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Technician Sales

Laval, QC, Canada
November 12, 2014

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Christopher J. Gaquin

** ******* ****, **** *******, MA 02132

617-***-**** . ******@*******.***


. Experienced and knowledgeable biomanufacturing technician with three

years in a fast-paced

environment involving continually changing priorities

. Strong skills in biomanufacturing processes including monitoring,

standardizing and troubleshooting instruments such as bioreactors, pH and

conductivity meters, temperature gauges, and in CIP and SIP

. Possess clear communication skills vital to conveying information

pertaining to SOP's and changes to

established procedures

. Ability to make decisions concerning procedural priorities and

coordinating efforts among team members

. Responsible for highly intensive processes requiring stamina and a high

level of energy

. Certificate in Biomedical Laboratory Science, cell culture being a major

part, Boston University, 2010,

. Cell culture experience includes: media formulation, cell counting, cell

splitting and separation. EXPERIENCE


Medford, MA

Manufacturing Technician

Sept 2014 - Present

. Operate manufacturing equipment in all phases of manufacture of SERI-PUR

surgical scaffold

. Document and maintain production activity logs according to cGMP


. Perform aseptic process operations

Boston University School of Medicine Boston,


Biomedical Laboratory and Clinical Sciences Feb

2014 - Sept 2014

Lab technician

. Assist in the acquisition of laboratory equipment

. Running and troubleshooting FPLC system for upcoming class.

. Inventoried and stocked all equipment and supplies

. Prepared laboratory equipment for undergraduate classes

OPK Biotech LLC.

Cambridge, MA

Manufacturing technician 2

Sep 2010 - Dec 2013

. Operate HPLC columns and Bioreactor for production of HBOC (Hemoglobin

Based Oxygen Carrier)

. Operate Clean-in-Place (CIP) and Steam-in-place (SIP) Systems

. Document and maintain production activity logs according to cGMP


. Perform aseptic process operations

Boston University School of Medicine Boston,


Biomedical Laboratory and Clinical Sciences Feb

2010 - May 2011

Lab technician

. Assisted in the acquisition of laboratory equipment

. Set up and evaluated various pieces of analytical laboratory equipment

where troubleshooting was sometimes necessary

. Inventoried and stocked all equipment and supplies

. Prepared laboratory equipment for undergraduate classes

Department of Pathology, Boston University School of Medicine Dec

2009 - March 2010


. Studied cytokine production in the inflammatory response in diabetic

patients during a clinical study

. Separated whole blood on Ficoll gradients

. Worked with peripheral blood mononucleated cells in culture

. Performed negative selection chromatography in order to isolate analytes,

FACS analysis and RT-PCR.

Boston Coach Inc.

Everett, MA


2005 - 2009

Independent contractor

Boston, MA

Appraiser trainee

2002 - 2005

Winchester Animal Clinic

Winchester, MA

Veterinary Technician Jan

2003 - May 2003

. Assisted with physical examinations and surgical procedures

. Kept hospital exam and surgery areas stocked and cleaned

. Prepared laboratory samples for shipment and analysis

. Assisted clients with understanding all aspects of their animal's


United Divers Somerville,


Compressor repair technician/ Manager retail SCUBA sales 1996 -


. SCUBA instructor and responsible for maintenance and repair of equipment

M.S.P.C.A. Jamaica

Plain, MA

Animal Caregiver 1993 - 1996

. Counseled clients through the surrender or adoption of a domestic animal

. Cleaning and sterilization of maintenance of all animal housing areas

. Responsible for educational outreach programs within the community, and


response to emergencies concerning domestic or wild animals

New England Aquarium Boston,


Diver/ Aquarist 1986 - 1993

. Responsible for the care and maintenance of a 250,000 gallon Caribbean

coral reef

exhibit and 50,000 gallon Penguin exhibit

. Monitored water quality for these and other exhibits and also in the


. Collected animals from the wild for exhibit at the Aquarium

Travenol Genentech

Cambridge, MA

Laboratory assistant

1984 - 1986

. Collected and sterilized used labware and cleaned workstations in a BSL3


. Assisted in various assay procedures under a biocontainment hood

. Monitored the growth of T lymphocytes in culture


CityLab Academy, Boston University School of Medicine

Boston, MA

Certificate in Biomedical Laboratory Science 2009 -


Courses: Introduction to Biomedical Laboratory Science (with lab), Medical


Cell Culture Techniques (with lab), Biotechnology

University of Massachusetts Boston,


Intended major: Biology 1984 -


Certified Diving Instructor, P.A.D.I.

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