Elisabeth Dunn
Albuquerque, N.M., 87106
To obtain a secretarial & customer service, or related position using my knowledge and skills I
obtained from N.M. Tech and the experience from secretarial positions I had in the past.
B.A. in General Studies, N..M. Tech, Socorro, NM. Fall 2000
B.S. In Chemistry with an Environmental Science option, N.M. Tech, Socorro, N.M. Spring 2001
Graduated with honors
General secretarial skills such as monitoring the phone using proper phone etiquette, billing taking
payments via telephone, faxing documents, a lot of customer service and technical writing, and
computer usage including generating spreadsheets using excel. I am also Microsoft Office and Excel
proficient. Other skills include wet laboratory techniques such as testing for pH, titrations, data entry
and analysis, and the operation of different lab instrumentation.
Related coursework:
All core classes for two bachelors degree's including Technical Writing, Speech, Theater Arts which
helps with communication skills and the ability to “be put on the spot”. I also took behavioral
psychology which helps understand human behavior and helps in dealing with awkward situations or
help put disagreeable customers at ease.
1996: GRADS Program. Socorro, N.M. I made informative pamphlets and handouts/brochures for
the young women enrolled in a program(GRADS) for teenaged pregnant young 1adies. Also, light
secretarial duties such as making copies, answering the phone,
1999 Spring/summer :Bureau of Mines N.M. Tech Work Study position. General wet lab
chemistry such as testing water for pH, titrations and using a Flame AA to test for various metals in
water samples. Large amounts of data entry and spreadsheet generation, I finished the my senior
research project using this data and presented to faculty and whoever wanted to see it.
2001 Spring/Summer: Registrars office. Secretarial position. I performed all duties needed in the
registrars office such as monitoring the telephone, registering students for classes, faxing documents,
guiding students/general population to the correct buildings and any other tasks needed to help the
flow of the registrars office at N.M Tech. A lot of multitasking and very busy which taught me to be a
team player. I could also manage the office alone during slow times. This was a temporary position in
which I was hired on during the busy registration time and graduation. I helped get the college ready
for graduation ceremony which included making the actual degrees with a template.
References available upon request.