**** ****** ***. **** ****, CA 95628
Phone: 619-***-****
with Network management and revenue generation
expertise and strategic managed care experience
with companies like Aetna, Wellpoint, California
Hospital, and Healthcare Partners. My breadth of
experience includes start-ups as well as mature and
sophisticated public companies; across payers,
providers and intermediaries.
Education includes a Masters in hospital
management and a Bachelors in finance. Special
expertise with respect to network contracting,
business development, and the Medicare Advantage
I am tri-lingual.
Medical Management Concepts, Inc. May 2014 to present
Consulting to private equity funds re: healthcare investments
Anthem Blue Cross, CA 2013 - 2014
Network Management Director, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
• Contracted hospitals and IPAs throughout California.
• Maintained provider database.
• Led enterprise Pilot Project re: post operative surgical follow
up protocols and software
• Identified procedural changes to improve productivity
Medical Management Concepts, Inc. 2012- 2013
Managed care consultant. Main engagements involved business
development strategies between the U.S. and Europe.
Belgian Resident 2008-2011
• Instructor, DeSom; contracted to Belgian government to
orient newcomers to the country about the laws, culture and
daily life. I taught in English and in French.
• Coach, West-Flanders Tribes American football team:
Belgian national champions: 2008, 09, 10.
• Vice-President, Brite-Strike Technologies, Inc., Brugge,
Belgium. Safety products for military and police. Built a
worldwide distributor network and opened new sales
HealthCare Partners Medical Group, Garden City, NY 2006 –
2007 (aka Heritage Med. Group, CA)
Vice President of Marketing and Community Relations
Role was to evaluate and improve the marketing/sales and
community relations, for two related companies. Clients were
insurers of Medicare Advantage plans and commercial HMO
plans, and the company contracted the use of its:
IPA/hospital provider networks;
licensed health insurance brokerage
delegated utilization management
claims administration.
The service area was all of New York City and Long Island. We
were the market leader in enrollment into the Medicare Advantage
product. Developed a Medicare Advantage Ambassador program.
PA Consulting Group, Inc., Cambridge MA 2005-2006
Managing Consultant - Healthcare
Practice Lead for the U.S. healthcare sector, for clients including
health plans, hospitals and suppliers. Created joint ventures with
both Humana and Partners (Boston).
Aetna, Inc., Hartford, CT 2001 - 2004
Head, National Networks and Contracting (V.P. level)
Responsible for more than $3 billion of annual medical expense
budget and for $100 million of annual revenues, for what was then
the largest private health insurer in the U.S..
1. • Established strategy and led contracting for all
National level agreements with all categories of
health care providers throughout the entire U.S. Re-
contracting reduced medical costs substantially.
2. Led the restructuring and quality improvement of
Aetna’s Centers of Excellence (“Institutes of
Excellence”) for all types of transplant care,
nationwide; and for selective specialist networks.
Quality thresholds were established and unit costs
were greatly reduced for tertiary care.
3. Contracted with regional provider networks to fill in
around the directly contracted providers of care.
Private Healthcare Systems Inc., (PHCS) Waltham, MA 1998 -
Executive Vice President
Responsible for this nationally contracted physician and hospital
network, including ongoing network development, contracting and
provider relations. Direct reports included 11 Regional Managers
and 4 home office managers. Company was a private label PPO
and utilization management company for 20 commercial payers,
throughout the entire U.S.
Primecare Medical Group Network, Ontario, CA
Executive Vice President 1995 - 1997
Company operated as a MSO (management services organization)
and it also owned and operated hospitals and IPAs. Responsibility
included national business development to position for an IPO; as
well as the management of health plan and provider network
contracts and strategic alliances. Company was old to PhyCor.
BPS Healthcare Inc., Los Angeles, CA. 1983 - 1995 President
and CEO
Founded and built this independent managed care company acting
as an agent both for providers and payers, with PPO/EPO Plans,
sold by 10 commercial health insurance carriers. Led the
development of network based health insurance products and
managed care programs statewide in California, which was the first
statewide PPO in California. Company was sold to Mass Mutual,
New York Life and ITT Hartford; for more than 20 times
Positions held prior to 1983
California Primary Physicians, Los Angeles CA aka
HealthCare Partners Medical Group (CA)
Succesfully grew this group from a start-up… single specialty and
single site group into a multi-specialty and multi-site group.
Established and managed all operations. Pioneered HMO risk
contracting with Health Plans, hospitals and physicians. Group
ultimately sold for $4 Billion.
California Hospital Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
Assistant Administrator, 350 bed not for profit, acute care
hospital. Administrative and professional departments; medical
staff committees; special projects e.g. Level I licensure for Trauma.
Master of Public Health (MPH), Hospital Management, UCLA
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) cum laude, Finance; Northern
USAF Officer training in health services administration; Medical
Services Corp.
LANGUAGES: English, French and Dutch
MILITARY SERVICE; First Lieutenant, United States Air
Force, Medical Service Corps
Squadron Commander (hospital) and commander, Air
Transportable Hospital
Professional Distinction
1. Most Distinguished Alumnus in, UCLA Health Policy &
Management graduate program; 1995
2. Chairman, American Association of Preferred Provider
Organizations (AAPPO) 1995 - 1996
3. President, UCLA Health Policy and Management Alumni,
Assoc. 1992-3
Board member: Los Angeles Central City Association;
Business Coalition on Health; California Pediatric Center
(non-profit); BPS, Inc.
1. Making Managed Care Work (McGraw-Hill; editor: P. Boland),
2. Numerous trade journals on managed care topics; 1987-1996