Atul Shankar Mani Tripathi
Pho ne: 098********, 945-***-****
E-mail: a ***.*.*.*@*****.***,
atul.tripa ***.*****@*****.**.**
Career Objective :
To pursue my career in an Organiza tion in the challenging field o f Technology
and to play a key ro le in a Team, which is no t only pa ssionate abo ut technology but a lso ena ble me
to strive towards the overall dev elopment o f the organiza tion.
Qualification Profile :
Professional Qualifica tion
Session 2 010-2012 M .Tech in M icroelectronics Engg. from IIT BHU,Va rana si (U P)
with overa ll CGPA 7.77 .
Session 2005 -2009 B .Tech in Electronics & Communica tion Eng in eering from Utta r Prad esh
Tech nica l Un iversity Lu ck now with 64 % mark s. .
Academic Qualificatio ns
Session 2 002-2003 High Sch ool from S.B.I.C. in ter colla ge, Ba rhni, S idha rth Nagar, UP Boa rd
with 69 % ma rk s.
Session 2 004-2005 Intermed ia te from M .G. inter collag e Gorakhpur UP B oa rd with 68 % ma rk s
(P.C.M . g roup).
Industry & T eaching Exp erience :
Working as a n assistant professor in IET, Ma nga laya ta n University Alig arh from 16 july 2012.
One year work experience in Amusement Wo rld India Ltd.
Technical Skills :
Ba sic Kn owledge of C languag e
M .S .Office, Windows 7 /XP
Cadence, V HDL, M u ltisim, 3 D bu ilder & Tanner tools
Area of In terest :
VLS I, M icroprocessor, IC Fabrication, M EMS Design
Elect ronics D ev ices, D ig ital Electron ics etc.
Academic Activities & Subject Taught :
Training & Pla cemen t &coordinator from Ju ly 2012 to till now .
Research & Development coordinator in Electronics & Communication depa rtmen t.
Project coo rd inator of B.Tech fina l y ear stud en ts.
I taught Advan ce VLSI Design,M EMS, M icroprocessor, Electron ics Device and Digita l Elect ronics etc in M .Tech as
well as in B.Tech
Achiev ement :
Supervised 9 M.Tech students till now.
Got first positio n in my 10th cla ss batch in 2003 .
Got first positio n in Calibri c ompe tition distric t le ve l.
Hobby :
Listening Music, Wa tching T.V.
Projects & Applications Undertaken :
Secured room access system: Application for security purpose using microcontroller.
Charge Recycle refresh for Gb Sca le DRAM’s in File Application: Reduced power, refresh opera tion
List of Publication:
Ruchiya ta Singh, A.S.M. Tripathi, “A New Approach for Delay and Leakage Power Reduction in
CMOS VLSI Circuits” Internationa l J ourna l of Advance Research in Science & Eng ineering (ISSN
2319-8354 ), Volume 03, Issue 05, May 2014.
Ruchiya ta Singh, A.S.M. Tripathi “A Novel approach for g litch and leakag e power reduction in
CMOS VLSI circuits” National Conference on Synergetic Trends in engineering and
Technology: Impa ct o Industry & Society (STET -2014 ) (IJETR) ISSN: 2321-0869, Special Issue, April
Gaurav Agarwa l, Mr. A.S.M. Tripathi, “ ZIGZAG KEEPE R: A New Aproach For Power Reduction In
CMOS Circuit For VLSI Aplica tions” Nationa l Conference On Advance Resea rch and Inova tion in
Science & Eng ineering (ARISE-14 ), 17 May 2014 ISBN: ***-**-**** -106-0 Department of Electronics
And Communication Enginering, COE, Terthanker Mahaver University, Moradabad.
Kusum Tomar, A.S.M.Tripa thi, “Low Power Design of Sta ndard Dig ital Gate Design Using Novel
Sleep Transistor T echnique”
Gaurav kumar, A.S.M. Tripathi, “ Design and Simulation of CMOS Cells using for Low Power
Consumption adiabatic technique” Na tional Conference on Synergetic Trends in eng ineering and
Technology: Impa ct o Industry & Society (STET -2014 ) (IJETR) ISSN: 2321-0869, Special Issue, April
wor kshop :
Participated in two week o nline workshop on “Signa ls & Sy stems” in Dec 2013 orga nized by IIT
Kharagpur in Ma nga laya ta n University Alig arh as a remo te centre.
Participated in tw o week o nline workshop o n “Analog Electronics” in June 2013 orga nized by IIT
Kharagpur in Ma nga laya ta n University Alig arh as a remo te centre.
Participated in AICTE sponsored two week workshop o n "Embedded Sy stems and its Applica tions
in Real Life Problems organized by Kalya ni Government Eng ineering College" during 21st
October to 2nd November, 2013.
Two days workshop Network Security organized by Institute o f Eng ineering a nd Technology, MU
with a ssocia tion o f IIT, Delhi, ACM and Network Bull.
Strengths :
Team worker & Crisis Management.
Self-Motiv ated.
A Keen & a fa st Learner.
Personal Cr iter ia :
F ather’s n ame : M r. Gangesh war Mani Trip athi
Feb 26 th, 1988
Date of Birth :
Mailing Address : Village Post Bh elau ji
Distt. S id dha rth Naga r (U .P)
Nationalit y : Indian
Language Known : Hind i, Eng lish
Marital Status : Married.
I h ereb y declare th at all the in formation p rovided b y me in th is application is factual and correct to the b est o f my
Date: Atul Sankar Mani Tripathi