* ****** **** ****. 647-***-****
Toronto, Ontario, M4J 4N3 ******.*****.****@*****.***
Civil engineer specialized in hydraulics, with 10+ years experience in both public and private sectors. Highly
experienced as a Project Manager and Public Oversight, leading groups of people in energy companies,
designing run off the river power plants, and managing the work of consulting companies. Has improved the
process of and managed several engineering projects at different stages, is proactive, efficient, versatile, willing
and eager to learn new things.
Electro Austral Generación Ltda. Santiago, Chile 03/2008 to 08/2014
Project Manager
Responsibilities include managing the hydraulic design of the hydroelectric power plants, supervising the
consulting companies, reviewing and approving the consulting reports, acting as group leader of the corporate
strategy planning for the short, medium, and long term.
Projects involved include:
El Refugio run off the river Hydroelectric Power Plant.
Centinela run off the river Hydroelectric Power Plant.
Ayunko run off the river Hydroelectric Power Plant.
La Invernada run off the river Hydroelectric Power Plant.
Las Tortolas run off the river Hydroelectric Power Plant.
San Pedro damm.
Superintendencia de Servicio Sanitarios (SISS) Santiago, Chile 08/2006 to 03/2008
Public Oversight (Supervisor)
Responsibilities included: monitoring the process, infrastructure and inputs involved in the production of drinking
water and the recollection of waste water; controlling water company standard; implementing geo referencing
methods and infrastructure replacement criteria.
Projects involved include:
Geo referencing failures of the water system.
Diagnosing the infrastructure level of the sanitary companies.
Defining the criteria for pipe replacement.
Causse Ingeniería. Santiago, Chile 02/2006 to 08/2006
Project Engineer
Responsibilities included assessing the SISS on the design of the drinking water distribution and waste water
recollection systems in the south of Chile.
Projects involved include:
Aguas Nuevo Sur Maule S.A. tariff study. 2006 2011
Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios del Bio Bio S.A. tariff study. 2006 2011
Aguas Patagonia de Aysén S. A. tariff study. 2006 2011
CONIC BF Ingenieros. Santiago, Chile 05/2004 to 02/2006
Project Engineer
Responsibilities included helping and implementing solutions for the development of several hydraulic projects.
Projects involved include:
Feasibility research and final design of the Gibbs and Gabriela Mistral Channels.
Ifarle Channel feasibility research.
Assessment of the surface water resources at the basin of the Imperial and Toltén Rivers.
Design of the drinking water pipeline connections between Quinteros and La Laguna.
Hydrological security research for floods on the sources of surface water, Aguas Antofagasta S.A.
Aguas Andinas. Santiago, Chile 01/2003 to 03/2003
Responsibilities included helping with the use of software that improved the production process.
Professional Degree in Civil Engineering
Specialized in Hydraulic, Sanitary and Environment 2003
Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Dissertation: “Uncertainties of the Design of Rainwater Drainage Systems”
Teacher s Assistant
Bachelor of Sciences in Engineering major Civil Engineering 2001
Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Math Tutor
High School graduate 1996
Colegio Santa María de la Cordillera
Honor Roll
Primary School graduate 1992
Colegio Santa María de la Cordillera
Native Spanish speaker and fluent English speaker.
Computer proficient.
Manages software, including; MS office, AutoCad, Global Mapper, Arc Gis, Hec Ras, SWMM.
On site work planner.
Target oriented.
Strong collaborator.
Excellent communicational skills.
Group and individual know how.
Adapts quickly to new environments.