P edro D. Cabansag
Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering
Contact nos. +639*********/+639*********
Email address: ************@*****.***
Personal I nformation
Date of Bir th: J une 29,1990
Age: 24 years old
Height: 5’8 ft.
Weight: 120 lbs.
Nationality: F ilipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
P lace of Bi rth: A rgawanon,San Remigio,Cebu Philippines
P rovincial Address: San Remigio, Cebu Philippines 6011
P resent Address: SWU Ma ri time Regiment, Aznar Coliseum
U rgello Rd., Cebu City Philippines 6000
C/O Captain Reynaldo M. Abella
Seamans Book No: C0035548
Passport No: E B70299
SSS No: 06-3291685-0
Phil Health No: 12-025294277-2
T IN No: 428-***-***-***
E ducational Background
SWU Mari time Regiment 2010-2014
Aznar Coliseum Campus
U rgello Rd., Cebu City Philippines 6000
Secondary Education:
San Remigio National H igh School 2006-2010
San Remigio, Cebu City Philippines 6011
E lementary Education:
A rgawanon Elementary School 2000-2006
A rgawanon, San Remigio, Cebu City Philippines 6011
Work Experience
Painter-Paint Works 2005-2006
Construction workers 2008-2009
M abolo St. Cebu City Philippines 6000
Barista Bos Coffee 2013
Achievements & Awards
Second Placer in Math Oral Contest 2003-2004
A rgawanon Elementary School
Gold Medalist in 800 Meters Running contest 2011-2012
Southwestern University
T hird Placer in 3K Running contest 2012-2013
Southwestern University
S kills, Special T raining
• Good in Leading People
• Certified in BST Training,PSCRB, SSA & Engine Watchkeeping
• Advance NROTC and Computer L i terate
H obbies
• Reading Books
• Sports: Arnis& Basketball
P ersonal References
Capt. Reynaldo M. Abella
Dean, Mari time Regiment
SWU Mari time Regiment, Aznar Coliseum Campus,
U rgello Rd., Cebu City Philippines 6000