Dhananjay Goel
Up-and-coming Software/Embedded Engineer with aim to keep adding to Growth Story of
Potential Employer along with my Career Development.
OS: Linux, Windows.
Programming Language: C, Java.
Tools: MATLAB (Symbolic Math toolbox), Advance EXCEL.
Embedded Systems: AVR ATMEGA16.
S.No Name of Course College/Engineering Year of Board/Unive % Of Marks
Passing rsity
1. Vivek Anand School 2009 CBSE 78.4
2. Vivek Anand School 2011 CBSE 81.8
3. Graduation Guru Tegh Bahadur Inst. Of 2015 GGSIP 75.8
2013 ALL India Radio
Insights on how Radio Communication works and all Background Tasks that goes with it.
2014 CETPA InfoTech.
Core JAVA-All the Basics like Collections, JDBC, and String.
2014 I3indya Technologies
Embedded C in AVR: How the various I/O Devices interfaces and works with microprocessor.
Minor Project
Working with a Team on X-Quad copter that can be used as UAV vehicle and is open to
further Modifications. It is based on AVR Microprocessor. At initial Stage, it is designed for
basic Maneuvering only.
Web Presence
LinkedIn, Glassdoor,Twitter.