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Manager Project

San Francisco, CA
November 24, 2014

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*** ********* *****

White House, TN 37188

Cell: 931-***-****



Over 17 Years of Experience in Leadership and Management Positions, with a Consistent Track Record of

Success in Managing Multiple Projects Concurrently to Meet Time/Cost G o a ls

Strong Background in Building and Leading Diverse, Interdisciplinary Teams; Rated the #1 out 6 L og istic s

and Supply Managers for 5 Consecutive Yea rs

MBA; Top Secret Security Clearance; Six Sig ma

Program/project/operations management professional with distinguished career leading and participating in complex, challenging

projects and operations in both U.S. and intern ational lo cations. Repeated success guiding highly skilled, cro ss- functional

teams in meeting time, budget, and qu ality objectives. Effective analy st, problem so lver, and co mmunicator able to establish

and maint ain excellent relationships with suppliers, vendors, and partner co mpan ies. Experience in preparation of complex

project schedules and budget s. Winner of multiple performance- based aw ard s.

Core competencies include:

Project Planning, Scheduling & Coo r din at io n Team Building, Mentoring & L ead er shi p

Capital Budget D evelo pm ent & A d min istr atio n Project/Program Lifecycle Man age m ent

Problem Identification, Review & Reso lutio n Logistics & Supply Chain So lutions

Performance Standards, Systems & M etric s Risk A ssessment, Analysis & Mitigatio n

Formal & Informal Presentation Deliv er y Continuous Process Impro vement (CPI)

Customer Needs Assessment & Fulfillm ent Quality & Safety Assuran ce Stan dar ds


Macy's Logistics and Operations, Greater Nashville Area

Operations Manager, Fulfillment Operations June 2014-Present

Lead daily operations of a 300,000 square feet department within a 1.3 million square foot Macy’s Direct to Consu mer Fulfillment Center.

Manage all inbound / outbound operations, receiving, packing, storage, case prep, MHE, and inventory accuracy. Manage and mentor 11

supervisors and 250+ associates. Ensure understanding and enforcement of safety and accident prevention protocols. Perform

behavioral observations to ensure safety compliance. Guide, direct, and coach supervisors to facilitate their contribution to the overall

success of fulfillment operations. Work directly with senior leadership to meet departmental budget goals outlined in the building’s overall

financial plan. Identify and present justifications for new positions and capital expenditures based on ROI criteria. Ensure accurat e and

timely reporting of associates’ hours worked within the department. Interview, hire, train, and discipline new team members. Calculate

and analyze volume projections to generate department and shift schedules with emphasis on peak season forecasting.

Fluor Corporation, Dubai UAE

General Manager, Regional Distr ib utio n Center, 2011 -2014

Directs the Materials Control function to include planning, execution, reporting and overall unit performance. Manages a team of 223

materials control specialists, procurement specialists, transportation department, and freight forwarders. Responsible for reviewing

schedules, transportation requirements, and conferring with customers to determine delivery requirements. Monitors requisitions and

establishes sequential delivery dates, according to priorities and corporate guidance. Examines financial records and asset allocation

for regulatory compliance. Ensures that subordinate employees are performing work according to contractual obligations and

company policies. Arranges transfer of materials, logistics forecasting, and transportation costs to meet schedules. Compiles and

maintains manual or computerized records, such as material inventory, in-process reports, financial records, status and location of

materials. Evaluates existing practices and recommends improvements. Manages eight locations with approximately 750,000 square

feet of warehouse space and 17,000 lines with a value in excess of $150 million. Responsible for four direct report managers and 15



Realized $3.5 million in costs savings f o r the client through inventory consolidatio n and reall ocation

Inherited an inventory with 75% accuracy and in six months achieved 98% accuracy

Reduced the number of aged requisitions by 50%



Cell: 931-***-****


United States Army

Senior Materials Manager, Ft Campbell KY 2005 -2011

In charge o f requisitioning, receiving, storing, tracking and transporting all supply requir ements across 4 different locations in

1,100-person organization, directly responsible for team o f 127, 600 pieces of rolling stock, and managing $31 million budg et

with 3 different funding sources (O& M Funding, Annual Sustainment, Special Projects). Prepare all accountin g report s, allo cat e

multimillion-dollar transportation asset s, and ensure financial records are accurat e; o v er saw 11 mid- lev el man ager s’ a n nu al

reports. Function as the senio r ev aluator for all 127 members on the team. Reco gnized for flawless safety reco rd.


Achieved record of zero negligence -based losses on $22 m illion in equipm ent and und e r - /o n-b udg et

performance throughout tenu re.

Identified and proc ured r eplacem ent parts f o r ne w fam il y of vehicles through direct contact with parts

manufacturer, allowing unit t o maintain 98% vehicle readiness rate (above 85% organizatio nal st an dard).

Captured $1,350,000 cost savings by purchasi ng ab ovem entio ned parts cheaper through non -tradit ional sup ply

ch an n els.

Delivered ke ynote speech to the Brentwood, TN Rotary Cl ub a nd the Bre ntwo od Police Dep art m e nt.

Ear ned several awards that incl uded two Bronz e Star Med als, Combat Actio n Badge, Arm y & Ai r Force

Commendation Medal, a n d Army & Air Force Achiev ement M ed al.


Master of Busi ness Administration, “M agna Cum Laude Grad uate ”

Touro College, New York, NY

Bachelor of Arts in O rganizational Ma nagem e nt; Minor in Conflict Resolution and Ne gotiati ons

Colorado Christian Univ ersity, Lak ewoo d, C O

Training: Co mbined Logistic s Car eer College, Technical Transportation of Hazardous Materials Course, Microsoft Office, Air

Assault School Graduate, Officer Candidat es School (H onors Gr a du ate)

Certifications: Six Sigma Black Belt, Villanova University (completion date: February 2015)

Designations: Top Secret Security Cl ear an c e

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