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Project Manager Management

Dallas, TX
November 05, 2014

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Rèsumè of

Katheryn Skinner, PhD

**** ***** **** ***. #***

Wylie, Texas 75098



Professional Summary

Dr. Skinner has over 25 years experience helping teams of people, whether working in close

physical proximity or at a distance, to develop shared vision; form into cohesive learning

organizations; and work efficiently and effectively toward recognition of strategic goals. She

assists the organization manage change and make business t ransformations through:

• Performing assessment and evaluation (including organizational impact,

change readiness and change support needs analyses);

• Supporting critical decision making and stakeholder engagement;

• Assisting with job task identification, role definition, and overall

organizational design;

• Developing high performing teams (including distance teaming through web

enabled technologies);

• Building training and end user support processes for innovative practices

and technology implementations (including train the t rainer);

• Planning and implementing communications processes that promote positive


• Promoting sponsorship, championship, and overall sustainability of the

p roject.

Skill Sets (Roles; Tools; and Methodologies)

All roles

• Productivity - Full professional MicroSoft Office Suite; Full Open Office; various Graphics, Sound,

and Video editors

• Collaboration – WebEx; LiveMeeting; SabaCentra; Skype; Messenger; OneNote; LiveLink; SharePoint

• Web Development – program HTML; XML; CSS; JavaScript; PHP

• Learning Management System – Moodle; BlackBoard/WebCT; SabaCentra; RWD uLearn; SkillSoft

Organizational Change Management Consultant for enterprise technology implementations

including SAP and ORACLE.

• MS Project

• MS Visio

P roject/Program Manager for all projects that require management of t raining and/or end user support

• ISO Standards; Government Standards; Credentialing Agencies; Grant Management

• Agile Project Management

• High Performance Team Management

• Source Forge, Solutions Manager, SharePoint, Livelink

I nst ructional Designer for virtual; blended; and face to face classroom delivery

• ADDIE methodology

• RWD uPerform, uLearn, and uAccelerate; SAP Productivity Pak; UPKonDemand

• Captivate; Camtasia; Articulate Storyline

• PowerPoint and other presentation software

• MS Visio

Assessment/Evaluation Consultant for making facts driven critical and creative decisions as well as

for project and/or program reporting using both qualitative and quantitative research methods.

• Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model

• ExCel and Access

• MySQL/Php


Relevant Experience

PFSweb (2012 – 2013) – I n eCommerce industry which is emerging into iCommerce, serve as:

• acting Dean of PFSweb's corporate University – provide leadership to Instructional Design and

M ultimedia Development team; manage University budget; oversee all delivery of centralized

organizational learning; and manage all evaluation/growth opportunities for the University

• Project Manager to design and develop PFSweb University – coordinate the work of an

Advisory Council from the business who provide business needs and requirements with the

p roject team who provide OCM, Test Coordination, and Agile design consultation and overall

build work.

• Build Consultant to design and develop infrastructure and processes needed to partner with

t he business based on identified business needs, requirements, and expected outcomes

i ncluding ROI; integrate LMS and internal web portal to optimize delivery; develop learning

objects bank; design course offering catalog and enrollment structures; structure and map all

U niversity business processes; and develop all components/processes related to providing

t rainers from within the business including train the t rainer, job shadow model, coach, and


ConocoPhillips (2011-2012) – P rovide full range organizational change management and

business process mapping support in gas and oil industry on the following projects:

• SolArc RightAngle implementation with emphasis on globalizing; standardizing; and

optimizing Scheduling and Trade Support business processes for all liquid products and across

a ll modes of t ransportation. The project includes business activities in the US; the UK;

Canada; Singapore; and Dubai.

• LiveLink Deployment with emphasis on creating awareness of organization specific Electronic

Content Management Strategy and responsibilities for maintaining alignment with global

E nterprise Content Management effort and development.

• Commodity XL implementation for Gas and Power with emphasis on development of both

t raining materials and test scenarios using RWD InfoPak.

• Governing board established to manage t ransition to all new business process / system

i ntegration initiatives

L ea rning Systems Store (2009-2011) - Develop on line environment to provide educational

and training resources for K – adult learners including cloud technology programs; portable

learning objects; and virtual spaces for tutoring, consulting, coaching, and mentoring. Write

t raining content and materials. Develop and program both framework and content of learning

objects and cloud technology programs to assist learners in business and industry gain skills

and vocabulary related to specific computer applications and business processes.

Brinker I nte rnational (2010) - Serve as virtual classroom t rainer for Aloha/MenuLink

i mplementation- Sales and Inventory Modules. Support ongoing development of class

curriculum, materials, and delivery system.

C apgemini Consulting Fi rm (2008-2009) - Develop plan for implementing a new required

SAP methodology and tool set throughout North American practice. Translate training for

methodology and tools from face to face curriculum into interactive web enabled t raining

i ncluding both webcast and interactive team based web activities. Assist in development of

governance and maintenance plan for best practices, guidance, and templates available as part

of new methodology. Provide Organizational Change Management consulting to both client

companies and members of the OCM practice.

L oblaw Grocer (2008-2009) - Serve as OCM lead on SAP implementation for HR

department of multiple location business. Develop and deliver t raining curriculum and

materials used to prepare implementation team to work as a high performing team. Perform

stakeholder analyses. Work with executive level change agents on communications and risk

management strategies. Develop change management plan, including t raining and

communications strategies.

H igh Tech Softwa re Developer {client confidential} (2008) - Serve as OCM lead to

develop change management strategy deliverable and to prepare company side OCM lead to

perform remaining OCM tasks for company wide SAP implementation. Coach executive level

stakeholders on communications plan and change processes. Assess t raining needs and develop

evaluation and r isk mitigation strategies for both t raining and end user support processes.

Develop change management plan including t raining and communications strategies.

E ducation

P hD Math, Science, and Technology Education – Curtin University 2007

MS Applied Cognition and Neuroscience – U niversity of Texas at Dallas 1998

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