M arvin Fort
Heavy Equipment/Diesel Mechanic
Over 10 years of comprehensi v e professional experi ence as a highly talented Di esel Mechanic with huge
experience in performing journey-lev el mechanical repair and maintenance on heavy equipment, t rucks
other diesel or gas-powered mechanical or automotive equipment; maintain, repair or replace various
and components
» Professional welding experience.
» Have complete set of quality tools.
» Uncommon ability to diagnose mechanical difficulties.
» Self-motivated, well organized and able to prioritize and coordinate work
» F unction well in high-pressure atmosphere.
» Excellent oral, writ ten and interpersonal skills.
» Basic Computer Skills
» T roubleshooting, repairing and installing the following:
H ydraulic / Pneumatic System Generators
T rucks / Diesel Engines
Locomotives / C ranes Boilers / Pumps
Road & Shop Repair
OSHA & DOT Regulations B lueprint / Schematics Reading
A ir / Brake System
E lectronic / Electrical Repair Conveyer System
D ifferentials / Transmi ssion
• Certified Heavy Equipment Operator and Repairer, United States Navy, Great Lakes, M I
• High School Diploma, Miami l akes Senior H. S., Hialeah, FL
• MT Transmission School, FDDA, Miami FL .,
• Hydraulic System, MWI, Deerfield FL
Shoreline Foundation, Inc
Repairing of cranes, heavy equipment, t rucks, small equipment 2012-
present drill units, hammers, onsite and road repair
Pembroke,FL electrical, hyd repair
R ite Way Care 2007- 2012
Mechanic Miami, FL
• Repairing of t rucks, heavy equipment; backhoes, bobcats, loaders,
• Overhauling cylinders, diesel eng., t ransmissions, t railers, conveyers
• Troubleshooting electrical & mechanical problem in a timely manner FL
Service Mechanic
• Attended to customer service requests and questions regarding maintenance
i ssues
• Drive units repair
• Pump repair- all makes and models
• Onesite and roadside repair as necessary
• Troubleshooting maintenance repair for major and minor problems
I nternational Union of Operating Engineers
Lead Mechanic
• Onsite and roadside repair as necessary, diesel equipment and controls.
• Troubleshot hydraulic systems, electrical systems, air systems, t ransmission systems, and brake
• Performed limited bodywork and repainting on vehicles after a breakdown or accident .
• Maintained cranes, backhoes, excavators, frontend loaders, d rill units, and t ruck
2003 - 2008
M iami,
M a rvin Fort
Felix Const r uction 1999- 2002
D iesel Mechanic Davie,
• Grind val ves an d performed welding; make par t s on l at he and mill ; rebu ild equip ment as
• Perfor med complete overhauls on t ransmissi ons, di fferent ia l s and clu tch system s; repair or
and repl ace r ear end and front -end systems in t r ucks and ot her vehi cl es.
• Performed lubrication, oil changes, battery mai n tenance, t i r e ch anges and repai rs, and
servicing of
equ ipment .
A dditional Work Experien ce
Her zog Transit Services M iam i, FL M ai ntai n er I I Mechani c,
Ser vi ce Mech anic
F lorida Detroit Diesel A ll ison, M i ami, FL
Mechanic Labor Operator
Charl i le Frymer Paving, Davi e FL
P rior M i l itary Experi ence as United States Sailor, Machinist Repai rer I L P rovi ded technical
a rmed forces transportation unit and planned / p resented tra i n i ng program s. Honorably
d ischarged.