Safa Ahmed Fouad Abdel-Rahman Mohamed
Masr El-Gededa, cairo, Egypt
Date of birth: 11/12/1989
Place of birth: Cairo
Nationality: Egyptian
Gender: Female
Marital status: single
Religion: Muslim
Being a junior Mechatronics engineer in a leading organization in the field of
Automation, Electronics, electro-mechanical, Manufacturing, Oil & Gas Industry
or in educational organization where my skills may be applied, well utilized and
further developed.
School: El-Makrizy language school, Class 2007
University: October 6 university, Class 2012
Faculty OF Engineering, mechatronics department
Estimate: Excellent 85%
Graduation project: Arm Robot w ith grade Excellent
-Wo rked as mechanical engineer at KIA motors
(From No vember 2012 to April 2013).
-Worked at ECCO outsourcing as telesales agent
(From No vember 2013 to December 2013).
-Worked at Mobile Wave 3 as technical support in M2M
(Machine To Machine) communication field
(From Ja nua ry 2 0 14 to Ma rc h 2 0 14 ).
-Curre ntl y w orking a s a tea cher a ssista nt a t October 6
University (From March 2014 to present ).
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-Basic Electronics
-Draw ing by using Solidw orks
-Programming by using Microcontroller
-Fire fighting and fire alarm.
-Draw ing by Autocad.
Skills and hobb ies:
-Technical: Microsoft office, SolidWorks and Autocad.
-language: Arabic(mother tongue), Engli sh (Excellent).
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