C ur r iculum vitae
A ftab Ghou ri
Depart: school
of Nursing
C h ristian
H ospital Quetta.
E mail:
a **********@*****.***
Cell phone #:
Personal Data Father’s Name: G eorge Ghou ri
Date of birth: 22-05-1979
Permanent Address: K ing H i ll Colony
S tation Road
S ukku r .
P resent address: C hr istian Hospital
Q uetta .
Domicile: S uk ku r
N IC # 45504-1150298-7
Objective To enhance the student’s level of knowledge
and skills by
Using different kind of methodology.
P rofessional Education
Oct 2009-2011 Post R N BSc Nu rsing Degree (Senior
elective in Education)
L iaquat University medical and health
sciences jamshoro.
College of Nu rsing J innah postgraduate
medical centre
K arachi.
A pril 2005-2006 I C U/CCU Diploma
College of nursing P I MS I slamabad
A ugust to November 2002 C ritical care T raining (short course)
Aga khan university Karachi.
April 1999-2002 D iploma in General Nu rsing
School of Nursing Christian Hospital Quetta
N ursing Examination Board Baluchistan
August 1997 Seconda ry school certificate
Board of In termediate & secondary education
Work Experience
May 2011-august 2012 I C U I n-charge
I nstitute of medicine and surgery Karachi
June 2002-august 2009 C hr istian hospital Quetta ( in different area’s
w ith different
• Manage the critical patients.
• Assess the needs of patients and staff.
• Trained the new staff.
• Deal with ETT intubation, ventilation and extubation of critical patients.
• Management of staff according to need of shift.
• Prepare the patients for procedures and surgery.
• Analyze the previous record of the patients.
• Collaborate/ coordinate with all staffs.
• Prepare teaching/learning session for staff.
• Counseling of the staff and patients.
June 2002-2009 Christian Hospital Quetta.
Depar tments;
• Male surgical ward
• Male medical ward
• Male eye ward
• EPI Center
• Operation theatre
• Emergency room.
• Field work in community (Quetta, mustang, ziarat and shikarpur)
R esponsibilities
• Provide the care to the patients.
• Assess the quality of care.
• Prepare the duty roster for staffs and students.
• Evaluate the performance of staff and students.
• Arrange department teaching/learning sessions.
• Promote the new skills to be adopted.
• Assist the surgeons in surgery.
• Manage the OT room.
• Facilitate the untrained staff.
General Skills
• Communication skills
• Presentation skills
• Teaching & counseling
• Observation of the student’s performance.
• Supervision of students.
• Time management
L icenses register Nurse from Pakistan Nursing Council
Registration # A-33251 (2014-2019)
Workshop ACLS/BLS (2002)
Aga khan university Karachi
H ealth Assessment (2002)
Aga khan university Karachi
B LS (Dec 2011)
Dow Medical University Karachi.
L anguage U rdu (native), Punjabi (native), Sindhi and
E nglish.