Karen Watson
Indianapolis IN 46250
Telephone Operator, VA Hospital; I ndianapolis, I N 1990-1994
Functioned w ith th ree compute rs: 25 line phones, paging computer, and informational
computer. Handled all emergency phone calls as needed.
Outbound Automated Calling, Teleservices Di rect; I ndianapolis, I N 1995-2002
I nbound calling, selling credit cards to college students.
F inance Specialist Outbound Calling, D H Capitol; M uncie, I N 2004-2010
Consolidated debts to one low monthly payment w ith outbound/inbound calling; I nterest
r ate searcher, finding lowest interest rates for clients.
Certified Daycare Worker, Kingdom Daycare; M uncie, I N 2011-2014
Took care of over 15 children on a daily basis: taught communication skills and took care
of thei r basic needs.
Broad Ripple High School, Broad Ripple, IN – 1989
PSI Data Entry - 1989