Kağan Öktem A nkara, 0 6520
+ 90 ( 505 ) 5 05 - 1098
k agan.oktem @ g mail.com
E ducation
A tılım U niversity 2 009 - 2 013 ( December )
İ ncek,Gölbaşı, A nkara, Turkey
S tarting D ate : S eptember, 2 009
S tudent T ype : O SYM 1 00% ( Fully Scholarship form Turkey Government)
E ducation L anguage : E nglish
D epartment : C omputer Engineering (Computer Science)
G raduation : D ecember 2 013 ( irreg ular s tudent s tatus – 1 y ear preparatory
s chool, completed 1 semester )
C GPA : 3. 50 / 4 .00 ( Transcript is attached.)
G raduation Degree: S econd Place of Computer Engineer D epartment
H igh School E ducation
A yrancı E nglish Language Dominated School, A yrancı,Ankara
E nglish preparatory for one year and 3 y ears E nglish dominated education
F oreign Language Knowledge
E nglish : Upper Intermediate
Y DS ( Turkish Government Foreign Language Exam ) E xamination Result: 77.5/100
T echnical Q ualifications
P rogramming Languages
P owerful : C /C++ /C# /J2EE a nd S tandart ML of New Jersey Functional P rogramming E xperience
I n Progress : M atlab, P ython2x - 3x, A SP.NET, HTML5, J avascript, Css, P LSQL, Ruby 1.9.3
S oftwares & T echnologies
D atabases : S ybase ASE (Adaptive Server Enterpris e) 1 5.7, M ySQL, Microsoft SQL Server,
O racle11g – 1 2c
P latforms : Microsoft W indows, Mac OSX, and Linux
W eb S ervers : Apache - tomcat, GlassFish, Weblogic, Internet Information Service
I DE E xperiences : Microsoft Visual S tudio 2012 .Net 4.5, Eclipse 4 .2 I DE, NetBeans 7 .2 I DE,
M onoDevelop for Unity3D, JDeveloper11g, Code::Blocks, P rimeSense NITE Middleware, TOAD
1 .2.0.637
S DK E xperiences : XNA 4.0 Game S tudio, Microsoft Kinect Beta and V 1, Android Sdk, O penNI,
M icrosoft W indows Mobile Sdk, Point Cloud library
A ppmobi ( Cloud base I ntel XDK l ibraries ) and P honegap Cross Platform Mobil a pplication
d evelopment and f ramework t ools
F undamental Network Knowledge such as Network Protocols (HTTP,IP,SMTP), NAT, DHCP,LAN,
W AN switc hes, routers and socket programming using java libraries.
S oftwares D evelopment M ethots
A gile Methodol ogies: Scrum and Extreme Programming
I nternships
O racle11g a nd J ava I nterface Design J uly 2 011
C ompany ( http://www.innova.com.tr/en/ ) : I NNOVA BİLİŞİM ÇÖZÜMLERİ A.Ş – O dtü Teknokent,
A nkara
W riting programs for Oracle Database using PLSQL and SQL Statements.
D eveloping an I nterface using Java for Oracle Database Program .
A u gust 2 011
N etwork B roadband V DSL
C ompany( http://www.turktelekom.com.tr/tt/portal/Home/ ) G eneral Directorate of T ürk Telekom
– T OBB İkizleri, Ankara
U sing Java Server Pages a web site is designed and programmed via http and https protocols
a nd works on intranet and internet at the same time from a l ocal (intranet) connected
c omp uter. In addition, a web browser d esigned us ing Visual Basic and the parent al controls on
t his web browser are implemented .
P roj ects
T übitak 2209/A D omestic and International R esearch P rojects S upport P rogram
T übitak ( The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) i s giving monetary
s upport for University Students if they considered that the project is deserving. ( Support code
i s 2209/A)
W ithin this project, a project report has been prepared and sent to T übitak Council by the
p roject manager ( me) a nd this project is awarded with $1000 A merican Dol l ar s e qual to 2000
T urkish Liras. A t the same time School Council is decided to support this project and they
a warded with $500 American Dol l ar worth money for t his project. (September 2012 - 2013) T o
r each Tübitak winners list (by searching by my name):
h ttp://www.tubitak.gov.tr/tubitak_content_files/ BIDEB/duyuru/2209_A_2012_1_donem_desteklenenler.pdf
A lso this file i s a ttached to portfolio.
T his project was about human learning skill. I w anted to proof that people can learn easily by
u sing gestures. Gestures help people to c oncretization t hings in h uman mind model so
r emembering and understanding will be better.
T o show that, 3 g ame s are w ritten and designed b y me using Unity 3D game engine, Visual
S tudio 2012 (C#) and kinect sensor. It is aimed that these games will be like xbox games but
t his time t hey will have special purposes and they will help to collect c ritical data from gamers
t o proof the idea.
F ar East country languages have hard to learn characters for people. So, testing would be
b etter on this situation. A program is written on Visual S tudio t hat gamers can paint inside of
C hinese characters by using their hands in front of the kincet sensor. Drawing the character on
a ir using arm and hand will be easy to remember the character next time trying to write.
P eople wanted to w rite a nd try this program. They enjoyed while painting, deleting and a gain
t rying to paint. And at last when we want them to draw character on paper or asking the
c haracter after 1 or 2 day they could easily remembered what they do and the name of it and
t he me aning of it and the shape of it.
S econd one is the physician lesson which covers vectors in three dimensional space. This is all
i mplemented in Unity 3d. The gamer can see hi m self/herself as a 3 dimensional game character
i n game and he/she can move the ga me character’s arms. Actually, gamer can fully move in the
g ame scenario with fully synch roniz ed with all parts of body but we specially focused on arms.
G amer could draw 3 dimensional(x,y,z) vectors on space and game was calculating an drawing
t he summati on of these vectors on space. This was also enjoyable and memorable.
T he last one was for the people who has body excuses specifically the brain nervous system
d amaged people who can’t use some parts of body for example left arm, right leg. A Spaceship
G am e was developed by me that these people has to use their excused parts of bodies to
c ollect or destroy things in game to success the game. So the enjoying factor again used and
w e tried to make nervous system sent signals to these muscles. This was not dir ectly related
w ith learning something but the nervous system may learn to use these unused muscles with
t his game.
S cientific A rticle
A s a result of the project study described above, a scientific article has been published on
B ritish Journal of E ducational Technology a t January 17, 2 012 by A sst. Prof. Dr. G ökhan Şengül
a nd A sst. Prof. Dr . Erol Özçelik . A rticle is attached t o the portfolio .
I nstitutional Purchasing Directorate Database, User Interface Design and Coding
B y using Oracle 12c, SQL D eveloper and .NET 4.5 a working database has been created with
u ser interactions. While database development p rocess; P LSQL and SQL statements used. The
s erver side of .NET C# and ASP.NET is used and the client side HTML, C SS and Javascript is used.
E R di agram designed. S ystem basically has 4 main classes. Directorates, Companies, Products
a nd Purchase. These classes are implemented in database as tables. R elations and attributes
a re logically and created and they implemented behind the system. A s a web se rver IIS
( Internet Information Service) u sed.
U ser Interfac e Design and C oding usin g t he Principles of Human Computer I nteraction
I n this project, the interactions between human and computer based programs is handled. T he
P rinciples of Gestalt applied on the program designs. The human mind model researches were
s tudied from the side of psychological thinking and general human actions. T o doing this it is
a imed that to manage interests of people and to give exactly whatever w e want to give the
u ser via computer programs . V isual Studio 2012 a nd Dreamweaver Creative Cloud w as used to
d evelop such i nterfaces .
S enior P roject
T his project was about office hours of the teachers in schools. The main purpose of is to
i ncrease e fficiency of both side students and teachers in office hours. Problem is, teachers
n eed to study on their researches and students need to ask questions to their teachers. So
w hen they try to do these jobs at the s ame time then both side could n ’ t get satis fied. T o solve
t his problem it is considered to design a web site which is easy to use, high performance and
e njoyable for encouraging people to use it. For high performan ce and clarif y of the system
M VC pattern is used on .NET 4.5. To succeed user friendl y look to web site i t is taken the
a dvantage of html5 and javascript with enjoyable css designs. T he enjoy factor is also
c onsidered as a casing of gamification. The ranks, points given to users and storing history of
t hese data and the calculations done a ccording to this data provided us to make enjoyable web
s ite.
W orking E xperiences
İ mgelab J une 2 012 - August 2 012
I nteractive Applications – Gazi T ekno park, Ankara
h ttp://imgelab.com/
R esearch and Development on Interactive advertisement techniques was done for this
c ompany by me. Point Cloud Library is used to b lob tracking on c oming data form kinect
s ensor. It is aimed that to catch people while they are passing in front of our advert isem ent
L CD b oard. Doing so, we could attract attention of people and show our advertisement. It
w ould be also enjoying and intriguing. C + + and C # p rogramming languages w as used . T his
c ompany setup as a continuous of T übitak P roject above described and “ Na tural User
I nterface” a pplications applied on advertisement s ector .
S ybase Yazılım Ürünleri ve Bilişim Hizmetleri 2 2 A ugust 2 012 -
C ompany: S ybase P r oducts T urkey
B ilkent Plaza A - 3 Blok No:48 B ilkent - Ankara
h ttp://www.sybaseproducts.com
h ttp://www.sybase.com.tr
h ttp://www.sybase.com
h ttp://www.sap.com
T he duty is Technical Support Specialist . I a m giving support for the database management
p roduct of Adaptive Server Enterprise ( ASE) of Sybase Company which includes produc t setup,
m aintenance, reparation a nd answering the technical questions .
E tiya Solution & Value J uly 1 / 2 014 - Still Working
B ilkent 2. Cadde Cyb erpark - C yberplaza A Blo c k A 3., Floor 5, No:48 B ilkent Çankaya - Ankara,
T urkey
h ttp://www.etiya.com
F ixing project bugs and developing the requirements on project which named as
B ackOffice.(Java - S truts - D ynamic Web Application - A pache Tomcat)
S econdly, defining r ules and rule sets, and functions which will be run on rules and if
n eccessary writing adaptors for API's that satisfies customer needings and writing their unit
t est to make them ready to deploy.(Java - J 2EE - M aven Project) .
A dditionally Taken Lesson s
D esign and Analysis of Algorithms 1 - 2 (Stanford University Open Courseware)
N atural Language Processing (Stanford University Open Courseware)
A dditionally Personal Qualifications
R esearcher C haracteristic .
C ontinuity o n Works .
S ystematic W orking a nd D oing A nalysis .
T o Being Social and Giving Importance to Dialogue.
T o Have a Scientific Approach to Problems.
T o Develop Solvings Based on Cause and Effect .
H ob bies
G ot an interest of d esigns and h eights of skyscrapers and other special buildings.
S port car m odifications a nd to drive s por t c ars .
I nvestment t ools . ( stock, c ommodity )
T o follow new t echnologies .
P laying b asketball .
P laying table t ennis .
W atching football m atches .
D oing b ody b uilding .
L istening r ap a nd r ock m usic .
A udio s ystems for cars a nd homes .