Celso Re yes Broca
Calle Francisco I. Madero No. 4 Dep. 9
Col. Caracol, P.C. 24188
Ciud ad del C ar men, C ampeche, México.
Cel. 938-***-**-**
• Graduate from U niversidad J uárez A utónoma de Tabasco with a degree in l ang uages. Primary f o c us e s
were on E nglish, Italian, and Frenc h languages. Cours es e x e c u t e d c o n s i s t e d o f teac hing, translation,
i nterpretation, hospitalit y and tourism from 2005 to 2010.
• Student exc hange to a Thai U niversit y duri ng Fall 2009.
• Student exc hange to a C anadian U ni versity duri ng Fall 2008.
• Technically pro fic ient i n t r a n s l a t i n g, i n t e r p r e t i n g, teaching ES L, tourism and hospitality.
• Tec hnicall y proficient in MS W ord, E xcel and P ow er P oint.
• Technically proficient in Q uality and Qua nti t y inspections in manuf acturing enterprises.
UJ A U niver sity
Faculty of Arts and E ducation
Bachel or of M odern Langu ages May 2010
Relevant Cour sewor k:
F0187: Tec hniques & Practici ng of Interpretati on F0180: Mastering of E nglish
F0190: Tec hnic al Transl ation F0137: Teac hi ng of Engl ish
F0189: Sc ientific Transl ati o n F0137: Mastering of Ital ian
F0149: P honetic and P honology F0150: A dvanced Frenc h Language
F0164: Morphol ogy and s yntax F0186: Touristic A dm inistration and marketi ng
F0148: Di dac tic of Modern Languages
Dhur akij P undi Univer sity (in T hailand )
Faculty of Hum anities and Letters Fall 2009
Relevant Cour sewor k:
TH 201 Im mersion i ntoThai C ulture in D ynamic Contexts
Sherbrooke Univ er sity (in Québec)
Faculty of Hum anities and Letters Fall 2008
Relevant Cour sewor k:
FRE041: Franç ais- Comm unic ation Écrite 2
ANG281: Sec ond Language Acquisition
FRE021: Franç ais - Comm unic ation Écrite 1 FRE042: L es arts et la C ulture au Québec
FRE050: Franç ais – C om m unic ation Oral Avancée 1
FRE040: Franç ais Oral - Int ermedaire 2
Language Learning Academy SC Current
Ciudad del Carm en, Campeche
-Principal of LLA
• Spanish teacher for foreigners and offi cial translator and interpreter
Oxford Instit uto de Idio mas, Ci udad del C armen 2010-2012
Principal of the Institute
• Hiring, training and supervising teachers, problem solving
• Teac hi ng E ngl ish (for all levels)
• Teac hing Frenc h
Centro de Idio mas de la U T, Vill ah erm osa, Tabasco Fall 2009 - 2010
Teacher, Assistant Translator, Interpreter
• Teac hi ng of English and Frenc h l anguages
• Tutorship
• Draft of professional transl ation
• Teac hing trai ning c ourses suc h as PET and IE LTS
Edume x, C iudad J uárez, C hi huahua 2005
Qual ity Inspector
• Inspection of products
• Testi ng of Quality
• Data of Quali ty and Quantity
Eagle Ottawa, Ci udad J uárez, Chi huahua 2002-2004
Qual ity Inspector
• Inspection of products
• Testi ng of Quality
REGIS, Ci udad J uarez, Chi huahua 2002-2004
Inventory Inspector
• Counti ng and D ata of sold products and storage products. Testi ng of Qual ity
COB A AB, V illahermosa, Tabasco
T 2001-2002
Student of tourism and hospitality
• Reception of guests
• R oom and Restaurant Services
• International E nglish La nguage Testing S yste m (IE LTS ) June 2014
• Certificate of French Language T CF du Québec ( B2) M ay 2014
• Certificate of E nglish Language (T OEFL) April 2009
• Certificate of Co mputin g Ad ministration Studies (Interface C o mputación) May 2002
• Direction of Frenc h Readi ngs ( Library of Fac ulty of Arts and E ducation, UJAT) 2009
• Pla yi ng S occ er
• Listeni ng to m usic
John Harney
Project Manager
Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico
English Speaker
This reference can speak in English with you for any requested references
Cell phone: 938-***-****
e-mail address: **********@*******.***; ****.******@********.***
Clemence Vaugelade
Schlumberger Villahermosa, Tabasco
French Speaker
This reference can speak in English with you for any requested references
Cell phone: 938-***-****
e-mail address: *****************@****.**
Aurelien Guidez
32 Rue du Capitaine Picavet
Leers, France
P.C. 59115
French Speaker
This reference can speak only in French or Spanish with you for any reques ted references
Cell phone: 938-***-****
e-mail address: ********@***.***
Matheus Sausmikat
Halliburton de México
Project Manager
Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico
Brazilian Speaker
This reference can speak in English with you for any requested references
e-mail address: *******.*********@*****.***
Bulat Sharafutdinov
Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico
Russian Speaker
This reference can speak in English with you for any requested references
Cell phone: 938-***-**-**
e-mail address: *********@****.**
Pascale Girard
Gatineau, Québec, Canada
Bilingual Speaker (French/English)
This reference can speak in English with you for any requested references
e-mail address: *******.******@*****-*****.**.**