Unit 5-5 Bronxville, NY 10708
Email: *******@*****.***
PH: 919-***-****
****-**** ********-******* ********* Education Program
MS in Bioethics
2006. Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Hershey, PA
PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
1999. Banaras Hindu University
MS Biotechnology
1997. Delhi University
BS Microbiology
Freelance Science Writer Dec 2013 - Present
Research and write articles on basic science interest
Director Nov 2011- June 2013
National Center for Biological Sciences,
Bangalore, India
STEM education and capacity building organization, also involved in science
communication and outreach.
. Developed programs to build the scientific capability in India,
including organizing international scientific meetings in
collaboration with EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization),
Department of Science and Technology, India, Welcome Trust and
Department of Biotechnology, India
. Developed scientific content for outreach activities, programs, edited
articles for the web magazine
. Developed programs to encourage STEM education especially in
undergraduate level
. Collaborated with educators, scientists and policy makers to initiate
outreach and education programs
. Mentored students during internships in laboratories
. Mentored students to write scientific articles for online educational
Research Fellow Dec 2008-Sept 2011
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD
Scientific Expertise:
. Identified and characterized small regulatory RNAs involved in
pathogenicity of B. anthracis
. Characterization of mutants in the RNA chaperone Hfq for defects in
. Understanding the sporulation defect at the molecular level
Project Management/Administrative Expertise:
. Outreach editor for the Visiting Fellows Newsletter
. Fogarty International Center- volunteer in International Policy, South
East Asia Region
. Fellow Association of Women in Science (AWIS)
. Organizer -AWIS for networking & mentorship
Post Doctoral Fellow Sept 2006- Nov 2008
Ohio State University, Columbus OH
Scientific Expertise:
. Identified the key components of the retrograde tRNA pathway in yeast
. Developed screening tools to study movement of tRNA within yeast cells
. Mentored graduate and undergraduate students
Graduate Research Fellow Aug 2001-Aug 2006
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Pennsylvania State University, College of Medicine,
Hershey PA
Advisor: Anita K. Hopper
Thesis: Targeting proteins to the inner nuclear membrane: A genomic
study in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using Trm1 as a reporter
Scientific Expertise:
. Adapted transformation to screen yeast mutants on a genomic scale
. Identified N-terminal modification as a mechanism for protein
targeting to Inner Nuclear Membrane
. Mentored students
Project Management/Administrative Expertise:
. Successful peer reviewed pre-doctoral grant/fellowship from American
hear foundation
. Student Representative for Ethics Committee
. Fundraising committee - Graduate Student Association
. Charles Hill Award for Outstanding Graduate Student, Penn State
Medical Center
. Competitive renewal, Pre-doctoral Fellowship, American Heart
. Two-year Pre-doctoral Fellowship, American Heart Association
. Pre-doctoral Research Fellowship, CSIR Government of India
. Gold Medal for Masters Degree Scholastic Achievement, Banaras Hindu
. Foundation for Advanced Education in Science 2010 - 2011
Courses in Epidemiology, Global Health
. Science Journalism Workshop 2012
NCBS, Bangalore
. Rennert School of Languages Ongoing
. Volunteer, New York Academy of Sciences Oct - Dec 2014
Afterschool program to promote STEM education in middle school
. Volunteer, New York Academy of Sciences Dec 2014 - May 2015
Scientist in Residence program
. Lead organizer for the Young Investigators Meeting in Jodhpur, India
2013 (
. Lead organizer for the Young Investigators Meeting in Lonavala, India
2012 (
. Organizing committee for University Workshop, New Delhi India, 2012
. Organizer - Science in India forum, EMBO meeting, Nice, France 2012
. Predoctoral Fellowship, American Heart Association - 2003-2006
. Department of Biotechnology, India, Meeting Grant - YIM, 2012
. Department of Biotechnology, India, Education/University Workshop
grant, 2012
. Department of Science and Technology, India, Meeting Grant - YIM 2012
. Department of Biotechnology, India, Meeting Grant - YIM 2013
. Indian Council of Medical Research, India, Meeting Grant - YIM2013
. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, Meeting Grant -
. Department of Biotechnology, India, Special Grant to Establish Science
Outreach Organization
Murthi, A., Science promotion programs, Indiabioscience, Young Investigator
Meeting, Jodhpur, India 2013
Murthi, A., Indiabioscience Initiative, Regional Center for Biology, New
Delhi India, 2012
Murthi, A., Educational initiatives and programs, National Chemical
Laboratory, Pune, India
Murthi, A., Opportunities for science outreach, Indian Institute for
Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune, India
Murthi, A., Collaborative Science and Indiabioscience, Translational Health
Science and Technology Initiative, New Delhi, India
Murthi, A., Academia, students and public, Bridging the gap, Center for
Cell and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India 2012
Murthi, A., Science in India, EMBO Meeting, 2012
Murthi, A., Shaheen, H.H., Baker, M., Phizicky, E., Hopper, A.K., Msn5 and
eEF1A/Tef1 function in retrograde tRNA movement in S. cerevisiae,
(Platform: International RNA meeting, Berlin 2008)
Shaheen, H.H., Murthi, A. and Hopper, A.K., Retrograde movement of tRNA:
Roles for eEF1a/Tef1 and Xpo5/Msn5 in Re-export of Imported tRNA. (Poster
Abstract: American Society of Cell Biology Meeting, San Diego 2006)
Whitney, ML, Shaheen, HH, Hurto, RL, Murthi, A. Phizicky, EM, & Hopper,
AK., Nuclear Accumulation of Cytoplasmic tRNAs in Response to Nutrient
Deprivation. (Platform Abstract: Dynamic Organization of Nuclear Function,
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY 2006)
Athulaprabha Murthi and Anita K. Hopper, A genome wide screen reveals a new
role for N-terminal acetylation in nuclear membrane targeting of proteins
(Platform abstract: Yeast genetics and molecular biology meeting, Seattle,
WA 2004)
Athulaprabha Murthi and Anita K. Hopper, A genome wide screen reveals a new
role for N-terminal acetylation in yeast (Platform: Student Research Forum,
Penn State Hershey Medical center, Hershey, PA 2004)
Athulaprabha Murthi and Anita K. Hopper, Maintenance and Biogenesis of
Nuclear membrane-A genomic approach (Poster Abstract: Cold Spring Harbor
Lab. Yeast Cell Biology Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 2003)
Murthi A, Shaheen HH, Huang HY, Preston MA, Lai TP, Phizicky EM, Hopper AK,
Regulation of tRNA Bidirectional Nuclear-Cytoplasmic Trafficking in S.
cerevisiae. Mol Biol Cell. 2010 Feb 15; 21(4): 639-49.
Lai T, Stauffer K, Murthi A, Peng G, Shaheen HH, Martin N, Hopper AK, Cis-
Acting sequences sufficient for targeting proteins to the Inner Nuclear
Membrane. Traffic 2009 Sep; 10(9): 1243-56.
Shaheen H.H., Horetsky R., Kimball S., Murthi A, Jefferson L.S, and Hopper
A.K., Retrograde Nuclear Accumulation of Cytoplasmic tRNA in Rat Hepatoma
Cells in Response to Amino Acid Deprivation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007
May 22: 104(21): 8845-50.
Athulaprabha Murthi and Anita K. Hopper, Genome-wide Screen for Inner
Nuclear Membrane Protein Targeting in S. cerevisiae: Roles for N-
acetylation and an Integral Membrane Protein, Genetics. 2005 Aug; 170(4):
. Anita Hopper
Professor, Chair
Department of Molecular Genetics
Ohio State University
800 Riffe Building
484 West 12th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210
Email: ******.**@***.***
Phone: 614-***-****
. Ronald D. Vale
Professor Vice Chair
Dept of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology,
University of California, San Francisco
Genentech Hall, MC 2200, Room N312A
San Francisco
Email: ****@***.****.***
Phone: 415-***-****
. L.S.Shashidhara
Professor and Coordinator Biology
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research,
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road,
Pashan, Pune
Email : **.***********@*********.**.**