Mr. Keerati Ratanapatayakorn
*** ******** ****, ***** * Suandog, Muang, Lampang, 5 0200
E-mail tooprajaw@windowslive.c om, toop raj aw@gm m
Personal Data
Date of B irth : 12 Jan 1986
Gend er : Male
Natio nality : T hai
Religion : Buddhism
Height : 174
We ight : 76
Blood Group : O
Present Ad dress : 110 Tippawan Road, Tambol Suandog, Muang, L ampa ng,
50 200
Tel. No : +66-61-337-****
Military Sta tus : Exem pted
Marrita l Stat us : Sing le
Hobb y : Readin g, Sports
LinkedIn Profile :
B. En g (Computer Engineering) Chiang Mai Univers ity, 2010
Technical Skills
Strength Point: ASP.N ET C# MVC, SQL Ser ve r, Aja x, Entity Framework, AngularJS,
Skills: Telerik, Java Script, JQuery, XML/XSLT, SilverLight
Concep t: Object Orien ted Prog ramm ing (OOP), De sign Patte rns, UML .
Mic ro soft Certif ied Technology Spec ia list (MCTS): SQL Se rver 2 008, Da tabase
De velop ment
Mic ro soft Certified Pro fessional Developer (MCPD)
Mic ro soft Certif ied Application Develope r (MCAD)
Sun Ce rtif ie d Ja va Prog rammer (SCJP)
Employment History
May 2010-June 2011 .NET Developer, Lanna SoftWorks Co., Ltd.
Communicate and gather requirements f rom US site then design,
de ve lop, and implement ne w system application s and web modules
us ing ASP.NET, SQL Se rver 2008, Tel erik and JQuery on regular basis.
De velop web applicatio ns.
Fixin g and maintainin g systems.
Discount System : Pro vide discount to any p roducts based on promotio n discoun t o r user
discou nt. Ma nage all d iscoun t price a nd user discoun t.
Product Ma na ger System : Provide and manage all root price and de ta ils of all products.
Ord er Ma nager Sys tem : Sh ow l ist of the p roduc ts th at cus tomer ordering . Manage and
ed it produc ts f rom request by c ustomer.
Nov 2011-March 2012 .NET Developer, Intellicon IT Services & Consulting Co., Ltd.
De velop web modules us ing ASP.NET and SQL Se rver 2005.
Fixin g and maintainin g systems.
.NET Developer, Infratech ASTM Co., Ltd.
May 2013-Nov 2013
Design new system architect using OOP and Design Patterns.
Design, develop, and implement new web modules using ASP.NET 2010 and SQL
Server 2008 on regular basis.
De velop web appl icatio ns for calculating the vibration value from Piezometer as
realtime data.
Fixin g and maintainin g systems.
Realtime Data : Represent realtime data and position of each Piezometer in a dam.
Figu re 8 : Project Detail and Realtime-Data from each Piezometer of a dam.
Figu re 1 : Result from the Piezometer and all factors for calculating data from it.
Senior .NET Developer, ITPeople Co., Ltd.
Dec 2013-May 2014
Design new “Office Insurance Commission” system architect using MVVM
(SilverLight) and Design Patterns.
Design, develop, and implement new web modules using ASP.NET 2010 and Oracle
Integrate data binding and data exporting algorithm.
Fixin g and maintainin g the system.
Figure 2 : Main page of Office Insurance Commission
Figure 3 : Report of Transaction Log
Figure 4 : Document detail
June 2014-Sep 2014 .NET Developer, Iglu
Communicate and gather requirements f rom Finnish site to support application s
and web modules us ing ASP.NET, SQL Se rver 2012, Entity Framework, and
JQuery on regular basis.
Fixin g and maintainin g systems.
eOrder : Manage product detail and order of web-shop for customers.
IgluCore : Generate WebAPI utility for managing account and detail for game development.
Figure 5 : Product Management
Figure 6 : Customer and Contact Management
Figure 7 : Cart Management
April 2014-Current ASP.NET Developer, YooFoo LLC. (work as consult with YooFoo USA)
Communicate and gather requirements f rom US site to create web module s and
reports us ing ASP.NET, SQL Se rver 2012, Entity Framework, A ngular JS, and
JQuery on regular basis.
Fixin g and maintainin g systems.
FGAdminWeb : Create report for checking fraud customers, and customers rank.
Enrollments : Develop register enrollement, packing, and payment system.
Figure 8 : Fraud Detection Report
Figure 9 : Customers Rank Report
Figure 10 : Enrollment Register System
Figure 11 : Product Type
Figure 12 : Payment Type Selection