Correspondence Address
Gokula 1st Phase, 11th cross,
Yeshwantpur Bangalore-560022
Amrit anand Tiwari
P ermanent Phone : ( +91) 8-553******
E mail i d : a mritanand .mku
D ate of Birth : 2 7 th F ebruary 1 9 90
C areer Objective
T o r ealize my full potential in an organization that appreciates hard work and believ e in
o rganizational and employee development.
E ducational Qualifications
Y ear o f
I nstitute/University D egree/Examination P arentage
P assing
7 5 . 82
M adurai Kamaraj U niversity, M aster of Computer
2 01 4
M adurai . A pplication s
B achelor of C omputer
S ikkim Manipal Universit y, 7 9 . 21
2 0 10 A pplication s
G angtok .
S .N.S College,
2 00 7 H azipur . 1 2 th 7 0 . 00
D r.Rajendra Prasad H/S, H athua
7 1 . 28
2 00 5 G opalganj . 1 0 th
P roject E xperience
P roject Title : Online Book Shop.
D escription : T hi s p roject is designed to provide the all facilities of online shopping. I t is a n
I nternet Book shop Application for purchasing of Books online & adding, searching,
d eleting the book information in a secure manner.
P latform used : W indows 2000, JAVA, JSP, SE RVLETS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, APACHE T OMCAT
6 .0 as W ebserver, M ySQL as b ack end.
D uration : 5 m onths.
T eam Size : 1 m ember.
: File inventory and Management Over LAN.
P roject Title
D escription : T his is a running project of VC Office (M K Univ ersity), where it manages Receives
a nd Delivered files for different Departments and Sections. P urpose of this project is
t o keep information of files and its management, implemented over LAN of the
o ffice and works on networked PCs. I t follows t he client - server technology. S ecurity
l evel is enhanced by providing access rights to the different users at different level.
P latform used : W indows 7, Java as front end, MS Access as back end.
D uration : 3 m onths.
T eam Size : 3 m embers.
S ubject o f I nterest
O bject Oriented Programming C oncepts u sing J ava .
D ata Base Management System Concepts .
T echnical Skills
P rogramming L anguage : C, C ++, Core J ava, JCl, COBOL
J ava T echnology : J SP, Servlets, JMS, JDBC
D atabase : O racle 10g, Ms - Access, MySQL .
W eb Server : A pache Tomcat 6, 7
I DE : E clipse, My eclipse10, Net Beans 1.4
A chievemen ts & Aw ard
W on F irst Prize i n W izard a t BOOT’12, an I ntra - departmental Technical symposium c onducted
b y C omputer C entre, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai .
P resented Paper on O pen Source System a t Eye2k12, a National level technical symposium
C onducted by V etri Vinayaha College of Engineering, Trichy .
S u ccessfully completed P art - 1 & Part - 2 o f the “ Ma ster the Mainframe Contest - 2012”
C onducted by I BM India .
E xtra Curricular Activities
Work as an event-coordinator for Technosarus-Rex event in BOOT’13, an Intra-departmental
Technical symposium conducted by Department of Computer Applications, Madurai Kamaraj
University, Madurai.
Successfully attending Computer Hardware-Workshop organized by Jetking Computer Hardware &
networking Institute at Patna Centre.
K ey Skills & Points for Self
Self – Motivated and Hard Working.
W illingness to learn new skills.
L ike to take up I nitiatives .
H obby and Interest
Reading Novels .
T eaching and Knowledge Sharing .
C ooking .
I hereby declare that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge.
D ate: P lace: S ignature :