Amityville, NY
- Fluency in French, over a year and half spent in Franc e
QUALIFICATION - Strong communications and interpe rsonal skills
- Skilled in time management, p rioritizi ng tasks, and working in dependently
- Patiently and efficiently addr esses customer ne eds
- Quickly acquires new technical skills
EXPERIENCE Independent English Teacher M adrid, Spain 2008-201 4
Maintained a consistent client base thro ugh atte ntion to detail a nd client
needs. Created personalized classes tailored to individual clients.
Deve loped marketing strategies to acquir e new clients. Trained clients
for F CE, CAE, and TOFEL. Created a profitable one man operation .
Event Manager, Mono Loco Tours M adrid Spain 2010-201 1
Planned and organized product pa ckages. Communicated an d ma int ained
relationships with both customers and s er vice p roviders. Ensu re d clie nt
satisfaction through direct inte raction with customers .
Area Supervisor, American Pool Management L ong Island, New York
Promptly promoted from lifeguard du e to ex ceptional customer se r vic e.
Responsible for ensuring that th e client was provided with the se r vice
contracted, and rectifying any issues that occur red.
EDUCATION University of Buffalo Buffalo, New Yor k
Bachelor of Arts in French and Art History
SKILLS Microsoft Office Suite, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, HTML