Curriculum Vitae
Career Objective
I am committed to continuous training and development and would like to eventually progress to management level.
Bachelor of Science (Hons) –Geology
University of Wollongong
Completed 2012
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts
University of Wollongong
Completed 2011
Key Skills & Abilities
Strong work ethics & high performance standards
Discussion and critical evaluation of data both in verbal and written formats
Strong presentation, oral and written communication skills.
Ability to think critically and solve problems in both theoretical and practical environments.
Strong team leader with effective communication skills and the ability to appropriately allocate tasks.
Strong sense of team building skills and eager to follow instruction and accept criticism.
Effective time management skills and the ability to meet multiple deadlines.
Ability to work in a stressful environment.
Technical & Mechanical Skills
Class C drivers licence
GPS usage
Interpretation of regional scale, sedimentary basins
Strong focus on the interpretation of sedimentary environments
Data-based management
Creation of detailed report based on computer models
Water resource management and biogeography
Fluvial geomorphology and sedimentology
Geological mapping
Stratigraphic logs
Recognition of minerals, grain size and lithology
Identification of metalliferous and industrial deposits and modes of formation
Evaluation of core samples
Inference of geological environments
Seismic mapping and interpretation of seismic data
Geophysical interpretation of downwell data
Software knowledge
ArcCatalogue & MapInfo
MS Office
Radial Plots
Current Radiation programs (Beta, Gamma, Alpha)
Work Experience
June 2013- July 2014
Coal Quality Tester, ALS Coal Division QLD
ALS is a global company: The Coal division focuses on quality assurance from the Bowen Basin Mines, using coal quality assurance
measures to ISO standard.
Field experience including collection and preparation of samples for laboratory analysis to QAQC; mine experience
adhering to current mine legislation, demonstrated use of SOP’s/SWPs and safety toolbox’s.
Experience in coal quality blending; onsite testing and giving direction from stockpiles to trains depending on variable TS
and Ash results.
Ability to complete laboratory preparation of coal samples without supervision from start to finish using appropriate
procedures for QAQC; including running software analysis, interpreting raw data and analysing result, and troubleshooting
software problems if necessary. Done to ISO standards from a NATA accredited laboratory.
The use of wet chemistry in daily tasks i.e. to prepare trace digestion, safe removal of trace waste, including accurate and
safe preparation of chemical solutions in trace analysis for sample QC. Running of software for Selenium and Arsenic
results, including trouble shooting, maintenance and analysing calibration curves etc.
Accurate reporting/ emailing of results to clients, including maintaining turn-around times and client report sheets.
Including handling any issues or passing them onto the appropriate person.
Extensive experience in entering and confirming accuracy of QAQC data.
Received my NATA lab accreditations in the following QAQC ISO procedures:
Coal Basic’s Ash Fusion
Manual Handling Trace Digestion
Compressed Gas Intermediate Moisture
Fire Awareness Ash Determination
Site Chemical Spill’s Volatile Matter
Laboratory Calculations Calorific Value
Laboratory Balances Total Sulphur
XRF analysis
August 2010- October 2012
Research Assistant, University of Wollongong
Theoretical knowledge including extensive use of OSL dating methods, which were put into practice to conclude the age of archaeological sites.
Comparative studies of stone tool analysis
Using computer software programs i.e. GIS, Google maps, adobe, Map info for information output of maps, geological stratigraphy and archaeological site zones.
Creating Excel spreadsheets to accurately analysis large amounts of data.
Ability to input large amounts of data into small concise summaries, using graphs and plots.
Applying and maintaining integrity of samples in repetitive tasks.
Operation of Analytical Instruments in completion of sediment samples for analysis in an OSL Laboratory.
Extensive use of managing a microscope while maintaining specimen preparation techniques and data analysis.
Using laboratory prepared samples for minor and major elemental analysis in XRF, beta counting, alpha, in-situ gamma spectrometry and OSL analysis.
Laboratory preparation of sediment and soil samples using a variety of techniques for analysis i.e. the removal of carbonates
using wet chemistry, density separations of minerals, mill press and sieving etc.
Preparation of sedimentary samples for OSL analysis following Australian Quarantine laws.
Certificates & Additional Training
2014- Certificate II in Surface Extraction Operation (GIQ Coal Surface)
2013- Applied First Aid Certificate- Wollongong First Aid Course 2014
2012- Laboratory safe skills radiation training
2011- Laboratory OHS training
2014, Hilbert, Y.H., Parton, A., Morley, M.W., Galletti, C. S., Linnenlucke, L., Jacobs, Z., Roberts, R. G., Galletti,
C.S., Clark-Balzan, L., Schwenninger, J.-L. and Rose, J.I. (in Review) Terminal Pleistocene and Early
Holocene Archaeology and Stratigraphy of the Southern Nejd, Oman. Submitted to Quaternary International.