S eeking a s uitable position in the marketing/ sales function at a p rogressive organization t hat will lead to
a l ong term career relationship. I am a dedicated, skilled and reliable individual possessing requisite
d omain knowledge and strong organizational skills that brings in confidence t o fulfill the required targets .
I w ould l ike to gain new s kills while utilizing my current area of expertise.
Direct Education
P GDM, Marketing and Strategy, MYRA School Of Business, Mysore (2013 - 2015) (Pursuing)
G rade - 3 .2/4 CGPA (till date).
B .Tech, Mechanical Engineering, D r. MGR University, C hennai (2008 - 12)
G rade - 7.2/10 CGPA.
Certification Course
U ndergoing a course on “New Models of Business in Society” from University of Virginia on
C oursera platfor m .
U ndergoing a course on “Consumer Neuroscience and Neuro - marketing” from Copenhagen
B usiness School on Coursera platform .
Technical Competencies
A bility to apply principles of Brand Management.
C apable of conducting Market Research and Analysis.
A bility to use decision tools to design strategic plans and execute operations.
P roficient in conjoint analysis and bass modeling.
C apable of operating ‘SPSS’ software.
A ble to design business processes u sing ‘i - grafix’ software.
K nowledgeable on ‘R’ software.
P roficient in operating Microsoft Office.
Functional Competencies
A bility to multi - task.
H ighly m otivate d and eager to learn new things .
D etermined team player and detail oriented.
C apable of l eading large teams with examples.
A bility to assess, analyze and effect change.
A bility to comprehend and adapt to new technologies in a dynamic environment.
A ctive listener and learner.
Summer Intern at Future Brands, New Delhi
(April 2014 to June 2014)
C o - authored a report on ‘ De - mystifying Private Brands’ .
U ndertook a detailed research on ‘Private Brands’.
S tudied and analyzed t he strategies used by modern Indian retailers f or private brands .
U nderstood t he various b rands and branding techniques .
C ontributed to the re - branding of Fiama Di Wills by a nalyzing b randing t echniques u sed by soap
b rands.
Quality Control Signatory at Bharat Star Services Private Limited (JV-BPCL and Star Services), Chennai
(August 2012 to June 2013)
D eveloped report gen eration systems in MS Excel for different activities during the shifts t o
i ncrease efficiency a nd eli minate inaccuracies .
M anaged a ll aspects of Q uality C ontrol and Maintenance .
L ed a 6 - member team responsib le for aviation fueling.
A nalyzed feedback from consumers using different spreadsheet models.
P ut in 36 - 42 additional work hours per month during the busy periods for the company.
P art of a two member team that implemented a research p roject on u nderstanding consumer
b ehavior towards Big Bazaar ( 2014) .
I mplemented a research project on t he i mportance of A esthetics in Retail ( 2014) .
P art of a four member team that presen ted an e - commerce business plan f or renting and selling
s ports equipment ( 2014) .
U ndertook a project with Bharat International Travels and recommended measures to increase
s ales using various digital marketing techniques (2014).
C ommenced a consulting project for IT infrastructure at MY RA School of Business (2014).
A ctively represented MYRA School of Business in O2B Business Plan Competition h eld at ISB,
H yderabad ( 2013).
E stablished ‘SAHAYA CLUB’ (Social Responsibility and Sustainability club) as a President a t MYRA
S chool of Business (2013) .
C ore - Committee member for organizing ‘Big data analytics - I nternational conference’ at MYRA
S chool of Business (2013).
M ember of the organizing committee for ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ a t MYRA School of Business
( 2014).
R esearching upon consumer behavior and brand management.
R eading about new technologies and automobiles.
P assion for photography.
P ursuing activities related to social responsibility.
P assionate about team sports.