Rosanne D’Angelo
* ******* ********, ***** ** L*A OP8
416-***-**** ***********@*******.***
Excellent proble m solving, multi tasking, leadership, facilitation, c oaching skills and m otivational skills. Strong
perfor mer in both individual and a team environ m ent. Excellent m otivator and training knowledge to ensure effective
teamwork. Experienced in planning, developing and i mple m enting large scale, high profile m e etings and events. Excellent
c o m munication skills, both orally and written. Ability to establish effective working relationship with e mploye es and all
other stakeholders.
Can Pet Distribution Inc 2012 to Present
My duties consisted of:
I was responsible for order desk and all custo mer inquiries, including pricing, products and availabilities
Quoting custo mers, taking orders over the phone, in person fax or e mail.
I was also assisting with Driver Run sheets, all invoicing Ontario and Quebec, and fro m time to time actually
picking of order if need be.
I worked along side all of our outside sales representatives and our vendors,
I built an exc ellent rapport with our custo m ers always offering the best service possible
I am a c onfident worker who works well individually and also in a team environ m ent.
I am a loyal e mployee, hard worker and enjoy challenges.
Arctic Packaging Industries Inc Customer Service
Representative/Assistant 2008 to 2012
My duties consisted of:
Answering custo mer inquiries over the telephone
Taking orders on the telephone also in person through our receiving desk
Updating inventory
Quoting and pricing custo m er
I provide superior professionalis m, present a c onfident de m eanor
and a respectful c orporate i mpression of
m ys elf
and the co mpany I am working for.
I have an e xc ellent rapport with all clients, exc ellent c o m munication verbal and written skills in order to build a
good rapport with old, current and to be obtain clients/accounts.
I interact with others & other departments to resolve client issues such as, accounting, operations,
Moneris Solutions 2000-2006 Quality Assurance Specialist September
2002- 2006
●Responsible in ensuring knowledge is recurrent on all 2A syste ms and with c orporate
goals/measure m ents.
Created objective coaching reco m m endations and assess m ents to calls m onitored or through side by side
c oaching.
Prepared and sub mitted reports of e mploye e perfor mances on a m onthly basis.
● Motivated and trained staff
on a continuous learning basis.
Developed, m m ended and administered m onthly perfor mance evaluations.
reco ● Interacted with m erchants to
obtain assess m ents on agents perfor mance.
Assisted on phones in crisis m ode (high service levels)
Training Instructor March 2000- September 2002
Provided superior professionalism, presented a confident demeanor and a respectful corporate impression.
Responsible for facilitation/presentation within a classroo m environ m ent
Responsible for develop m ent and delivery of all materials
Responsible in thoroughly training new hires and existing staff on any diversified
Responsible for all hu man resource for ms, ID set up and all syste m applications
Provided strong leadership and co m munications skills
Have strong knowledge of the operational aspect of business including all platfor ms
Responsible for marking quizzes, tests and providing over all assess ments to their
Chargeback Relations Officer September 1999- August 2000
Responsible for handling chargeback escalations for several of our major m erchant accounts
Interact with internal and external clients to ensure m erchant escalations resolved.
Responsible for daily productivity reports and daily audits.
Provided training over the phone to our major m erchants and cardholders.
Bank of Montreal 1997-2000 Chargeback Officer - February 1999- September
Responsible for working the Merchant Representment Basket
●Responsible for chargeback cases ensuring education on proper procedures and provide additional support to
our merchants.
Knowledge of all chargeback codes and related solutions
Senior Merchant Customer Service Officer 1998- February 1999
the bank on behalf of the Service C entre
Responsible for handling all escalations fro m representatives or m erchants
Provided c oaching and training to all agents on all syste ms and applications and product
Interacted with other departments to resolve m erchants’ inquiries
Responsible for handling the Merchant C ontact C entre on off hours, including evenings and
Merchant Customer Service Agent July 1997- September 1998
Responsible for answering all Merchant Inquiries
all ter minals
Educating m erchants on our products & service which are available to the m
Responsible for authorization of MasterCard’s
Responsible for all financial issues
Responsible for proble m solving m erchant issues and dealing with escalations
United Parcel Service Canada Ltd. 1989-1996 Administration and Client
●Responsible for qualifying all Canadian Brokerage Accounts.
Responsible for all open, closed and pending Canadian Brokerage Applications.
In depth knowledge of Importing/Exporting regulations.
Daily correspondence with all Canadian and American Ports.
Up selling and cross selling to existing customers.
Customer Service Representative January 1989- 1992
Responsible of answering all customer inquiries.
Quoting rates over the phone.
Key entry.
Volunteer Work
Managing and Leading the 2003, 2004 and 2005 United Way Ca mpaign, raising over
Manage and C o ordinates a C o m munity Support C o m munity with over 50 e mployees,
Participating in various annual events including, Food Drives, Cl othing Drive, CN mb for United Way,
Fun C o m mittee, Christmas parties and Diversity Day Event inwhich I Chair as well.
Computer Skills
●Strong knowledge in all MS Office Word, Excel and Power Point
French Program, mber C ollege, 2000
C o m puter Program, Seneca C olle ge,1988
● Fundraising, Traveling & Exercising