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Sr. Anesthesia technician

New Delhi, DL, India
December 02, 2014

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Cur riculum Vitae

G aurav Kuma r M udgal Post applied for :- Sr. O.T. Technician

Postal Address :

A-14/305 Brijpuri,

Career Objective

Mangal Pandey Road,

Delhi – 110094. To get a challenging professional career With your esteemed organization

t hrough a continuous learning process become a competent professional &

Mob No-: 099********

Mob No-: 098********

contribute my best to the best of the company .

Mail ID: ********@*****.***

Academic Qualification

Passed matriculation from CBSE

Passed senior secondary from CBSE

P rofessional Qualification

Two years Diploma in “ O.T. Technology” from Rajiv Gandhi Cancer

I nstitute and Research Centre, sec – 5, Rohini New Delhi-110085.

E xtra Qualification

Acquired Certificate in Basic Life Support (BLS) Programme from

“Singapore General Hospital” Life Support Training Center in Max

Health Care, Delhi - 110092.

Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point.

Working on Online System related (H IS ) “Hospital Information

System” Developed by Wipro Care 2002. Dealing with An aesthesia

M aterial and Patient data.

P rofessional Experience

Working with Aruna Asaf Ali Govt. Hospital as a O.T. Technician 6 th May

2013 to t ill date.


Worked with Fortis Health Care as a Sr. O.T/Anesthesia Technician 21st Dec.

2009 to 3rd May 2013.


Worked with M ax Health Ca re as a O.T. Technician 16th April 2007 to 19th Dec. 2009.


Worked with Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre as a O.T.

Tech. from 9th A ug.2004 to 14th April, 2007.

R esponsibilities

I am working as a O.T/ Anesthesia Technician my work profile

i nvolves arranging intubating t rolley, replenishing drugs t rolley,

helping anesthesiologists in preoperative care of the patients in

operation theatre, intensive care units, t r iage, aiding and preparing for

central venous cannulation, pulmonary- artery catheter & arterial line

i nsertion. Other key responsibilities are vendor Interaction and co-

coordinating with other departments for smooth functioning of

operation theatre. Capability to rapidly firefight in unknown

environments and multi-tasking are some of my positive att r ibutes.

F amiliar with

Anesthesia - Maintenance of anesthesia machine, drug

p reparation, handled all type of anesthesia equipment and all

t ype of monitoring(CVP,IBP) assisted Double lumen intubation,

F ibrotic intubation etc patient positioning and handling and

maintenance of anesthesia equipments.

Operation Theatre and post-operative recovery room

management including layout, designing, maintenance, patient

i nf low and outflow.

Working knowledge of preoperative management of general

surgeries, laparoscopic surgeries, orthopedic surgeries, joint

replacement surgery, Bariatic Surgery,Gynecological ENT and

a ll types of superspecialities viz. neuro, onco, Urological and

p lastic surgeries.

P ersonal Detail :-

F ather’s Name : L ate Sh. Laxman Prashad

D ate of Bi rth : 17th Dec 1984

M a r ital Status : M ar r ied

N ationality : I ndian

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