! ! ! ! JOHN HANSEN!
**** *** **** ******, *****, Florida 33607!
Management position that uses my skills and enables me to make a positive contribution. Play
an integral role in ensuring growth & success of the company.!
Skills and Abilities
Marketing Skills
• Secured sponsors for the Bodybuilding and Fitness events I hold twice a
• Promote and market the Fitness events to the media including television,
newspapers, magazines and the internet.
• Secure locations and sponsors to hold Fitness Seminars around the
• Promote and market the Fitness Seminars to the local media before and
during the event.
Communication Skills
• Conduct Fitness Seminars around the country, speaking to various groups
(high schools, colleges, fitness clubs, YMCA’s, etc).
• Promote fitness related products on media outlets such as television, radio
and magazine interviews.
• Communicate and answer questions with customers while selling tickets
for Fitness events.
• Coordinated, planned and contributed at trade shows and special events.
• Served as representative and liaison for Optimum Nutrition.
Writing skills
• Write weekly articles for the website www.abbperformance.com.
• Write a monthly article (column) for the magazine Ironman Magazine.
• Write a weekly blog for the internet site www.ironmanmagazine.com.
• Develop and write Contest Programs for fitness events I promote.
• Wrote and developed articles and Ebooks for my website.
• Edit articles for the website www.rxmuscle.com.
Education and Training
Governors State University
B.A. in Marketing and Management
Graduated June 1994
Writing Training
Revising and Editing articles for the website RX Muscle.com; Writing Magazine
articles for Ironman Magazine; Writing articles for internet for
09/2010 - present (part-time, as needed), Morning Manager/Independent
Personal Trainer
Powerhouse Gym Downtown Tampa, Tampa, FL
03/2007 - present, Writer/Athlete Representative for Optimum Nutrition/ABB
08/2007 - present, Promoter and Manager of Two Natural Bodybuilding and
Fitness competitions per year
01/2000 - present, Writer/Columnist for Ironman Magazine
04/1999 - 08/2010, Independent Personal Trainer
Chicago, IL
Additional Information
Author, “Natural Bodybuilding” (Human Kinetics, 2005)