Kristen A. Moody
Simpsonville, SC 29681
Data modeler, problem solver with an uncanny ability to communicate
between business groups and IT. System analyst, on-call specialist.
Throughout my career I have witnessed the evolution of computer
integration into the business world and the profits which can arise from
leveraging systems and data correctly. I can help any company in any
industry proactively compete and achieve goals. I adapt easily to change,
fixing long standing problems left unattended, data and process mapping,
fine tuning and/or eliminating interfaces, to leading a team through
development of a new data model.
Voluntary career break in January 2013 to get married and spend time with
son before he left for Special Forces duty.
Applications: Data Warehouse, Accounting Financials, Insurance,
Pharmacy, Purchasing/Procurement, Forecasting, Supply Chain,
POS, HR/Payroll/Benefits, Vehicle Fleet
Software: SQL, COBOL II LE, DB2, IBM WebSphere MQ Series, VB 6.0, .NET,
Erwin, Assembler 360-390, CICS, JCL, TSO/ISPF, SDSF, MS Access,
Visio, Cognos, Microsoft Office, ENDEVOR, IBM Series/1, Eztrieve
Plus, CA7, Control M-D, Databus, PBL, Cyborg HR/PR/BN Modules
Hardware: Mainframe 370/390 MVS/XA, SMS, Windows MS-DOS XP Vista 7 8, Open
VMS, Honeywell Bull GCOS 7, OS 2000, TDS/TPRS, Datapoint RMS,
DOS, Digital UNOS, CPM
QS/1 Data Systems, Spartanburg SC, Application Developer II Dec 2007 -
Jan 2013
Company developed and sold pharmacy software to independent pharmacies and
nursing homes.
. Promoted Developer II in 1.5 years.
. Expert in splitting assembler programs to become more efficient.
. Worked through requirements to meet customer needs. Series/1
backend, VB 6.0 front-end.
. Mentoring junior associates.
EDS / Thrifty Automotive Group, Tulsa OK, Contract Information Specialist
Oct 2006 - Sep 2007
Rents and leases cars to public, travel agencies, and major companies.
. Created, documented, and implemented from scratch new application
within fleet management system within budged in 9 months.
. Worked exclusively remote.
. System turned over to offshore resources with no issues.
Ahold Oct 1995 - Oct 2006
Global Grocery Retail
Ahold Information Services, Technical Lead Developer Jan 2001 - Oct
. Data modeler of 46 table space relational data base to rapidly
replenish perishable inventory to multiple operating companies
. Developed real-time data updates utilizing Websphere into relational
database for fast market reaction.
. Normalized multiple data inputs from multiple operating companies.
. Trained and turned perishable procurement system to offshore resources
for support.
. Support role in maintaining and enhancing Marketing & Merchandising
systems including Bonus Card, Customer Data Warehouses, Item Data
Warehouses, and Customer Favorites Data.
. Responsible for interpreting and massaging POS data in preparation for
downstream systems.
. Debugged and aiding on-call personnel with production problems,
defining and data mapping processes for operating company
Ahold Financial Services, Senior BSA: Mar 1999 - Jan 2001
. IT member of business process team to implement shared service center
for common business processes and software across all operating
. Complete detail mapping of all financial processes and created user
. Moved financial systems with focus on Accounts Payable, Fixed Assets,
Capital Projects, and Purchase Order systems from Boston MA to Carlisle
PA with no service outage.
Ahold Information Services, Senior Developer: Oct 1995 - Mar 1999
. Identified and maintained business process functions during conversion
of in-house Payroll, HR, and Benefits system to Cyborg software.
. Mapped business processes and facilitated communication between
information technology and the business user.
. Performed testing and sign-off of all processes, procedures, and data
. Provided support for all legacy systems for Bi-Lo and Giant Food Stores
on a 24x7 hour basis encompassing corporate accounting, retail, and
warehouse applications.
. Implemented new software versions and tax bulletins for Cyborg Payroll,
HR, and Benefits systems.
. Maintained and enhanced payroll and check recovery systems.
. Heavily involved with programming and analytical functions.
Contract Data Services, Inc., Information Systems Consultant Feb 1995 -
Oct 1995
Contract programming services
. 24x7 on call software support of four invoice billing systems.
. Unit testing, system testing and moving finished projects into a
production environment.
Minnehoma Insurance Company Old Republic, Systems Analyst Apr 1988 -
Feb 1995
Vehicle extended warranty and mobile home insurance company
. Support all computer software across all platforms.
. Convert all Datapoint systems to Novel Network using Computer
Associates COBOL.
. Conversion of Honeywell Bull mainframe software to IBM ES9000 MVS SMS.
. Developed, documented, implemented, and supported complete off-site PC
software package to track loan information for lending institutions.
. Created and implemented system standards for user and technical
documentation including operations.
. Maintained and enhanced off-site vehicle insurance contract system.
. Maintained and updated mobile home insurance direct mail system.
Greenville Tech, Greenville SC General
Tulsa Junior College, Tulsa OK Philosophy - Ethical Thinking, LOGIC
Computer Science - COBOL, Assembler, Systems Analysis
New Mexico State University Liberal Arts
References available upon request.