci,viiles.


Leader Lcgrstrcs,Prccurenient Specialist

Eifective ieanr ;nventory


Sr;rali Arms !4/eapons Speciairst Strong Attention tc Excelient Team Butlder

Exoert Experirse Confiict Rescrutrcn

Enrelgon., Resconse HAZ vIAT Handirng


role ss

P i

. Maintained 100% accountability in direciing ihe use and nralnienance oi iarge equipnienl rvitli valued vro:til oi S10C CCC(

dri ng mulinie cverseas deployments

. Sustained superior performance and accomplishments throughoul miliiary career evide nced cy ar.larci;ng of nunlercus

ir,eciais anii a',valcis specifrc ic fignlilg the giobal $iar on terrorisnt

. Successfully developed nel customer base/accounts, increasing company revenues by 50% b-v imclenrenlrng effeclive

leirvcr x ing ar.-d coritei^ll marketin g strateg ies

lndustry Relevant Certifications

. BSiS Fri"earnrs Training Course

. 3Sl Cai,lcinta Guard Carcl Course

. Ccr{iici Resoiuirorr Ceftlficaiior:

. 3SiS 3aiorr Permii

o Dr'grierti,lg Sexuai Hatassmeni Cerirfrcatiotl

. A::es, a;.rri Cclii-oi Cer-tif icate

. Chcnricai Agertts Cedificate

. CPil,'AED Ce(iiication lnrougtr lhe Amerjcan Heart Association

. !xec'.rtivePlolectron

Professional Experience

A 3r,0 rtrrcrrr.,g ii Ca1c1 Caiifornia - (Noventber 2O',2- Septenrber 20izi) (Aprii 2COB-Septentber 201C)

Self Ernployed Truck DriverlOwner 0perator

. 1,.4a:aged ciariy iactrcai ancl tcng ternr strategrc activities wiihin ihe business

. Jrc,le ti-;;cxs iirit capac,ires gleater tnan 3 tor.s ic transpon and deiiver procl''rcts. irvesicck cr cii'ei


. reporis. comcleteci purchase ci'ders anti cJslc'lrer 'rvoices

Revtei.Jt-.C and apilrgve6 br:iing invoices and expense

tn accordance iviih regulations

o L,]ali,tarnecj recorcls such as vehicle lcgs, recorils of cargo usage. anc billing statements

. DraiteC business plans budgets. ancl quarterly isenti-annual business revie s

Rd Reed Heavy Tpsp5port - El Cajon. Californra- (September 201O-November 2012)

Truck Driver

. Operated all r,vheeled vehicles and equipment over varied terrain and roadway

. Positioned lifting cievices under over or around loaded pallets, skids, boxes and secure material or products for transport for

ciesignated areas and secured cargo against inclement weather. pilferage and damage

. lrlaneuvereri trucks into loading or unloading positions. ensuring that vehicle and loading equipment v'ras properly positioned

. Performed routine maintenance on vehicles and auxiliary equipment such as cleaning, lubricating. recharging batteries, fueling

andlor replacing liquefied gas tanks


Calrfornia Arnry National Guard San Diego. California (August 201O-August 2013)

Field Radio Communications Supervisor

. Trarned personnel on basic infantry knowledge lvith regard to use of field radio communrcations

. Received and implemented combat orders and directed deployment of personnel in offensive and defensive operatrons

. Prepared operation plans and orders to support security of resources and installations

. Dlrected teams in patrolling areas and evaluating entry of authorized personnel into allowed restrictive areas

- San Diego. California (January 2005-January 2006)

Californra Army National Guard

Field Radio Communications Supervisor/ Training lnstructor

. Trained personnel and supporled units on basic freld conrmunications and infantry tactics

. Operated vehicle mounted radios and weapons and constructed field expedient finng aids for infantry weapons

. Supervised operation and organizational maintenance of \/eapons systems and specialized equipnrent

. Supervised location. construction, and concealment of infantry positions and equipment

US Arnry Reserve - San Diego California (January 2002-January 2005)

Tactical Communications Supervisor / Convoy Operations

. Der{ornted nunrerous convoy security missions and reconnaissance operations in lraq

. Esconed fellow nrilitary personnel from combat areas, taking into consideration elevated terrain and lopograpnical inforntation

. Trained personnel and supporled units on convoy security and crew served weapons

- Canrp Pendleton, Calrfornia (March 1996-March 2000)

Unrted States Marine Corps

- NBC Monitor Survey Team Member / Artillery Battery Wire Section Chief / Embarkation Supervisor

Field Wireman

. Trained personnelon Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) weapons attack defense and decontamination procedures

. Coordinated operations with armor. artillery and air support units and selected/maintained rifles, machine guns, mortars. and

hand grenades to be used as designated by the command

Educati on/Certificatio ns/Licenses

Academy December 2014

ASC Executive Protection Training

San Diego, Calfornia


United States Army Joint Forces 2002-2006

Multiple Radio Systems Courses

Los Alamitos. California


United States Marine 1997

Nuclear Biological Chemical Weapons Handling

Canrp Perdleton California

Corps 1996

United States Marine

Field Wireman Communications Course

29 Palms. Calrfornia

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