Clint Helton
Granbury, TX *****-4101
(M) 972-***-****
(H) 817-***-****
Software development position where innovative technical skills, combined with excellent customer and team relation skills, will create quality software solutions to accomplish project and company objectives.
Experienced software development professional, from requirements through design, coding, and deployment. Outstanding debug and analysis skills. Resolve critical problems under pressure. Quality and detail minded. Proven record working in a team environment or independently. Strengths include:
1. Real-Time Multiprocessor
1. DO-178B Embedded Systems
1. Software Scripting and Device Drivers
1. Requirements Creation/Implementation
1. OOD/OOP/Software Automation Design
1. Software Verification and Validation
1. Client / Server Applications Design
1. Strong Written and Interpersonal Skills
1. Full Life Cycle Development
1. Software Configuration Management
Languages: C/C++, C#, .Net, Assembly, Perl, Python, Jython, Java, DXL, shell script
Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX, Linux, VMS, proprietary real-time distributed, pSOS
Development Tools: Visual Studio, MPLABX, Code Composer, Eclipse, NetBeans, Activestate, DOORS, CodeWarrior, Keil µVision, LDRA Testbed/TBrun, Rockwell Collins ISALT, Cygwin, GNU, ClearCase, ClearQuest, CVS, SVN, Beyond Compare, Enovia, eRoom, Emacs, Word, Excel, Visio
Development Targets: TMS320F2811, TMS320F2811, PIC32, 8051, 680x0, Z8000
Protocols/Standards: POSIX;ARINC 429, 604, 825; TCP/IP; SS7; ISDN
* Under pressure due to very tight deadlines, created:
* Drivers for two hardware peripherals.
* Alternate method of downloading program images to embedded target.
* Using ISALT, database containing LRU fault logging and crew alerting information.
* Using Perl, created a tool that reduced a man manual and error-prone software build process from three hours to ten minutes, which resulted in significant cost savings.
* Using Perl and DXL, created a tool that analyzes requirements and design documents, software source code, and requirements based test procedures to insure requirements traceability.
* Using UNIX shell scripting, gawk (GNU’s awk), and VMS DCL, created a tool that swiftly and reliably generates customer databases, saving countless hours of development time.
* Resolved a critical problem in a new subsystem. With little familiarity, was able to diagnose and correct the problem, again saving millions in potentially lost revenue. Received Director’s Award.
* Saved millions of dollars in delayed and potentially lost revenue for the customer and company by analyzing a catastrophic problem and developing a workaround at the customer’s site.
Bachelor of Science Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas
Certifications: MCSE, A+, Network+; SMU in Legacy, Plano, Texas
Clint Helton
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Eaton Aerospace, Fort Worth, Texas
Senior Software Engineer
Nov 2009 - Present
* Participate in embedded flight software DO-178B projects:
* Analyze customer requirements.
* Using DOORS, create/review software high/low level requirements.
* Create/review software flight code and supporting maintenance code.
* Design and implement Python test scripts for system Validation and Verification.
* Create C/assembly microcontroller peripheral drivers.
* Create any required Perl, Python, C, and DXL scripts or tools.
* Use Rockwell Collins’ ISALT tool to create LRU fault isolation and maintenance event database.
* Create DXL scripts to automate embedded software project metrics collection.
* Participated in creating/reviewing the Eaton SCoE’s process documents.
* Created documents: Process for Software Verification and Process for Lessons Learned.
* Assist with IBM Rational DOORS upgrade testing.
* Created Statement of Work for Software Test Benches used in flight code V&V efforts.
* Assist other users with installation and configuration of development tools (e.g. Eclipse, Jython)
S-TEC, Mineral Wells, Texas
Principal Engineer
Sept 2006 – April 2009
* Created Perl scripts to integrate off-the-shelf software products used in the development process.
* Software development team member in projects requiring embedded C++ and 8051 assembly.
* Led team to achieve software structural code coverage using LDRA TBrun for a critical project.
* Developed C++ .NET program to automate system testing of embedded avionics software.
* Created Perl and DXL scripts to automate software requirements traceability.
* Helped to insure conformity of avionics software to the DO-178B specification.
PC1 Professional Systems, Granbury, TX
Software Developer
June 2005 – Sept 2006
* Using C and Informix C-ISAM RDBMS, developed Linux applications enabling pharmacies to fill prescriptions, collect billing, and conform to ever changing Federal requirements.
* Created new security subsystem to protect against unauthorized access and to log user activity.
* Developed software to interface to third party pharmacy pill dispensing machines.
* Designed software interfacing to Zebra S600 thermal printer and laser printers using PCL.
Real EZ Computer Solutions, Allen, TX
Founder/Self Employed
March 2003 – June 2005
* Windows computers and network consultation, installation, and repair.
ALCATEL, Plano, Texas
Senior Software Engineer
Sept 1988 – Nov 2002
1. Designed and developed C software used in long distance telephone switching equipment, specifically in switch administration, inter-processor communication, and call processing.
2. Using C, gawk, and UNIX shell scripting, created tools to: automate collection and analysis of data from customer sites, automate software testing, create databases, and migrate customer data.
3. Provided 24x7 emergency troubleshooting and resolve problems in telecom software and equipment.
4. Using ClearCase and VAX CMS, provided software configuration management for several products.
5. Initiated port of legacy apps to development platform to find logic errors and facilitate design changes, resulting in resolution of long-standing and costly defects.
6. Traveled to customer sites to install software loads and to resolve technical problems.
General Dynamics, Fort Worth, TX
Software Engineer
July 1982 – August 1988
1. Developed embedded C and assembly language flight code for F-16 weapons management computer.
2. Developed C software for AMRAAM missile simulator.